Wearable Blanket (Just Sibling Love)

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I looked down at Shoyo and laughed under my breath when I saw his mouth hanging open as he slept. I picked up his phone from beside him and saw he had a ton of Snapchat notifications, and decided to answer them for him. I opened his phone and scrolled through his a groupchat titled "VOLLEYBALL" in all caps with a multitude of exclamation points. I opened the camera and snapped a pic of the top of his head, giving a view of how he pulled the robe I was wearing around him as he sat in my lap.

Lmao tired baby

I sent the picture to the team and a ton of messages came in at once.



Kageyama you shouldn't be on Hinata's phone :(

I'm at my own house???

Kageyama's confused response came through and I snorted, careful not to jostle Shoyo too much. I opened up the camera to take another snap. I held the phone in front of Shoyo to make it so the team saw his sleeping face and mine and snapped it, a wide smile on my face in the photo.

No "Kageyama" here. He fell asleep during the movie

I sent the pic with a smile and the chat went dead before two guys blew the whole thing up, a mass of randomly typed letters being sent rapidly until someone named "Momma Crow" cut in

Sorry to seem rude, but who are you??


As if the shrimp could get a girlfriend

I giggled quietly before snapping a selfie and typing with a large smile.

Lmao that'd be incest. Shoyo is my little brother. I'm home from college for a little while and he's been stuck to me like glue😂

I sent the pic and began to read over all the messages when someone named "rOLLiNg tHuNdER" sent another message.

Will you marry me

I laughed to myself and felt Hinata move, slowly stirring as he began to shift. I held my breath and began to pet his hair, lulling him back to sleep so I could continue talking to his team. By the time he'd settled again there were messages between the boy and someone named "Egghead" going on.

Bro, she's a college girl, she'd never go for second years like us!

We have to try tho! We can't let this chance silp


Go away Tsukishima

I giggled at the antics before sending a picture of Shoyo drooling once more.

I'm a third year in university, so no thanks. Sure you'll find someone though. Besides, if you're who I think you are, you're shorter than Sho. I think you'd find our height difference a bit odd.

I sent the pic as the same question flooded the screen, "How tall are you?"

183 cm

I giggled as the screen rapidly filled with exclamation points and I didn't notice Shoyo start to sit up. He glanced around and snatched his phone from me, reading through the messages before whining.

"Nee-chan~" He whined as I laughed from the couch. He looked down at his phone before jolting up in a panic.

"THEY SAID THEY'RE COMING OVER YOU HAVE TO HIDE!" He yelled before pushing me towards the stairs. I planted my feet and looked over my shoulder at him, watching him pant as he tried to push me.


"CAUSE WHAT IF THEY TRY TO KISS YOU?!" He yelled before pushing harder. I turned around and picked him up by his armpits, watching him struggle with an amused smirk. He pouted at me after a moment and I laughed before setting him down and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I'll be fine Sho. They'll probably act just fine." I laughed and watched him sigh. I led him back to the couch and opened up my arms, pouting when he looked at me skeptically. He sighed and walked over, falling into my lap and I wrapped the front of the robe around him again.

"WEARABLE BLANKET SIBLINGS!!" I yelled before tying the robe around us both. I push his head underneath the collar and he squawked when I wrapped an arm around his knees. I forced him into a ball against my torso and pulled the other hand inside the robe to cover his mouth. I heard the doorbell ring and screeched a loud 'come in' while suppressing a giggle. The group walked into the living room and I tightened my grip on Shoyo's mouth.

"The baby has been very active today." I said, faking a grimace as Shoyo squirmed. The shortest boy in the group and a bald boy came over and kneeled in front of me, cooing at what they thought was a baby. The rest of the team looked at me like I was insane and I stood abruptly, letting Shoyo fall from the robe and on top of his friends. I laughed as the three groaned from the ground. I untied the robe and set it on the couch, walking over to greet them.

"Hello. I'm F/N. It's very nice to meet you all." I bowed and watched as some of them eyed me with shock.

"Y-y-y-you're so tall!" The short boy yelled from behind me. I turned to see him pointing accusingly and I laughed, watching him turn beat red.

I turned to the rest of the team and placed a hand on my hip, smiling amusedly.

"So was there a reason for this visit? You're welcome to stay and watch a movie. We have nothing planned." I said the last part while gesturing towards Shoyo, smiling at him before gauging the reactions of his teammates. A boy with brown hair stepped forward with a smile.

"We would love to, Hinata-San. Thank you." He bowed and I slapped his back hard enough for a resounding 'smack' to resonate through the house. He stumbled and the team gaped as I held a hand to my chest in mock offense.

"You call me like I'm my mother. God, making me feel so old..." I trailed off and watched as Shoyo came over and started bouncing, telling me I wasn't old and that 'Daichi-san' was just trying to be polite. I laughed and ran a hand through his hair, smiling lovingly.

"I know Sho. Calm down."

He stopped bouncing and stared up at me, wide grin spread across his features as a boy with silver hair cooed off to the side. Suddenly, he was shooing everyone out of the house with a smile.

"Let them have their sibling time. She's only home for a little while, remember?"

The door shut behind them and Sho and I stared after before looking at each other and bursting into giggles. We nestled ourselves back into the couch and pressed play on yet another movie.

I wrapped my sister in a ball like that once underneath a huge winter jacket and she was so confused😂

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