Reader x Kageyama

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I walked to school with my brother and his friends, sitting atop Asahi's shoulders as we went. I giggled quietly at my brother as karate-chopped Daichi's side with a loud chuckle. . Asahi looked up at me with a smile before looking ahead, watching cherry blossoms fall from the branches as they swayed. I saw the school ahead of us and pointed forwards, placing a fist on my hip and puffing out my chest.


Asahi sighed before running towards the gym as I squealed from his shoulders. I heard my brother laugh from behind with Daichi as they jogged to catch up. I squealed as he ducked under the door frame and all the attention was drawn to us. I recognized the baldy as Tanaka, but the tangerine, blueberry, and shorty I had yet to meet. I hopped off of Asahi's shoulders and ran a hand through my silver hair, feeling it swish around my shoulders before bounding over to the three boys I hadn't met yet. I smiled brightly at them from beside Tanaka, who began to pat my hair after spinning me around in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hello! I'm Y/N. You can call me N/N (if you have one) if you'd like." I smiled at the boys as Tanaka began to braid a small piece of my hair. I batted his hand away and he pouted like a dejected child as I shooed him off. I turned back towards the three boys and smiled, waiting for one of them to introduce themselves.

"My name is Hinata!" The tangerine yelled while bouncing on his toes. The shortest boy puffed out his chest and jabbed his thumb towards himself.

"I'm Nishinoya." I giggled at his macho display and turned to the blueberry, awaiting an introduction. I heard him mutter something but didn't catch it.

"What was that, Blueberry?" I asked. He jolted at the nickname and his cheeks stained red as he look away and stuttered quietly and moodily.


I giggled again at his shyness and reached up a hand to pat his deep blue hair. "It's nice to meet you, Kageyama."

His cheeks stained again and he turned away while clicking his tongue, making me giggle and skip back over to Suga. I leaned against him and he wrapped his arm around me as he talked animatedly with Daichi.

"Uwoah, Suga-senpai, is N/N your girlfriend?" The tangerine asked while bounding towards us. I stepped out of my brothers grasp and made a gagging noise as he turned away and did the same.

"That's nasty. Do you know how much of a slob he is?" I asked while shooting a pointed look at my brother.

"She eats insane amounts of food. More than you and Kageyama, Hinata!" He exclaimed while pointing an accusatory finger at me.

Daichi laughed and turned to look at the tangerine with a smile. "They're brother and sister. N/N is a first year. She studied abroad on a volleyball scholarship." He explained as Suga and I fought about who was the worse sibling. From the corner of my eye I saw the blueberry perk up at the mention of my volleyball scholarship.

"What position did you play!?" Nishinoya yelled from across the gym.

"I've played every position, but when I was abroad I mostly played Middle Blocker." I said with a smile.

"Ehhh? But N/N, you're not even Suga's height." Tanaka said as he walked over. I karate chopped his side and flipped my hair.

"My vertical is way bigger than Koushi's anyways. That's why I can play there." I huffed before pointing to Kageyama.

"Oi, Blueberry! Set to me." I yelled before throwing a ball at him. He set the ball up high and I leaped, hand poised to strike through it. I smashed it across the net and onto the opposite line, landing softly on my feet. I turned with a smug grin to face the slack-jawed Tanaka as my brother laughed at his stupefied expression. He walked over and slung an arm over my shoulder. We both flashed blinding smiles towards the team, arousing coos from a few of the boys. Daichi came over and ran a hand down my face, making me stick my tongue out at him as he laughed.

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