Tobio's Twin

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Kags is actually a soft boy and socially awkward and he's not angry and mean all the time like a ton of people say don't @ me. Also: this sorta fell off at the end idk i just felt like writing something. Read ending note for sentimental words @ all my readers.

The class slowly fell into loaded silence as a tall girl walked into the classroom. Long black hair swung freely at her hips and bangs fell cleanly across her forehead. Her big blue eyes scanned the classroom as she held a constant bored expression. She dismissed the teachers suggestion to introduce herself with a small shake of her head before quietly walking over to an empty seat by the window. She placed down her bag and pulled out a pair of earbuds, pulling them up through her blazer and letting her hair cover them as she plugged them into her ears. Her head fell idly against her hand and she stared ahead with a hollow gaze as the teacher began to speak.


The class passed quickly and I gathered my things, turning up my music before heading out to meet my brother. I went over to the vending machines he told me about and quickly bought two milk drinks, sipping on one while holding the other until my brother got there.

He strolled around the corner a few moments later and took the drink from my outstretched hand without missing a beat. He nodded his head at me in thanks and I gave him a small smile. He gestured with his head and we began to walk up the flight of stairs around the corner together. I yanked my earbuds out as we climbed, pulling them from my blazer and stuffing them into my bag.

We sat on top of the roof together, my legs overtop of his as we ate in comfortable silence. After a bit I spoke up quietly.

"Can we walk home together?"

He nodded, a quiet 'sure' drifting from his lips as he stared out and over the horizon. We sat there in silence until the bell rang and we both looked at each other with bored expressions. He began to get up and offered me a hand, raising and eyebrow at me as I waved it off.

"I'm skipping. I'll say I got lost and ended up missing my classes." I stated as I laid back on the roof, crossing my legs and lacing my fingers under my head as a makeshift cushion.

"Have fun. If I don't come grab you after the bell I'm over there." He explained, pointing at a building not too far off before waving and walking back down the stairs. I waved at his back as he walked off before pulling my headphones out of my bag and stuffing them back into my ears, un-pausing my music and sighing in content. I stared at the sky as the clouds drifted by, letting my mind be blank as the music filled my head. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, basking in the sunshine.

I woke up to someone lightly shaking my shoulder, calling my name softly as they took out my earbuds. I sat up and rubbed my eyes slowly, sticking out a hand for my brother to pull me up. I grabbed my bag and rubbed my eyes again, holding his hand as we walked down the stairs so I wouldn't fall in my hazy state. I let out a yawn and squeezed my brother's hand lightly, letting my hand fall out of his when he squeezed back. He stuck his hand in his pocket and I looped my arm through his, letting my head rest against his shoulder as we walked. He rolled his eyes and grumbled softly as we went towards a building.

"Stop slouching."

I groaned but did as he said, straightening out my back so that I stood at my full height once again. I looked over and sighed, lightly bumping my hip into my brother's as we walked up the steps. I put my hand in my own pocket as we crossed through the doorway, leaving our arms linked between us.

Inside the gym a group of boys were setting up volleyball nets and getting ready to practice, not noticing the two of us standing in the doorway until Tobio called out a greeting. All eyes turned to us, many of them wide with shock or curiosity. A boy with bright ginger hair stooped into a squat and pointed at Tobio and I with a shocked expression.

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