Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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I walked onto the unfamiliar grounds of Karasuno, excited to finally see my brother. After being in America as an exchange student for three years, I was pretty homesick. After the tearful goodbyes with the family that took me in and the grueling flight to get here, I was excited. I could finally see my brother again. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and began to wander around the campus, looking for the boys volleyball gym. The quiet squeaking of sneakers caught my attention after a few minutes and I walked towards the sound quickly, hoping to see my brother. I poked my head through the doorway and stared into the gym, looking for the familiar face of my brother. Finally, a spike of green hair caught my attention and I smiled before running into the gym.

"Tadpole!" I yelled, calling everyone's attention to me as I bounded into my shocked brothers arms.

"H-how did you get here?!" He stuttered while wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and snorted, causing him to laugh at the vibrations.

"Not even a hello after being gone for three years? I'm hurt Tadashi." I put a hand to my chest in mock offense before noticing a familiar blonde-haired boy staring at us from the sides.

"Beanpole!" I shouted before jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Did ya miss me?"

"Why would I miss a runt like you?" He scoffed as I struggled to clamber onto his back. Despite his biting words, he didn't hesitate to place his hands under my thighs to hold me in place.

"Because you love me of course!" I gasped as if it were to be obvious. He clicked his tongue and Tadashi laughed.

"Um... excuse my asking, but who are you?" A boy with short cropped brown hair asked.

"I'm Yamaguchi Y/N, Tadashi's big sister and Kei's idol." I flipped my hair and laughed as Kei scoffed and asked when in the world that became a thing.

"I have to go drop my stuff at the house. I'll see you when you're done with practice Tadashi, Kei."  I said while pressing a kiss to both of their foreheads. "I'll see you both at the house for dinner tonight. Kei don't worry, I texted Akiteru and he's bringing  an overnight bag for you. TADASHI BUY CANDY ON YOUR WAY HOME!" I yelled as an afterthought before rolling my bags out of the gym and walking towards my house.

After putting all my clothes in my room and folding some of them I came downstairs to start making dinner for the boys. I scanned our fridge and sighed at our lack of ingredients for yakisoba. I decided on an easy American dish and began pulling things out of the fridge and pantry. Just as I was putting a pot full of water on the stove I heard the front door open. 

"Akiteru or the Lamppost?" I shouted over my shoulder while beginning to peal the potatoes.

"Akiteru." A voice laughed while entering the kitchen and I turned to see the smiling face of my old friend.

"Jeez, you're  so old now!" I teased before walking over and giving him a quick hug.

"Jeez, you must have shrunk!" He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE THAT WAS SO MEAN!!" I screeched in offense and pounded my fists against his chest. He only laughed harder and threw my over his shoulder. I heard the front door open and began screaming. "TADASHI, KEI, HELP ME!! AKITERU-" I was cut off with a shriek as Akiteru started to tickle me.

"NO NO NO SOMEONE HELP!!" I screeched through my laughter. The boys bounded into the kitchen as I started to cry through my laughter and sound stopped escaping my lips. Kei noticed my shaking and seemed to sense some of my panic at not being able to breathe since Akiteru hadn't noticed yet. He put his hands under my shoulders an pulled me out of Akiteru's  grip.

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