Periods (Hinata x Reader)

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(Edited ✔️)

I walked into the gym and collapsed on the bench, immediately ruffling through my bag for my blessed little bottle of painkillers. I found the bottle and popped out a few little tablets, downing them with my water bottle before wrapping my arms around my stomach and hunching over slightly.

"L/N, do you have another migraine?" Yamaguchi asked while walking towards me. "I saw you take some pills a second ago."

"I don't have a migraine. It's nothing, go back to practice." I winced slightly while waving him off and wrapped my arms a bit tighter around my abdomen. I began to mutter softly to myself as Yamaguchi went back to Tsukishima a bit skeptically. "Fucking Nature..."

Hinata's eyes widened and he turned to face Ukai. "COACH I NEED TO STEP OUT FOR A MINUTE. I'LL BE BACK!!" He yelled before dashing out of the gym, leaving everyone confused. Ukai seemed slightly shocked before continuing practice. A few minutes later Hinata walked into the gym with two shopping bags in his hand.

"OI, DUMBASS! YOU LEFT TO GO SHOPPING?" Kageyama fumed from the other side of the gym. Hinata shot him a glare before walking over and crouching in front of my hunched figure with a smile.

"There's chocolate and other snacks in one bag with a few drinks and the other one has a pair of headphones in them. I slipped my MP3 player in there in case you wanted to listen to music. There's also a portable heating pad. And here." He finished while pulling a little bouquet of red roses and white lilies from behind his back. I looked at him with wide eyes as I gently took the flowers from him. "I had looked into this stuff when Natsu was born so I knew I could always take good care of her."

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I gently set the flowers down beside me before throwing my arms around Hinata's neck and sending us both tumbling backwards. I buried my face in his neck and cried while he let go of the bags and began to rub my back lightly. Everyone in the gym stared as I sobbed into Hinata's shoulder as we lay there on the floor. Everyone seemed slightly confused until Tsukishima's eyes widened in understanding.

"She's on her period."

Hinata gently sat me up and pushed me off of him before standing and glaring at Kei. "You shouldn't have said that Tsukishima! She could be feeling sensitive and not wanted everyone to know! Saying something like that is an exposure of her privacy!"

I stared with wide eyes as Hinata scolded the tall blonde for his words. When he was done he puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms before turning back to me and smiling. I grinned up at him from the bench and tried to blink back the tears threatening to fall. I let out a laugh and I scrubbed my eyes, letting out another quiet thank you.

Hinata smiled at me, pointing a thumb at his chest as he spoke. "You always take care of us! Now it's time for us to take care of you."

As the team's first-aid manager I had gotten to know all the boys fairly well, but I was by far the closest with Hinata, also having developed a crush on him throughout our friendship. I began to tear up again before blinking back the tears, not wanting to cry anymore.

"Thank you."


Every month since that practice, Hinata had not failed to bring me something when I was on my period, despite my protests. The time after the first incident it was a teddy bear and some chocolate bars. The next it was a bouquet and junk food. Without fail he brought me some little gift and food. My feelings for the orange-haired boy continued to grow as he went out of his way to make sure I was happy and healthy. He walked me home every day and we laughed and joked around, getting closer as the school year dragged on. Eventually, he made a comment about me becoming more touchy when that time rolled around. I tended to want more hugs or link arms more often than normal to a point where it was noticeable. When I tried to apologize he laughed at me and wrapped me in a hug, telling me he thought it was cute. After three months, I decided I needed to pay him back for all his kindness and came up with a plan.

The next day at school, there was a note on his desk.

Meet me on the roof at lunch. It's important so don't you dare skip!!

I waited on the roof impatiently, fidgeting as I stood there. I suddenly began to doubt my plan, wondering if I had made the right choice.

"Maybe I should have just bought him something normal? He might not even like this-"

"Y/N!!!!" Hinata shouted as he burst through the door, interrupting my thoughts. His gaze landed on the box behind me. It was covered in wrapping paper with a big bow on top. He tilted his head in confusion and stared at me. "It's not my birthday."

I smiled lightly and gestured to the box. "It's a thank you gift." His eyes widened in response and I cut him off before he could say anything. "Please accept it. I can't return them."

He walked over and opened the box before gasping and turning to the me with sparkling eyes. The box was stuffed full of new volleyball gear and meat buns, along with a letter. He picked it up and began to open it when I freaked out and began to panic.

"D-don't open that!"

He had already ripped it open and began reading, and I felt my face flush a brilliant shade of red. He turned to me in shock, his eyes wide and mouth hanging wide open.

"Do you really like me?"

I slowly nodded and looked away, burying my face in my hands. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I pulled away my hands to see a smiling Shouyou. He pressed his lips to mine quickly before pulling me into a hug and twirling us in circles, causing us both to giggle happily. "I didn't think you'd like me back!"

I stared at him with wide eyes as he stopped our twirling and began to ramble loudly. "How could I not like you? You're passionate about what you love and strive for greatness. Your sweet and kind and always think about others. No matter how many times someone tells you that you don't have to do something, you do it anyways out of the goodness of your heart. You're absolutely amazing."

He stared in silence for a few moments before breaking into a wide grin, sitting down on the roof and patting the spot next to him with a laugh.

The rest of our lunch period was spent sitting side by side on the roof, feeding each other sushi from the shared bento I packed. The next time I got clingy, he cuddled, hugged, and kissed me until I thought I should have had enough physical contact to last me years, but it was never too much with him. He was the perfect cure for period pains, and not just the physical kind. He kept me emotionally steady and made sure I was happy and comfortable all the time. Maybe periods weren't all bad if they brought me Shouyou.

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