Kenma x Male Reader

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This chapter is dedicated to @ota_kun316 . Thank you for requesting! I'm sorry if it isn't exactly how you wanted it. I wasn't sure how to write or include certain details. Comment or pm me if you have a request of your own!


I stood in the kitchen, staring down at the messily iced cupcakes in the small box. I'd decided to bake my boyfriend a treat but forgotten he had volleyball today. I sighed and propped up my elbow on the counter. Should I just wait for Kenma or go to school and drop it off as a surprise? We haven't really been talking much lately. I haven't left the house at all this month, although that was nothing new, and I hadn't been to school in a while. I could drop by the office and turn in the assignments Kenna brought for me each day and give him the cupcakes. I inhaled shakily before grabbing my assignments off the table and tucking them into my bag, closing the cupcake container and carrying it cautiously. I walked onto campus a few minutes before the bell rang, making avoiding people that much easier. I walked to the office and offered a shaky smile to the lady at the front desk.

"I-I'm dropping off some a-assignments. My n-name is L/N F/N." I stuttered through the sentence and set the cupcakes down on the desk for a second, rustling through my bag to pull out the stack of papers.

"Thank you Dear. It's nice to see you came here yourself today to drop them off. It's always nice to see you." The woman smiled gently before turning to file the papers, leaving me to walk out without having to hide my shocked face. I didn't realize she knew my attendance as well. I didn't come to school due to severe social anxiety, so Kenna dropped off my assignments for me and turned them in. I made my way outside the office when a familiarly terrifying bedhead grabbed my shoulder.

"Ohoho? What are you doing here F/N-chan?" The taller boy looked down at me with a smirk and I stood quivering, not knowing how to react. He stared for a moment before grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards a gym, paying no attention to my tugging.

"Oi! Listen up! This will hopefully be our new team member. He'll be a great strategist, so treat him nice." Kuroo called as the group of volleyball players huddled around us.

"Eh? He's cute Kuroo-San." A tall boy with silver hair said while staring at me. A boy with a Mohawk spoke up loudly next and then the group exploded into noise. I stood in the middle, shaking and trying not to cry when a gentle hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me outside. I looked to see Kenna staring straight ahead as he marched us out of the gym, me stumbling behind as he walked quickly. He stopped when we were behind the building and turned to me, expression unreadable.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I came to drop off assignments." I explained quietly, looking up at him hesitantly. He looked shocked for a moment before he regained his normal expression.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" I opened my mouth to speak but no sound came out, and I closed it while staring at my shoes.

"Stay away from the volleyball team." He stated suddenly, catching my attention. He looked towards the wall, avoiding eye contact as I stuttered.


He moved slowly and wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on top of my head.

"Because you're mine."

I felt my eyes widen and I wrapped my arms around him too, burying my face in his neck to hide the blush covering my cheeks. He nuzzled his ace into my hair and we stayed, locked in an embrace for a seemingly endless amount of time until I pulled away. He looked down at me as I gave him the box. He opened it and his eyes widened before he pulled me into another hug, gingerly pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Thank you, F/N."

I smiled as he walked back to the gym, walking away as the voices faded.

"Oi, Kenma, are those from F/N-chan?"


"F/N-chan is so cute! I want a cupcake he baked!"

"Back off Lev. F/N is mine."

I smiled softly before walking home, my hands in my pockets as I thought about the events. Maybe I should come to school more often.

Okay so this was trash but I didn't know how to write it. I had soccer tryouts and those kicked my ass but I made it. So yay. I hope to update more now that tryouts are over and practices have calmed down but school is also starting. I also want to release a Soulmate AU oneshot book and an Attack on Titan story I've been working on, so many hopes for the future!

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