Gimme some Suga! (Sugawara x Fem. Reader) Part 1

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(Edited ✔️)

I sighed and put away the book I was reading, plugging in my headphones and stuffing my hands into my pockets to keep them warmup on my icy walk to school. My glasses fogged as I finally entered the building, my scarf up to my nose and shoulders hunched in a vain effort to conserve heat. I rolled my shoulders back and slipped the scarf off my mouth, breathing in fresh air and gently pressing a fingertip to the end of my freezing red nose. I quickly got lost in the maze of halls and sighed, exhausted from walking so much. I turned a corner and noticed silver-haired boy walking down the hall ahead of me. I sprinted to catch up to him, hoping to catch him before my one chance at escaping this maze disappeared.

"EXCUSE ME!" I panted as I tapped him on the shoulder, becoming slightly irritated at the fact that I was exercising so early in the morning.

He turned with a smile and placed a calming hand on my back as I panted, waiting quietly for me to catch my breath. After a moment, I stood up straight and adjusted my glasses before smiling back.

"I'm lost. I'm new and I can't find my class." I laughed sheepishly as I placed a hand on the back of my neck.

"That's alright." He laughed before gently plucking the schedule from my hand, scanning it quickly before shooting me a grin. "We have the same classes, so I'll take you to each one."

"Really? Thank you so much!" I yelled excitedly, throwing my arms around the strangely pretty boy with a relieved laugh.

He giggled and patted my back softly before we walked down the hall together, introductions under way.

"Sugawara... kinda like sugar." I giggled before opening my arms as if waiting for a hug.

"Gimme some suga'" I said in a deep voice as he sweatdropped at my amazing sense of humor.

"That was bad." He deadpanned as I pouted before throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"I'm super punny dude, you just gotta get used to it." I smiled at him brightly before a voice yelled from up ahead of us.


Running at us at full speed was a short boy with spiked hair and a taller boy with a shaved head. They jumped as they came closer and looked like they were gonna crush Suga, so I yanked him out of the way and watched the two boys crash to the floor.

He thanked me before letting out an exasperated sigh as he turned to the two boys. "Yes?"

"Why'd ya do that?" The little one with spikey hair whined at me as he sat up and rubbed his head.

I leaned forward and pursed my lips before wagging a finger right in front of his face. "I couldn't let you hurt my Sugar!"

Both of them stared at me, seemingly frozen in shock before jumping and slapping Suga on the back. The two boys began yelling about how Sugawara should have told them he had a girlfriend as Suga rushed to explain the situation to them. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Suga's hand before sprinting down the hall.

"RUN BEFORE THEY SLAP THEIR STUPID ONTO YOU TOO!" I yelled loud enough for them to hear behind me.

I laughed at their shouts of indignation as we rounded the corner and stopped to laugh at the two steaming bozos.

"Look, stairs!" I pointed before running up the staircase and slamming open the door at the top. Sugawara emerged from the doorway as I spun in circles and squealed on the rooftop.

"C-careful!" He yelled as I slipped and fell, my glasses falling off and me knees scraping against the ground in the process.

"Are you alright?" He asked anxiously as he knelt in front of me, his hands immediately going to cup my knees.

"I can't see anything." I stated bluntly as I blinked at the silver, fuzzy being in front of me.

He let out a little sound of understanding and I watched as the figure walked away. The boy coming back and gently moved my hair out of the way, carressing my cheek as he stuck my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose. His nose was less than an inch away from mine, his eyes zeroed in on and flickering between the different features on my face. I felt my cheeks flush and I scrambled back, wincing as my knees hit each other in my haste.

"O-oh! Let's get you to the infirmary!" He shouted suddenly, scooping me into his arms princess-style and making his way back into the stairwell.

"E-EH!?! You can put me down now Suga-san! I can walk!" I squealed as he tossed me a bit to adjust his hold on me. He shot me a cheeky smile as he continued to walk.

"Aww. What happened to Sugar?" He laughed as my face stained a deeper shade of red and I buried it in my hands.

I kept my face hidden behind my fingers, peeking between them for a moment when I heard a voice coming from up ahead of us.

"Suga-senpai, why weren't you at practice?"

"Ah, I was going to show Y/N-san to our class, but she ran up to the roof and hurt herself. I'm just taking her to the infirmary."

I uncovered my face and opened my eyes to come face to face with bright orange hair.

"Uwoah! Suga-san, she's so pretty!" The short boy yelled, causing my red cheeks to gain an even deeper color. Suga's chest shook and he tightened his grip around me as he laughed, making my blush even worse.

"Suga-san! What happened to your girlfriend!?" Two familiar asked loudly from down the hall. I looked over Suga's shoulder to see the two boys from earlier pointing at me.

"G-girlfriend?!" A tall guy with long hair yelled from behind them, looking as though he'd been struck by lighting.

I buried my face in the crook of Suga's neck and he laughed at all the other boys. A small tap on my shoulder made me pull my scarlet face from his neck to look back to the boy with orange hair.

"Are you and Suga-senpai really dating?"

"I mean, I just met Sugar today so-"

"If you keep calling me Sugar we might as well start dating. We've already got pet-names." He chuckled as my cheeks became a darker shade of red.

"S-shut up!" I yelled, hiding my face in his shoulder once again. His laughter shook through his whole frame as we continued down the hall.

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