Kageyama x Reader

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I walked into the gym with a smile, setting down my speaker and flopping down onto the floor next to it. I pulled out an extra pair of clothes and shoes from my bag and changed quickly, hoping to start practicing as soon as possible. My brother had a practice match here today and I wanted to use the gym before they needed to warm up. I stood up and pressed play on my phone, smiling as music played through the gym loudly. I picked up a ball and started serving, jogging and dancing around a little bit as I went to grab it afterwards. I hummed softly at certain parts of the song and sang loudly at others, twirling around with the ball in my arms. I threw the ball up, getting ready to serve again when a shout from the side of the gym startled me. Without thinking I changed the course of the ball and aimed it towards the sound, watching in horror as a boy with orange hair took it to the face. As soon as I landed I was sprinting over to him, rapidly apologizing to him as he rubbed his nose and groaned.

As I sat in front of him apologizing, a voice from the doorway caught my attention.

"How did you do that?"

"He startled me and I was about to hit, so I accidentally changed the balls course..."

I trailed off in embarrassment before running over and turning off my speaker, stuffing it into my bag before going to walk out of the gym.

"Wait!" A voice called as I made for the door. I stopped and sighed, turning around to face a boy with silver hair. Over his shoulder I saw a familiar face and I felt a smile overtake my features. The boy was talking to the one I hit with the ball and didn't seem to have noticed who I was. I dropped my bag and pushed past the boy in front of me, earning a quiet gasp as I sprinted. I pushed he orange headed kid gently as I threw myself at Tobio. His arms went around me as we fell and he looked as if he was about to yell before he looked at my face. His eyes went wide and his frown softened into a confused pout. I rolled off of him and sat up as he did the same.

"N/N, what are you doing here?"

"Tooru is playing and he wanted me to come. They stopped for food and I came straight here cause I wanted to use the gym. I didn't know you went here, Tobi!" I grinned, helping him to his feet as the rest of the team stared in varying degrees of confusion.

"Tobi?" A boy with freckles asked quietly to himself, making the tall blonde beside him snicker. I laughed a bit before a familiar voice flooded the gym.

"Oi, N/N! Don't talk to Tobio-chan! You might get infected with Tobio germs!" He shouted, Iwaizumi shooting him a glare as he walked in behind him. Tobio shot him a confused glance and I stuck my tongue out at my brother.

"What is even going on right now!?" A boy with a shaved head asked, pointing between Tobio and I and my brother. I sighed before patting Tobio's shoulder and smiling at him gently.

"I'll talk to you when the match it over. Tooru is gonna have a fit if I stay over here anymore."

He nodded at me as my hand slipped off his shoulder and I sighed, walking over to my steaming brother slowly. He threw his hands up as I got closer to him and Iwa shook his head at his best friend's idiocy.

"I can't believe you would even talk to him N/N! What if you got Tobio germs? You could be infected!"

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel, walking over to get my discarded bag and ignoring his shouts of protest. As I walked over I watched Tobio shrug at his teammates and begin to speak.

"We were good friends in middle school."

"I was your best friend!" I called over, smirking as the team turned to look at me with wide eyes. The tall blonde smirked and turned to tease Tobio.

"I'm surprised you even had a friend, King, considering your history."

I felt a glare overcome my playful features as I began to speak before Tobio could open his mouth.

"I'd suggest you be quiet, Blondie. I'm pretty sure everyone in this room is surprised you have a friend considering your inability to leave people the fuck alone." I snarled, Karasuno's team turning to me with shock covered features.

"It's alright N/N." Tobio called, seemingly unfazed by my change in tone. My posture relaxed slightly and I nodded, still glaring at the blonde. I stalked back over to my brother and dropped my bag, grabbing him by the collar to bring us to eye level.

"I'm playing." I growled, letting go as a smirk coated his features. He watched me walk to start warming up before calling after me.

"Whatever you say, your majesty."

We filtered onto the court, Tooru starting in the serving position. I started next to Tobio, him shooting me a glance out of the corner of his eye.

"You don't need to be so mad."

"Blondie doesn't need to be so rude."

We locked eyes for a few moments, unspoken words floating between us before we both turned to watch Tooru serve. After a few points, their captain got the ball up, sending it straight to Tobio. I watched the orange headed kid run as the ball came closer to Tobio's hands. His eyes began to flick about rapidly, calculating where and when to send the ball. After noticing the slant in his fingers I smirked, jumping in front of number ten. His eyes widened in shock and he tipped the ball over my fingers, making my smirk grow wider. Iwa received the ball with a grunt and Oikawa came up to set.


His eyes flicked to me with a smile and he tossed the ball towards me, making me smile as I ran up. I jumped, watching as the hands came up in front of me. With only two blockers it wasn't to hard to make the cut shot and send the ball to Blondie. He stumbled to get the ball and accidentally sent it out of bounds. He turned to me with a scowl and I sent one back at him, both of us turning away with clicks of our tongues. I turned to Tooru with a sigh.

"Alright, I'm done. Take me out."

He let out a squawk before flailing his arms and whining loudly.

"But N/N! We make such a great team! Don't leave your big brother like this!"

I scoffed and turned to the coach, watching him nod as Kindaichi took my place on the court. I lied down on the bench and watched as the match carried on, receiving pours from my brother every once in awhile. Each team had taken one set and they had to end the third with both teams at 34 points because it was a school night. As Seijoh began to help clean up I snuck up behind Tobio and wrapped my arms around him, making him twist around in shock. He let his arms go around my waist gently and I smiled before pulling away.

"Yknow, Oikawa has a habit of referring to me as 'Your Majesty,' so mind doing me a favor?"

He tilted his head curiously and I smiled. "Become my king?"

His turned scarlet and he covered his face with one hand, the other one pushing my shoulder gently. I let out a loud laugh as I pulled his hand off his face. I sent him a playful smile as I spoke.

"What, you don't want me for a queen?"

Now the entire gym was caught off guard and Tobio's blush deepened further as he pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed and pushed him away slightly, leaning up to press my lips to his. I heard my brother scream from across the gym and I pulled away with a giggle. He buried his face into my hair as I beamed, nuzzling into his chest cheerfully.

"Maybe now being called king won't be so bad." He muttered into my ear, causing me to flush. I kissed his cheek before burying myself back in his embrace.

Eventually we separated and I waved from the bus as Karasuno became a dot in the distance. I smiled and took out my phone, texting my new king.



"Hopefully I get infected again too."


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