Sugawara x Reader

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I walked through the halls with a light bounce in my step, smiling at everyone who passed by. I got multiple smiles and small waves in return, the occasional 'hey' thrown into the mix here and there. I knew most people in the school just because of my extremely social nature. It was never really that hard to find partners for group projects or anything, what was hard was finding one I wanted to work with without turning someone else down first. I'm not a genius, but I know how to get work done efficiently and well, which tends to make me a popular choice for partner projects. I walked into my photography class and groaned, slouching over my desk and placing a hand on my lower back.

"Guys, I think I'm getting old." I muttered into my desk. Suga whirled around with a laugh, Daichi and Asahi smiling from beside him. The four of us sat in a square, so I ended up befriending them all fairly quickly. Suga placed a gentle hand on top of my head sympathetically and I groaned before slowly slipping out of my chair and to the floor, sinking into a starfish and staring at the ceiling. A chorus of giggles erupted throughout the room and the teacher smiled.

"I believe you have a seat, L/N."

I sighed before climbing back into my seat, rolling my eyes at Suga's teasing smile. I finally tuned into the lecture and realized we were doing a partner project. As soon as the teacher dismissed us I was surrounded by classmates and I sighed before I felt a gentle hand wrap around my upper arm.

"Actually, I think Y/N would be better off with me." Suga smiled at the group and they all dispersed, grabbing partners as they exited the room. This was our last class of the day so there wasn't much of a rush to get out and jump into hallway traffic. I turned to Sugawara with a relieved smile and placed my elbow on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Koushi." I put emphasis on his given name, causing a nervous giggle to escape his lips.

"I figured if I used your given name they'd realize you and I were good friends and stop trying to partner with you." He explained with a smile and a hand on the back of his neck. We started walking out of the classroom and I gently shoved an elbow into his ribs.

"Well thanks. Does that mean I can call you Ko now?" I asked hopefully, smiling up at him. He let out a laugh as he answered.

"Sure, N/N."

We walked the rest of the way talking about what we could do for the project. It was a portrait project, so we debated about whether or not asking some people to model for us. We decided that a couple of the first years from the team would probably be good to ask to model for us and I decided to stay through the practice to see the first years and plan the place and time to take the shots. As I watched I decided that the boy with freckles and the one with bright, orange hair would be good. After the practice I approached them within the group of four they were standing. The conversation halted as I stopped beside them, and I turned to the boys with a bright smile.

"Hello! My name is L/N Y/N. I'm working on a photography project with Sugawara and we needed some models, so I was wondering if you two would be willing to do it?" I asked as I gestured towards the two boys. They both looked slightly shocked before the shorter of the two began to yell loudly.

"That's so cool! I wanna do it! My name is Hinata Shoyo." He bowed excitedly and I laughed before passing him my phone to put his number into. I turned towards Freckles and he smile shyly.

"Are you sure you want me to model for you?" He asked kinda shakily and quietly and I smiled at him gently.

"Absolutely. Your freckles will make you an interesting figure. I had some ideas already actually. However, you don't have to do it if you're not comfortable." I ruffled his hair as a reassuring gesture and he smiled before nodding and putting his number into my phone. I then began to explain what I had in mind for the pictures.

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