Nishinoya x Reader

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I spun around the house, picking up and tidying as I went. I had been cleaning for two hours already even though there wasn't much to do. It'd been more dancing than cleaning, so the process was pretty slow. A familiar beat carried over the speakers and I smiled to myself, quickly throwing the last of the dishes into the dishwasher and beginning to dance. I whipped my hair around as I heard the front door creak open, a clear sign my brother had arrived home. I turned up the music louder as he came into the living room and I grabbed his hands with a smile. We'd been going to dance classes together since we were little kids, and this was a song we had done together a few years back. It had been a favorite of ours, so we still practiced it from time to time. A tired grin spread across his face as we picked up the routine.

Our hands stayed flat against each other as we pressed our knees together, twisting opposite directions of each other and making our way lower before coming up higher again. Once we came back to full height we pushed off from each other, spinning on one heel before falling back and bracing each other with our backs. We came back to our standing positions and began to move in sync, leaning and moving in the same directions. He took one of my hands and twirled me, letting go after a full turn and both of us began to move in sync once again. We faced each other once again, putting out one hand on each beat and then both twisting through the arc of our arms when the verse continued. Both of us erupted into giggles as we collapsed on the couch, Koushi turning off the speaker in the process.

I heard a whistle come from the entryway and looked up to see a group of boys standing in the doorway to the living room. I felt my happy expression melt into one of shock before erupting into a cheerful laugh. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Asahi, smiling as he returned the hug gently and wheezing when Daichi squeezed me so hard it felt like my lungs were collapsing. I high-fived and fist-bumped the second years with a smile before stopping and bowing in front of what I could only assume were the first years. I smiled at them as I introduced myself.

"Hello! I'm Sugawara Y/N, but you can either call me Y/N or N/N since Ko is here too."

They took turns introducing themselves and then began to settle down in the living room with everyone else. I flopped onto the couch, curling up in the corner of it with a pillow hugged to my chest.

"Anyone up for a game of truth or dare?" Kinoshita piped up from his sleeping bag, the other second years nodding along to his suggestion. After mumbled agreements floated around the room we all formed a circle, the boys happily welcoming me into their game. Daichi and Asahi are like older brothers to me, the second years just buddies since we're the same age. The first years had yet to make it past acquaintance level.

"N/N! Truth or Dare!" Kinoshita yelled from across the circle. I let out a giggle before answering him with enthusiasm.


After he and Narita conferenced with each other in hushed whispers they both popped up with grins. "Since you go to a dance school, what's the most mature dance you've ever done?"

Daichi looked ready to punch both of them as I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Nishinoya was my partner for that dance, so pester him for the details of it."

The loud boy turned red as the entire circle erupted into yells of disbelief. Ennoshita's voice cut through the mayhem and everyone quieted down to hear the answer to his question.

"What exactly did you guys have to do during the dance?"

Nishinoya began to sputter random syllables as his face continued to grow darker and I sighed, clicking my tongue to get the attention of the group. "There was a lot of touching involved. It was supposed to be a really physical song. However, someone decided it'd be a smart idea to shove me away in the middle of a move and make me hit my head on the floor."

"I didn't mean to! It was a nervous reaction!" Noya yelled in embarrassment, gaining lots of snickers from the other players as I yelled back in disbelief.

"I got a concussion!"

At my statement the entire group broke into raucous laughter, even the tall blonde first year cracking a smirk. Noya's entire face was red at that point, the pink hue spreading to the tips of his ears. Narita and Kinoshita yelled through their giggles, tears welling up in both of their eyes as they rolled around on the floor.

"Show us the dance Noya!"

A chorus of agreements rang through and Ko piped up with a hand on his chin, looking as though he was thinking. "I don't see why they couldn't. I kinda wanna know what it was too." He shot me a glance and I got up nonchalantly, picking up the speaker and handing it to him. He shot me a smile and shoved Nishinoya towards me, the slightly taller boy stumbling as he tried to get his footing. Everyone began to move to one half of the room, trying to give us room to dance. As Koushi set everything up I turned to Noya with a smirk.

"Still remember the moves?"

After he nodded curtly I let out a snort, getting into my starting position and shooting him a smirk. The music began to spill through the room and we took off into our movements.

His movements were stiff and blocky, sometimes falling out of time with me. His reluctancy to move close to me made me roll my eyes and forced me to adjust our positions slightly, almost making him stumble when we ended up coming face to face. As we finished off the last few moves the room was dead silent, every member staring as Nishinoya walked quickly and sat down on his sleeping bag before burying his face in a pillow. I snorted and sat down on mine as Tanaka broke the silence.

"I didn't know N/N could even move like that."

"You'd be surprised." I smirked, shooting him a playful wink. The group erupted into giggles as Tanaka flushed and Koushi smacked me on the back of the head. Once everyone had settled down I headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. As I was grabbing a cup I heard a set of footsteps enter the kitchen and I turned to see Nishinoya in the doorway. I sent him a confused glance as he came to stand next to me.

"U-um, sorry you had to dance with me." He apologized quietly, scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. I let out a small laugh and set down the glass, grabbing his other hand in mine. He looked up as I lifted out locked hands above our heads, twirling myself around his fingers. After the twirl I spun into his chest, pulling his arms around me. He began to laugh and let me spin out again, grabbing my other hand and messily dancing with me around the kitchen. The room was filled with giggles and we smiled at each other as we twirled around the dining table.

In the end, my hands ended up latched around his neck with his wrapped around my waist. I shot him a smile and we both melted into laughter, burying our faces in the other's shoulder. We both pulled back and stared at each other, wide smiles across our faces. I shot forward quickly, pressing my lips to the tip of his nose. He looked momentarily confused before turning into a cherry, making me giggle as he stared with wide eyes. He leaned forward to do the same to me but missed, roughly pressing his lips to mine with our noses scrunched together uncomfortably. He seemed to freeze and I rolled my eyes, smirking against his lips as I tilted my head slightly. I tightened my grip on his neck and I felt him smile into the kiss, his grip on my waist tightening ever so slightly. I pulled away and smiled, glancing up at him with short laugh.

"Still wanna apologize for dancing with me?"

It's two am and I was listening to music so I thought to myself "WHY THE FUCK NOT BRING DANCE INTO THE STORY" and hence this monstrosity was born lmao you should probably have just skipped this and saved your mind the pain

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