Sugawara x Yachi

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This one shot is for @JadeMakisi . Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!

(Edited ✔️)
The silver haired boy watched as the little blonde stared intently at the game happening in front of her, scribbling down notes in a little notebook from time to time. As she was writing her hair would fall into her face and she'd tuck it back behind her ear, giving him the perfect view of her expression as she wrote. The tip of her tongue stuck out in concentration and her big brown eyes would dart between the game and her paper as she scribbled down whatever she had deemed important. He smiled gently as he watched her converse with Kiyoko, a big smile on her lips. He had it bad for this little first year. He liked everything about her, from the color of her blush when she was embarrassed to the worry she held for the boys on the team. He just couldn't seem to find the right time to get her alone so he could talk to her.


Yachi had left the gym late after staying with the third years to help them clean up. Once Daichi and Asahi split off it was just her and Sugawara making their way down the street, a comfortable silence filling the space between them.

"So Ya-chan, have you enjoyed being our manager?" Sugawara asked, smiling down at the blonde girl.

"O-oh yes! Watching you all play is so interesting! It's been a great experience." She nodded happily, smiling brightly at her upperclassman. Sugawara felt his heart skip a beat as she smiled up at him like that and he ruffled he hair playfully, making her squawk in surprise.

"I hope you don't mind if I walk you home. I wouldn't feel comfortable with making you walk by yourself." Suga stated, causing a blush to color the girl's cheeks as she began to tell her senpai that she'd be just fine. Sugawara waved her off with a smile, saying it was no problem and he'd be happy to make sure she got home safe. Yachi looked down at her feet, a gentle smile playing at her lips as her eyes softened.

"Thank you, Sugawara."

The boy's eyes widened at her soft tone and his cheeks flushed. He stumbled a bit in his moment of awe, and went sprawling over the concrete sidewalk.

"O-oh! Senpai are you okay!? Oh my god what should I do!?" The small blonde panicked and knelt down beside her upperclassman, who was sitting up with an embarrassed smile.

"I'm fine, Yachi. Thank you for being so concerned." He grinned, pushing himself up before offering his hand to her. She grabbed it with a pink blush coating her cheeks and let herself be pulled up, staring down at her shoes. After a few moments she realized Sugawara was still holding her hand, and she looked up at him in confusion.

Suga has his eyebrows furrowed in thought, his hand gently holding Yachi's as they stood there. He looked at her with a serious expression as he spoke.

"Yachi, can I tell you something?"

The small girl felt her eyes widen, tightening her grip subconsciously on the larger hand that enveloped her own.

"O-of course. What is it?" She asked curiously, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Sugawara looked at her, watching her expression as he slowly turned his hand and laced his fingers with her smaller ones. She looked at their hands and back to her senpai rapidly, as if trying to process what was going on.

"I really like you, Yachi. I understand if you don't return my feelings, but I felt like I needed to tell you." He said slowly, eyes slipping downward as he spoke. His gaze was on his shoes as he finished, his face still scrunched up in thought.

The blonde didn't know what to say. Her lips began to quiver as they formed a shaky smile, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She squeezed his hand gently as she began to speak.

"Sugawara." Her voice cracked, causing the other boy's gaze to whip up and look over her face. His expression switched from serious and somewhat sad to panicked and she released his hand, throwing her arms around him as she rammed herself into his chest. He let out a breathy gasp and immediately wrapped his arms around her, a tentative smile overcoming his features.


"You can call me Hitoka." A small, muffled voice came from his chest. His smile grew wider as he gently took the girls shoulders, pulling her or of his chest gently.


Said blonde was blushing furiously, but looked up at the silver haired boy anyways with a smile.

"Does that mean you like me too?"

She looked off to the side, muttering a small 'yes' as heat flooded all the way to her ears. Sugawara grinned, pulling her into a hug and laughing loudly as he squeezed her gently. She did the same and then they just stood there, rocking on the sidewalk as they embraced one another.

I'm a horrible author who took forever to put out this request and even then it's short I'm s o r r y. I had a really hard time writing this for some reason? Sorry it's so short, idk why I couldn't think of how to make it longer.

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