Kageyama X Reader

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I looked up from my book lazily, watching my brother make his way through the the living room and towards the kitchen.

"Hey Kou."

I watched in amusement as he jumped and turned to me, a hand over his heart as he heaved a sigh.

"You need to stop doing that!"

I giggled and stood up, walking over and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before walking up the stairs and headed towards my room. I stopped at the top of the stairs when I heard my brother answer the door. Their voices flooded upstairs and I heard a foreign voice ask a question loudly.

"When is dinner gonna be ready, Suga?"

A loud chorus of people asking the same question flooded the house and I felt my stomach growl before I set my book on my bed and slid back down the railing and into the living room. I draped myself over me brothers back and he sighed before turning to face me as I slouched in front of him.

"What do you need?"

"I'm hungry."

He sighed before walking into the kitchen, the group following behind him as I went back up the stairs. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, ignoring the loud voices downstairs until a knock on the door caught my attention. My brother walked in with another boy, taller than he was with deep blue eyes. He looked at me in slight confusion as Suva gave me my food. He walked out of the room and ignored the other boy, almost as if forgetting he was there in favor of settling the ruckus downstairs. I reached over and closed the door before raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Are you going to sit?"

He said cautiously on the corner of my bed and I laughed lightly before smiling at him.

"I'm Sugawara F/N. You can call me N/N since you know Kou."

"Kageyama Tobio."

His response was straightforward and rigid, almost leaving me chilled. I shook off the feeling and smiled again, noting how his cheeks turned a bit pink as I did so. I turned to the door at a particularly loud crash and sighed before speaking again.

"The team seems rowdy."

He nodded silently and I eyed him for a moment, taking in his body language before speaking again, measuring the words on my tongue.

"Why are you so nervous?"

His head whipped around, his surprised expression staring right into my curious one. "I'm not gonna bite."

His face turned red again and I swallowed my smirk before attempting to engage in a conversation, failing until I mentioned Volleyball. He spoke with sparkling eyes and large hand gestures, his cheeks pink with both passion and slight embarrassment from some earlier teasing. I listened intently as he rambled on before he asked me a question.

"How come I've never seen you at school?"

I looked down at my hands folded in my lap, squeezing them together as I spoke.

"I get sick really easy, so I don't go out very often. Kou gets really worried when I do so I try to stay home as much as I can. I do online schooling."

He stared at me for a moment before nodding, a silence falling over us.

"You'll visit me right?"

He looked shocked at the question, and so was I. He stared a moment longer before his cheeks stained pink again, nodding quickly. A comfortable silence fell over us again and we sat in contentment, enjoying each other's company as what sounded like hell on earth broke loose down the stairs.


Every day Tobio would come over and sit on the edge of my bed, doing his homework in silence as I read a book, lending my help when he needed it. One day I broke our comfortable silence and set down my book.

"Why do you keep coming?"

He stopped writing and turned to face me in confusion. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No! No... I'm just confused. All we do is sit in silence. I'm not very good at being friends, so why do you keep coming?"

He set his homework on my desk before stiffly walking over and wrapped his arms around me, sitting beside me on the bed.

"I like being friends with you."

I felt the heat of his cheeks against my neck and I wrapped my arms around his back with a small smile, our comfortable silence settling once again. I felt his heartbeat slow and his breathing even out as he fell asleep on my shoulder. I slowly rolled him onto the pillow beside me and sat there, smiling at the ceiling until I fell asleep as well.


I woke up to a crash and saw a shocked Koushi in the doorway and a sleepy looking Tobio sitting up from beside me. I sat up and yawned, stretching before smiling at my brother.

"Morning Brother."

He just stared with wide eyes before walking out and down the stairs, his padded footsteps echoing through the closed door.

"Good morning Tobio."

He grunted before lying back down, burying his face back into the pillow before shooting up and looking around in alarm. He stared at me with wide eyes and pink cheeks before bowing and apologizing for falling asleep rapidly. I giggled before setting a hand on his head.

"It's fine Tobio. It was nice."

He looked up at me with red cheeks and I turned in an attempt to hide the pink covering my own. I let my hair fall and cover my face, looking down at my lap. I felt smooth fingers against my skin and I looked up to see a fascinated looking Tobio tucking my hair behind my ear. He locked eyes with me once more with a rapidly staining face before screwing his eyes shut and pressing his lips to my forehead. He kept his eyes shut as he pulled away and I stared at him for a moment before cautiously pressing forward, barely touching my lips to his and watching his eyes shoot open. We made eye contact for a moment before he closed his eyes and fully pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and did the same, fumbling for his hand and interlocking our fingers. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to my own, his eyes closed. I closed my own eyes and smiled gently as our comfortable silence settled over us once more.

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