Yamaguchi x Reader (Songfic)

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"Bye Yama!" I called as I walked down the steps. Kei and I had come over for dinner after their volleyball practice. The walk took on it's normal comfortable silence. I listened to our footsteps lightly thudding against the sidewalk and got lost in my thoughts until my brother's voice broke the silence.

"He likes you."

I stopped walking and stared at my brother's back in disbelief, mind going a mile a minute trying to process what he said. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, smirking back at me as my face flushed. I started to walk again, lost in thought as Kei glanced at me with a smug expression every few minutes. We walked in the door and I mumbled a 'goodnight' to my parents before walking up the stairs and into my room. I collapsed on my bed and tried to push thoughts of my childhood crush out of my mind. Obviously Kei just wanted a rise out of me.


I shook my head and groaned into my pillow, my mind spinning with scenarios that were lovely to imagine and would never actually happen. I burrowed under my blankets with a resigned sigh. It was going to be a long night.


I woke up to my alarm and I scowled. Unsure of what time I fell asleep, I could tell it was far too late for me to be in a good mood. I pulled on my uniform and angrily ran a brush through my hair, the pull from the knots only making me more upset. When I'd finally finished torturing my scalp I threw the brush across the room and onto my bed before pulling on my shoes and walking down the stairs. I grabbed my lunch off the counter and went to walk out the door when my mother's voice called me back. I rolled my eyes and turned back into the kitchen, where she stood holding Kei's lunch. I sighed and grabbed it before leaning down slightly so she could kiss my forehead. I walked out of the house with a huff and buried my nose in my scarf to fend off the nipping breeze.

I walked towards the gym with a scowl, the cold weather not doing much to improve my mood when I was so tired. When I walked in the boys were getting water so I pinched the back of Kei's neck to get his attention. He rolled his head back before turning to look at me with a scowl of his own.


"You forgot your lunchbox." I bit back. It seemed like neither of us were in a good mood. He took it from me and walked over to his lunchbox as I flipped off his retreating figure. Some of the boys looked on in part shock and part confusion as I stalked out of the gym. As I walked out towards the school I felt a hand wrap around my arm and I whirled around.

"What?" I barked out at a slightly startled Yamaguchi. When I saw his somewhat hurt expression I felt my snarl melt into an exasperated frown and I rubbed a hand down my face with a groan. I looked back up at him with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. It's been a bad morning. What do you need?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay. You seemed really upset this morning..." He trailed off and looked down at his shoes and I felt myself melt at his concerned expression. I just let out another groan and leaned forward until my forehead was resting against his shoulder. He stiffened up momentarily before relaxing again and i sighed before standing straight again.

"I just didn't sleep enough. Kei just said something stupid last night and I was up thinking about it." I sighed before smiling at him. "I have to go. Photography starts in 10 minutes. Bye Yama."

I began to walk away and sighed when I got inside, tucking my scarf into my bag and making my way towards the photography room.

Third Person P.O.V

Yamaguchi walked back towards the gym with wavering hope blooming in his chest and a blush spreading across his cheeks. His thoughts started to race in circles and a wobbly smile bean to form on his lips.

'If she's so touchy when she's mad it must mean she likes me just a little bit right? What if Tsukki told her that I like her? Maybe if she stayed up to think about it she likes me too?'

He walked into the gym in a daze and Kei smirked knowingly.

Your P.O.V

We were all sitting on the couch watching a movie when Kei went to the bathroom. I glanced at him as he left the room before turning my attention back to the movie. I heard Yama clear his throat and I glanced up to see his face slightly pink. I sat up and he looked down before taking in a breath and meeting my eyes.

"Will you go out with me?"

I felt my eyes blow wide and I began to smile before I realized something. My attention immediately flicked back to the memories of every time I was mad or upset or feeling overly-sensitive and I had hurt Yamaguchi. The pained flash in his eyes came to the front of my mind and I felt my own eyes begin to tear up. I looked into his face and saw the confusion lurking there as I opened my mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry, I can't." His face fell and he started to get up as I began to cry and speak quickly. "Yamaguchi I'd only end up hurting you. It's not you I swear I'm just not a nice person and it-"

The front door clicked as it shut and I stopped talking to start crying loudly. Kei came running out out the living room and wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his shoulder. He was quiet until I'd finally just started sniffling. He pulled back to look at me with a questioning expression and I smiled lightly.

"I told him I didn't want to go out with him."

Kei's eyes went wide and I buried my face in my hands, talking fast as though if I could talk fast enough the tears wouldn't catch up. "It's not like I don't like him! I like him a lot but I don't know why he likes me. Plus, I'm such a mean person that all I'd do is hurt his feelings. I'm too selfish for a relationship and I couldn't hurt him like that Kei- I- " I broke off and buried my face into his shoulder again. He placed a comforting hand on my head and we stayed like that until I'd cried myself to sleep.

Author's Note: Holy shit I'm not dead! I'm sorry I'm a shitty author rn. School has kicked my ass and then a lot of shit happened and yeah. but I'm back! I'm hoping to get back into the groove of updating again but it might be a little bit before I'm back to every other day. For right now it'll probably be weekends until I can write a bit more.

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