Tiny Tooru

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(This takes place during the practice match between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai)

Oikawa walked into the gym 2 sets late, eliciting yells from his irritated teammates. However, instead of his normally calm demeanor, his face was coated with one of panic as he shushed the people around him and in the stands frantically. Once everyone was quiet he breathed a sigh of relief, only to gulp at the feeling of something stirring on his back. He pulled the smaller person off his back and a young girl rubbed her eyes with her fists from the cradle of his arms.

"Nii-chan, where are we?" She yawned as she opened her big eyes and looked at the group of boys surrounding her.

She looked like a tiny, more feminine Oikawa. Her little nose had a slightly more gentle slope to it, her high cheekbones visible under her wide brown eyes. Her hair fell to her shoulders in a curtain of chocolate fluff, just as soft as the boy's who held her.

"I-IT'S A TINY TOORU!!" Someone from the stands yelled before everyone chorused loudly and squealed, their hands reaching over railing as if they could reach her.

Tears built up in her eyes and everyone fell to silence as they began to splat to the floor. She looked to her brother, lips quivering as he began to freak out again.

"D-Don't cry!" He stuttered nervously as she wailed.

Suddenly, a box of strawberry candies appeared in front of her. She turned her tear-stained cheeks towards a fiery-haired boy with a welcoming smile. The little girl slipped out of her brothers arms and took the box of candies, smiling at the boy brightly and holding her unoccupied hand up towards him, curling her small fingers over and over.

The orange-haired boy tilted his head in confusion for a moment before the little girl pouted and curled her fingers more urgently, eyebrows furrowing slightly. The boy giggled and scooped her up onto his hip, causing her to give a little squeal of delight and a look of shock to cross her brother's face.

"S-she let you pick her up?!?! A stranger?!?! She hardly lets me pick her up!!" He yelled before getting smacked in the head by someone from his team.

The little girl stuck her tongue out at her brother before facing the boy who held her and smiling brightly.

"My name is Oikawa Taura, call me Taura-chan!" She exclaimed excitedly while popping a candy into her mouth. She pulled another out of the box and held it in front of the boy's lips, his eyes lighting up slightly as he opened his mouth to let the little girl pop the candy in. As she was taking her fingers away from his mouth she grazed it against one of his teeth.

"Owie!" The little girl yelled while pulling back her finger and cradling it to her chest, glaring at the confused boy . She thrust her finger out in front of his face and pouted.

"Kiss it better."

At this Oikawa finally went into hysterics, talking about his sister being a flirt and needing to take her home immediately. She threw a candy at him and stuck out her tongue.

She pouted before turning back to the boy and holding out her finger once more, her pout re-established and her puppy-eyes going full blast.

"Pleeeaaase kiss it better?" She asked sweetly while staring at him.

He turned red and kissed her finger, making her face light up in joy before she giggled and pressed her own lips to her finger. The boy stared in shock as the little girl smiled.

"Now it's like we kissed! You're like my boyfriend!" The little girl giggled before pressing her lips to his cheek sloppily.

"U-u-um th-that-" The boy stuttered before thrusting her back into her big brothers arms and running back to the ogling eyes of his team, face burning.

"Does he not want to be my boyfriend?" She asked her brother while tilting her head in confusion.

"I don't think so little one." Someone said as they plucked her out of Oikawa's arms and sat her on the bench. "Your brother has to play now, so sit here and be a good girl."

"Okay!" She smiled at him as he flashed her a little smile and both teams hustled onto the court.

Her brother faced the net, so she couldn't see his face but the face of the boy on the other side's face seemed to darken as she could only assume her brother talked.

The game started after that, her brother in the serving position. She rolled her eyes as he served it to a tall blonde boy in the corner and made a snarky remark about it. Suddenly, the boy with orange-hair began to flail his arms and yell at her brother, causing her to giggle. She watched intently as the boy with orange-hair jumped, the ball delivered directly to his hand by the dark-haired setter. She stared in aw at the duo before turning to the boys standing beside her.

"Can both of them be my boyfriend's?" She asked while pointing at the duo with sparkling eyes. One boy choked as the others stared at her in shock and the other team stared at her as if she were crazy.

"W-why would you want that!?" Her brother yelled from the court.

"Cause look at how cool they are! The setter is amazing and the orange-haired boy is so cool! We could all play volleyball together!" She explained animatedly.

"You play volleyball?" A boy with silver-hair asked from the other team.

She puffed out her chest proudly and pointed to herself with her thumb. "I'm the libero on my team."

"Wait a second, how old are you?" A boy with turnip hair asked.

"I'm 8." She said with a wide smile. "Nii-chan has been teaching me how to recieve since I was 5!"

Everyone turned to her brother as he rubbed his head sheepishly with a smile.

"Although, Nii-chan's sereves hurt my arms." The girl added as a last though before rolling up the sleeves of her sweater to reveal the large bruises peppering her arms.

"YOU MADE HER RECIEVE YOUR SERVES?!" Many people in the gym screamed at her brother as he put up his hands and began to babble.

"I can do it almost perfect now!" She boasted before turning to her brother and jumping up and down. "Can we show them?? Please?" The young girl pleaded with her brother and the rest of the team.

"We're in the middle of a practice match-"

"We'll sub her in." The silver-haired boy from earlier said, much to his teamates surprise.

"S-Sugawara?" The team captain stuttered while staring in awe at the boy on the sidelines.

"I'm curious." He shrugged before they pulled out the libero and told her to get on the court. She pulled her sweater off her small form and jumped into position, face narrowing and mouth curling into a menacing smirk.

"Bring it to me Nii-chan~" The little girl sang in a sweet voice.

Her brother sighed and went to his spot on the serve line, tossing up the ball and taking his run. You could almost see the ball meld around his hand as he smacked it with an immense amount of force. The little girl slid her feet apart, pulled her arms together and braced them for the hit. The resounding smack of the ball hitting her arms echoed around the gym as it flew towards the setter in a high arch. He tossed the ball to a boy with a shaved head, who spiked it down with enthusiasm. Almost everyone in the gymnasium turned towards her in shock before she bounded over to the dark-haired setter.

"So will you be my boyfriend? Will you?" She asked while bouncing on her toes.

He stared at the little girl and bent down to her height to look her in the eyes, only to have her loop around and jump on his back.

"Oikawa!" A boy with spiky hair yelled from her brothers side of the net.

"Taura-chan~ We can play with Tobio another day. Time to go home." Her brother pleaded.

She stuck her tongue out at her brother before flipping her head over the setter's and placing a kiss to his forehead. She jumped off and grabbed her sweater, smiling brightly before taking her brother's hand and skipping away

This was trash I'm sorry I just had this weird idea of Oikawa having a sister and this happened.

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