Tsukishima x Male Reader

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Bold = English


I stood in front of my new class and smiled, waving to everyone as they stared.

"Hello! I'm L/N F/N. My family just moved here from America, so please excuse me if I do something rude. I promise, I probably won't mean it if I've just met you."

I got a few laughs from my classmates and I smiled to myself as I sat down. I started to zone out as the teacher spoke and instead began people watching, observing my new classmates. Most of them were pretty easy to read, like the guy with freckles I could tell was nervous about the test the teacher was mentioning from the way he bit his lip and he began to jiggle his knee a bit faster. Then there was the tall blonde who sat behind him. His headphones hung around his neck and he rested his head on his hand as he lazily took notes. He looked completely uninterested in anything going on around him and I cocked my head to the side as I began to think more about him.

He was actually pretty cute. His blonde hair moved a bit in the soft breeze coming from the air vents and his glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose slightly. He scrunched up his nose to bring his glasses back up and I turned to face the window quickly as thoughts began to swirl through my head.

"Holy fuckballs that was cute." I whispered to myself quietly. I looked up when the girl beside me tapped the corner of my desk.

"What's a... fuckball?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. I stared at her with wide eyes for a few moments before breaking out in loud and rambunctious laughter. Thankfully, the bell rang for lunch before the teacher could ask why.

"Don't... don't say that again. It's not an English word you should know." I laughed, smiling as she nodded and turned red.

I walked out into the courtyard to eat and looked around for someplace to sit. I heard a familiar sound coming from the gym and I smiled, making my way over quickly. I peaked inside with a grin and watched as a boy with orange hair spike the ball. He and a boy with big blue eyes yelled and high fived before setting up again.

"Have room for one more?" I called, setting down my bag near the doorway. They both looked over to me as I walked onto the court to stand in front of them. I was taller than the tangerine, but still shorter than blue eyes.

"You play volleyball!?" The tangerine yelled, getting a smile out of me.

"Yeah. I was a Spiker back in America. I was hoping to join the boys' team here too."

After a quick introduction between the three of us we all got into position. Hinata threw the ball to Kageyama and the both of us ran up while calling for the ball. He tossed it my way and I jumped, swinging at the ball with enthusiasm.

It sailed right over my fingertips.

"Well fuck me sideways- sorry, I haven't played in a while." I apologized, picking up the ball and turning around apologetically. They both cocked their heads as they stared at me and I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Uh, what did all those English words mean?" Hinata asked as Tobio nodded in agreement.

"Don't mind it. It's just something I tend to say when I get mad." I waved it off dismissively and we continued to practice, going until the bell rang for our next class.

I walked into the classroom and threw myself into my seat, pulling out my lunch and beginning to eat quickly.

"You know lunch is over, right?" Asked the girl from my first class with a giggle.

"I was playing volleyball." I said carefully around my food. She laughed again before the teacher called class to attention. I noticed her shooting me glances out of the corner of her eye as I people watched. Once class was over she walked beside me, walking me to my locker and towards the school gates.

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