Sugawara Koushi x Reader (Soulmate AU)

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Soulmate AU: The red string of fate connects soulmates, but only one of them can see it until the other soulmate is in front of them and let's them know it's there somehow


Age 4:

The young girl walked on, wrapping the red string around her hands as she followed it. She didn't know how long she'd been walking, or where her mom was, but she was too enthralled in the red string tied around her pinky to really care. She stopped when she reached the ocean, staring out into the water where the string stretched over the surface. She had just started wading in when she felt hands under her arms, pulling her out of the water and into a familiar embrace. After a long lecture about not running away again, her mother brought her home. The whole way there the little girl played with the string on her fingers, wrapping it around them and watching it unravel. Her fascination was peaked.

Age 12:

She sat on the sand, mindlessly wrapping the string around her fingers as she stared out and over the water. She closed her eyes and breathed in the familiar salty smell of the ocean. The island she lived on was her definition of paradise, a feeling of contentment drifting through her every time she thought about it. She had no motivation to ever leave her little town.

Except the string.

She couldn't help but want to follow the it. No matter how much she loved the town, the pull of her curiosity was stronger. She decided when she was old enough, she'd follow the string and finally figure out who was attached to the end of it.

Age 18 (Present Day):

I stood at the bow of the ship, inhaling the smell of the familiar sea once more before stepping into a whole new place. I walked onto the dock and into the city, looking around and listening to the foreign language. I found a small hotel and stayed the night after attempting and failing to use the limited amount of Japanese I'd picked up from the book and apps I'd gotten earlier that month. I went to sleep with the book in hand, a smile on my face as I snored lightly. It was time to find the other end of my red string.

I woke up in the morning with excitement coursing through my veins, getting on the earliest train I could and getting off when the string had shrunken in length immensely. I walked out of the station and onto the street, following the thread towards a large hill. A small convenience store rested at the bottom and I walked in, thinking to grab a water. After stumbling through clumsily spoken Japanese and the cashier's very broken English I was back on my way up the hill. I walked onto the campus of what looked like a school and stared at everything as I went. I felt something bump into my back and I fell forward, my hands scraping against the gravel. I sat up and turned to see a boy with orange hair looking dazed before beginning to apologize rapidly. After a few moments of panic I racked my mind before slowly attempting to speak what was hopefully understandable Japanese.

"I... don't speak... Japanese."

The boy looked slightly shocked before jumping, startling me slightly with a loud shout. He began to talk rapidly and I repeated the sentence before apologizing and scurrying after my string, leaving the boy to stand in confusion.

I leaned against the trunk of a tree, catching my breath and looking at the bright string tied around my pinky. It lead into a building not 10 feet away from me, but I couldn't force my legs to move. I stood there, staring for what felt like ages before I felt my curiosity stir again. Who is at the other end of my string? I slowly walked forward, going around the building and stopping in the doorway to see a group of boys playing volleyball and laughing with each other. I scanned the gym, eyes following the red string to where it was tied around the pinky of a boy with silver hair. He faced away from me, but his shoulder shook as if he was chuckling at something one of the boys in front of him said. I felt my breath catch in my throat and heart beat faster. I watched as he conversed with a tall boy with long hair, oblivious to me until the ginger from earlier shouted something. Now he turned to me and I almost stumbled. His warm eyes were round with curiosity and his expression radiated a purity and warmth I almost couldn't stand to look at. He made his way towards me with the rest of the team as a boy with tan skin and dark hair asked me a question. When the ginger piped up again, I recognized him saying "doesn't speak English" before the whole group looked to me in shock.

"I came here from America."

I spoke clumsily, trying to remember the correct words I'd studied tirelessly for the past month.

I heard a "Why?" come from the group and I smiled lightly.

"I'm following my red string."

I wrapped my hand around the string and gave it a tug, watching as the silver haired boy's hand jerked. He looked down and his eyes widened as he traced it to my hand. He looked up at me, eyes blown wide before he took a tentative step towards me. I felt my eyes fill with tears and I threw myself at him, flinging my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder. He arms went around my waist and after a moment he ducked his head into my neck. We stayed locked in that position for a few moments before he pulled back and spoke in heavily accented English.

"I'm Sugawara Koushi."

"I'm F/N L/N."

"Hello, Soulmate."

Woah, another update. That's two days in a row. Anyways, I'm totally shooketh rn. I don't know when I got to 8k reads but I'm kinda in shock cause like what ??? People actually ??? Read my shit??? What the fuck ???? I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE EVER READ AND WILL READ SOMETHING I WRITE IN THE FUTURE THANK YOU SO MUCH MY LOVES

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