Reader x Tendo

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I smiled at my phone as I lied in bed, bittersweet tears running down my face as I read the sweet messages he sent before going to bed. I pressed the FaceTime call button and watched as his familiar face popped up in the screen, slightly dark because of the time of day.

"Hey you." I smiled, relishing in the instant warmth I felt when I saw his face.

"Why aren't you sleeping? You need to rest properly!" He scolded, making me laugh.

"Well a certain someone made me start crying and now I can't sleep..." I trailed off and watched his face contort to anger.

"Who was it? I swear I'll come and beat them up-" He was cut off by quiet giggles and his gaze softened.

"I meant you. You're too sweet and it makes me cry." I laughed, watching as a smile spread across his face. A message lit up the top of my screen with a notification from one of his friends and I was quick to answer it, leaving Tendo to whine.

"N/N~ Don't leave me on pause." He groaned as I came back to the screen.

"I was busy! But anyways, you have volleyball in the morning, so go to sleep. As the best blocker you need proper rest."

I watched his face light up and we said our goodbyes before I reopened the chat with one of his teammates.

To: Momma Eagle
From: Me
So what time do you think I should come tomorrow?

From: Momma Eagle
To: Me
Well, I'd say come around a half an hour after 7. Then we should have a water break and you could sneak up behind him.

To: Momma Eagle
From: Me
Yes! You're brilliant Semi-san! And you'll get it on video for me right?

From: Momma Eagle
To: Me
Of course! Just bring a camera or something for me to record it on.

I smiled and wished Semi goodnight, burrowing under my blankets with excitement for tomorrow.


I double checked my appearance before leaving. My hair was down in it's natural state and the girls uniform for Shiratorizawa replaced my preferred jeans and t-shirt. I walked out the door at 7:15, intending to show up at the gym early just incase the coach called the water break early. I snuck around and heard the squeak of sneakers resonating inside. I peaked around the doorway and immediately I felt attention on me. A boy with blonde hair with black tips suddenly yelled about needing to use the bathroom and the coach grumbled before clapping his hands, yelling at them that they had five minutes for a water break. He speed walked out of the gym and gently pushed me away from the door as he walked out.

"I assume you're Semi?" I asked, sticking out a hand for him to shake.

"Yes, and you must be L/N-San." He bowed briefly before shaking my hand. I smiled gently before handing him a video camera.

"It's already on. The record button is here, and the stop button is here. You can stop the recording when you feel fit. Keep him turned away from the door." I tacked on last second after showing him where the buttons were and handing him the camera. He nodded quickly and walked back into the gym, calling Tendo's name as he stood in the middle of the gym.

"Tendo!" He called while pointing the camera at his face. Tendo smiled and flashed peace signs at the camera as I snuck up behind him. I placed a finger over my lips and made eye contact with his teammates before standing on my tip-toes and placing my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who it is, Tendo-san." Semi called from about ten feet away.

The redhead stood stock-still for a few moments before spinning around to face me and speaking.


He stopped when he saw my smiling face staring up at him and he gaped before throwing his arms around me and pulling me up into his arms, burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and legs around his torso, crying into the crook of his neck as he did the same to mine. He crowed my name repeatedly before pulling his face away to look at me.

"You're here. You're actually here. God I hope this isn't a dream." He muttered before letting me down and burying his face into my hair. I burrowed into his chest and we stood there, locked in an embrace until someone cleared their throat from behind me. I tried to pull away but his arms stayed locked around my waist, so I sighed and turned around, leaning back into him and smiling at a boy with  asymmetrical bangs.

"Who are you?"

I tried to move out of the tall redhead's grasp and he only tightened his hold around my stomach as I huffed, sticking out a hand for him to shake with a smile.

"I'm L/N F/N. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry for disrupting your practice, but Semi-san said this would be the best time to surprise Sato- Tendo." He ignored my outstretched hand and stared in shock.

"You're the L/N Tendo always talked about?" He asked with an almost incredulous look. "But I thought you lived across the country."

"I did. I came to Shiratorizawa yesterday and decided to surprise him." I smiled at the team and looked around to gouge their reactions. Most of them were smiling for their teammate, who had finally emerged from my hair with red-rimmed eyes. I locked eyes with the coach, who's softened expression re hardened as he began to shout.

"Alright! Back to practice everyone! Except you Tendo. You can leave early for L/N, but you have 50 serves after school today!"

The entire gym looked at the coach in shock before Tendo's face split into grin. He grabbed my stuff and dragged me out of the gym, pulling me towards the boys' dormitory. He threw his stuff into a corner of his room and sat on his bed, rearranging his pillows to act almost like couch cushions and patting the spot beside him.

"Number one on our list of things to do: cuddle." He stated as I sat beside him. I snorted as he wrapped his arms around me.

"That's basically every other item." I laughed as he switched on the TV and pulled up a movie.

"Well, duh. We have to make up for all that time we couldn't. Silly N/N-chan." He teased before pressing his lips to the tip of my nose. I froze before feeling heat spread over my cheeks. The redhead turned his attention back to the screen, hold on me tightening ever so slightly.

I willed the blush on my face to go away before lifting a hand. I grabbed his chin, pulling his attention away from the movie as I pressed my lips to his. I screwed my eyes shut as I watched his widen with surprise. I felt him add pressure to the kiss and I pulled away, looking up at him with a large smile and red cheeks.

"I missed you, Satori." I smiled at him with watery eyes. He smiled through his own blush and pulling me tighter against him.

"I missed you too, F/N."

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