Oh, Miss Believer (SugaHina)

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So, fair warning. I have a slight obsession with Hinata being able to play the piano and (don't say anything about my dreams I don't know either) I had this dream where Suga was singing and so I'm like BRING IN THE MUSICAL BABIES HEEEEECK YEEEES

"I'm not going to be at practice today."

Everyone stared in shock as the boy with orange hair stood fidgeting in front of them.

"Do you have a fever?"

"Are you sick?"

"HAS CHIBI-CHAN BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS!?!?!" Oikawa cut through the questions of his worried teammates by screeching through a panicked looking Kageyama's phone.

"NO!!" Hinata shouted before mumbling unintelligible words to his feet.

"Huh?" Tanaka said while cocking an ear towards the short first year.

"I SAID I HAVE PIANO PRACTICE!!" The first year yelled, shocking everyone in the gym. Before he could be bombarded with anymore questions he darted out of the gym, eliciting yells from his shocked teammates.

"I'll go check it out. Continue with practice~" Sugawara sang while skipping out the door in the direction Hinata just sprinted off in.

The team stared with slack jaws as two of their teammates left the gym before practice even started. "Alright. Let's stretch!" Daichi yelled, shooing everyone away from the door.



Suga watched from the doorway as Hinata pulled sheet music from his backpack and sat himself on the bench in front of the piano in Karasuno's seldom used music room. He creeped in quietly and observed the way the usually bouncing first year cracked his fingers with a peaceful expression before settling them gently over the keys. He pressed a few keys and Suga's eyes widened at the familiar song.

Hinata stopped and glanced at the music before starting over, this time with an unexpected visitor joining in.

Oh, Miss Believer

My pretty sleeper

Hinata's large golden eyes met those of his senpai's, the older's eyes dancing with mirth. Hinata never faltered in his playing, all the notes staying smooth and connected throughout his shock. Hinata smiled slightly at Sugawara and went back to playing the piano, his brow furrowed in concentration, the tip of his pink tongue sticking out of the corner of his lips. Suga almost laughed at the adorable sight of his kouhai.

Prove that it's colder

Inside your head

Than the winter of dead

Suga continued to walk around the room as he sang, looking at Hinata from all angles. The small, lithe fingers danced elegantly over the keys in a way that would seem impossible from his everyday self. His head bobbed lightly to the music and his feet pushed away at the pedals. His eyes shone with the same determination and excitement they held before a match. The sweet song continued to flow from the instrument with vocals to match flying from the silver-haired setter's mouth. Suga ended up leaning against the piano and watching Hinata play. The first-years eyes would flick up every so often and meet the shining eyes of his elder's, only for his cheeks to turn scarlet and cause him to duck his face back towards the piano. Yet, Sugawara marveled to himself about the fact that Hinata's playing never stuttered or halted. No matter how much the first year flustered the notes streaming from the piano kept their steady rhythm and lulling sound. Sugawara almost thought the two sounded like a lullaby together.

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