Reader x Suga: Birthdays

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Age 4:

I sat at the park, feet moving idly beneath me as I sat on a swing. I looked down and examined the scars on my knees from constant scrapes and bruises, tracing a finger over them lightly. I didn't look up when someone sat on the swing beside me until they tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hello! Im Sugawara Koushi. What's your name?" A boy with silver hair asked excitedly, bouncing on his swing with a smile.

"I'm L/N F/N." I smiled at the boy as his eyes widened curiously.

"How old are you N/N-chan?" He asked, leaning forward slightly to rest his elbows on his knees.

I smiled widely before answering, puffing out my chest and jabbing a finger towards myself. "I turn four today. It's my birthday."

The young boy's mouth widened in awe and he clapped his hands with a smile. "Are you having a party?"

I shook my head and smiled back. "My mommy and daddy had to work today, so we celebrated yesterday instead."

He looked confused before frowning, looking up at me with sad eyes. "You should celebrate on your birthday. And have lots of cake and presents and be with all your friends!" He made over exaggerated hand movements as he spoke and I giggled.

"I wish I could, but if mommy and daddy have to work then I just hang out with my babysitter."

The boy's frown deepened and he grabbed my hand before pulling me over to a woman who sat reading on the bench beside my babysitter. "Momma! It's N/N-chan's birthday and she can't celebrate! Can we go get ice cream together?"

My babysitter looked over at the sound of my name and came rushing over, scooping me into her arms as Koushi's mom laughed.

"Go ahead and ask her and the nice lady watching her if it's okay."

After my babysitter agreed Koushi grabbed my hand and began running towards the ice cream cart, dragging me behind him as we both giggled.

Age 12:

"N/N-chan! Are you having a party this year?" Koushi asked as we walked into our classroom. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"My parents and I celebrated over the weekend because they had to work today."

I watched as he frowned like he did every year and huffed. "You should have a party some day."

I laughed and bumped my hip into his, his lips twitching into a small smile as we walked to our desks.

"Maybe one day Kou-chan."

Present Day:

I thought back to how every birthday over the years, Koushi would pout about me not having a party because my parents worked. I walked up to his door and knocked, smiling as I heard rushed footsteps coming towards the door. When I heard a yelp and crash, I knew he'd slipped on the flooring as he tried to put his shoes on. I hid my snickers behind me hand as he opened the door with a blush. He wrapped me in his arms once he saw me and spun us in a circle, both of us laughing.

"Happy Birthday N/N!" He yelled as he put me down. We started walking and after a once we walked onto school grounds he asked the familiar question.

"So are you going to have a party this year?"

I snorted and shot him a sideways glance. "Every year you ask the same question and every year my answer is the same."

He stared pouring as we walked toward the gym. "Cause every year I hope the answer will change."

He broke into a grin and I raised an eyebrow curiously before he grabbed my hand and started sprinting. We laughed as we arrived on the gym, breathless and giggly. A shout tore my attention from trying to breathe to the area in front of me and I gasped.

Karasuno stood in a line holding balloons and a banner that said 'Happy Birthday N/N' in large letters. I turned to Koushi and he just smiled.

"You never have a party so we decided that this year we would throw you one." Daichi smiled at me from the line. The boys all came rushing in at once to wrap me in a hug and I smiled, wrapping my arms around Koushi as we were pressed together in the middle. I looked up at his grinning face with a gentle smile.

"Thanks Koushi."

I stood on my tiptoes to reach his cheeks and gently pressed my lips there, lingering for a moment before falling flat footed again. He stared down at me in shock before leaning down and pressing his lips to my own, his hand snaking around my waist. I placed my hands on his back and I felt the group hug disperse as wold whistles were heard. I pulled away and pressed my forehead to his, smiling brightly.

"That was the best birthday present ever."

Its my birthday let me indulge myself okay

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