Too Many To Count (Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader)

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I walked into my brother's school with interest, staring at the many foreign things surrounding me. I'd been gone as an exchange student for the first few months for school and today would be my first day at Karasuno. I looked back at the message my older brother left me.

Come to the gym before school at 7 o'clock if you want to see the volleyball team. I can introduce you to them and see if one of the first years will show you around.

The squeaking of sneakers pulled my attention away from my phone and peaked my attention. "The gym maybe?" I asked myself before following the sound and walking through the doors. A group of boys were around the gym practicing and I surveyed the room for my brother. I finally saw the silver-haired boy across the gym and smiled before walking up behind him and placing my hands over his eyes.

"What are you doing Y/N?" My brother asked through a laugh as I pouted and withdrew my hands.

"You didn't even flinch." I whined and crossed my arms. "That's no fun."

My brother looked as though he were about to respond when he glanced at my hair and snorted. He pulled me towards him and my face landed in his chest as he sorted out my mess of hair. "Did you even look at your hair?"

"It was windy and it just went FWOOSH everywhere and I got tired of trying to get it to stay down."

"Fwoosh?" Questioned a familiar tall boy with long hair.

"Yes fwoosh you lamppost." I glared at him before running a hand through my slivery hair and looking at my Brother's. "Did your hair get darker?"

"I think yours just got lighter." He said while picking up a strand and holding it up between us. "Wasn't it Spring where you were?"

"It was still hot and sunny everyday. I was in the desert, remember?" I said while flicking his forehead.

"Suga-senpai, who's this?" Asked a short boy with orange-hair.

"Awwww. Koushi why didn't you tell me you guys brought up junior high kids in the morning!" I gushed while running a hand through his fluffy hair, his expression dropping immediately. He looked dejected as I ruffled his hair and gushed over him. A familiar shorty's laughing tore my attention from the boy holding it and I smirked at him. "Noya is shorter than an elementary kid. Can't say I'm surprised."

He disregarded my joke and pointed at the depressed boy in front of me. "Hinata is a first year here Y/N-chan."

"You're kidding." I said in shock as I looked down at the boy in front of me. "This munchkin is my age?"

A snort sounded from behind me and I turned to see a giant blonde boy smirking at the orange-haired munchkin and a green-haired boy standing just behind him. My gaze skipped over the blonde giant and locked onto the face of the boy behind him. I walked closer to him to confirm my suspicions and almost gasped. The bridge of his nose and cheek bones were littered with golden freckles. I walked towards him in an excited daze and he took a few steps back before I layed my hands onto his shoulders. "Your freckles are so cool!"

His cheeks stained scarlet underneath the golden dots. I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration and brought up one hand to his face, running my thumb along his cheekbone and trailing my eyes across it.

"Sis? What're you doing?" My brother asked while tapping me on the shoulder. I turned and karate chopped his side.

"You made me lose count you idiot!" I huffed in frustration as the green-haired boy's eyes widened. With another huff I turned to face the boy with a smile. "I'm Sugawara Y/N, but you can either call me Y/N-chan or N/N-chan. I'm a first year here now!"

"Y-Yamaguchi T-T-Tadashi." The boy stuttered out and I gasped while looking at him with wide eyes.

"You're the pinch server! My brother told me about you!"  I said excitedly. His blush deepened and I giggled before beginning to ask him questions about the school.


"W-why did you try to count my freckles this morning?" Yamaguchi asked as we walked towards the gym. I'd insisted on coming to the practice and our last class of the day was together so I figured I'd walk with him.

"To see how many there were. Although it seems like too many to count." I giggled and sighed before turning towards him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was just excited to be back in a school in Japan."

"I..." He trailed off and I looked at him in confusion as he gulped. "I didn't really mind."

I felt my eyes widen as I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders in a hug. "Can I try again right now?"

I felt him nod into my shoulder and I pulled back before re-placing my hand on his cheek. My eyes trailed over them and I looked at his eyes only to find him staring right back at me. Our gaze stayed locked like that for a few moments. Suddenly, the small golden specks decorating his cheeks became stars, his eyes planets. His lips seemed to give off a pull that drew me closer and I soon found my eyes fluttering shut as his lips ghosted over mine. As I stepped back I noticed he blush staining both of our cheeks. I looked away and dropped my hands from his face and shoulders.

"It looks like I was right. There are too many to count." I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye and let some of my hair fall into a curtain between us. "I wouldn't mind trying again though."

His eyes seemed to widen and his cheeks became a darker shade of scarlet as I giggled lightly at his reaction. I walked forward to press a kiss to his cheek and began walking away. "I'm gonna head home. I'll see you tomorrow!"


"I remember when I first saw stars for their beauty. I was not some night spent staring at the stars, but in the middle of the day, spent trying to count freckles. And even though they were only golden dots littering your face, I felt comfort in them. The night sky became a constant reminder of you and now I can't help but find the stars the most beautiful and comforting things in the world, because just like the stars, even though I can't see you, I know you're there. I love you and I can't believe I'm going to have my own night sky here on earth. My love. My life. My earth and sky. My stars."

I looked into the audience and saw tears streaming down the familiar faces of an orange-haired shorty and blue-eyed setter. I felt tears streaming down my own strained cheeks and everything around me seemed to fade away as I stared into the eyes of my night sky. Before I knew it, he'd pulled me in for a gentle kiss and my eyes fluttered shut, the tears squeezing their way out from between my eyelids. I pulled away and opened my eyes, leaning my forehead against his.

"How many did you count this time?" He asked me quietly with a smile.

"I stopped trying to count them a long time ago."

Was Yammy out of character? I didn't really know how to write him here but I was writing and sorta got carried away and I'm much too lazy to go through and change half of this whole thing. Something you should know: I am very very lazy most of the time. Until next time lovelies!

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