Reader x Yamaguchi

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I leaned back against my friends hands as they pushed me towards the stage at the front of the small restaurant. It was karaoke night, and my friends signed me up before I could even say no. I stood on stage with the mic clutched in my hand in terror. As the music started I took in my appearance and almost started sighing in relief. At least I had changed out of my practice clothes. A pair of fake jean shorts that came down to about an inch above mid thigh made my legs look long and I thanked the summer sun for my tan. A blue and white plaid shirt made of an airy material went down to almost cover the shorts, leaving an inch or so for people to see still. The long sleeves went down to the middle of my palms and I wanted nothing more than to pull up the useless hood attached to it and pull the strings so it hid my face. I tucked my hair behind my ears and readjusted my earrings so that the small hoop was straight and didn't cling to the stud behind it. I took a deep breath and began to sing, knees shaking like jello as I began.

From walking home and talking loads
To seeing shows in evening clothes with you

I glanced to my friends nervously, feeling like I'd fall any moment from the panic I felt steadily building inside me.

From nervous touch and getting drunk
To staying up and waking up with you

I took a small step forward and relaxed my shoulders, slowly getting more comfortable on the stage. I ran a hand through my hair and let a shy smile flash towards a boy with with wide eyes who stared at me from the corner of the restaurant.

So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you,
And I'll be me

My voice got louder and more confident and I saw my friends begin to nod at me, encouraging me to go on. I felt a smile creep onto my face, and I slowly began to move as I sang. My hand began to move in emphasis with the words I sang, rocking my body forward and back to the rhythm of the song.

From throwing clothes across the floor

The boy's face flushed as we made eye contact on that line and I felt a small blush crawl up my cheeks.

To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you

I watched as his friends seemed to tease him about his red complexion, making it worsen immensely.

If this is all we're living for
Why are we doing it
Doing it
Doing it anymore

One of my friends whistled as I added notes to the last syllable. I felt my confidence slowly rise and I straightened out my back more, looking around and watching as people slowly began to turn towards me as I sang. Red painted my cheeks but I could feel the excitement dancing across my features as I received more smiles and some people took out their phones to record.

So come on let it go

Shouts were heard from my friends as a low growl came from my voice in the middle of the line, feeding into the emotion of the song. The boy looked at his friends in excitement before turning his attention back to me.

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me

And I'll be me

I watched as the expressions around the restaurant softened with my voice as I let the word fade, the soft and soothing music the only noise for a few moments.

Trying to fit your inside of mine when you know it just don't belong
There's no force on Earth that could make it feel right

Whistles were heard from my friends at the roll in notes I added to the last word.

Trying to push this problem up the hill when it's just to heavy to hold
Think now's the time to let it slide

My voice softened and I locked eyes with the boy, a gentle smile on my face

So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me

My voice faded after every few lines, people straining to hear the words as a soft atmosphere settled

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me

My voice faded and I locked eyes with the boy again, this time with a large smile, voice roaring when it came back.

So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me

Loud cheers erupted around me and my smile grew impossibly larger, voice gaining more strength with my growing confidence.

Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me

And I'll be me

I held the last note until my voice faded out, the piano finishing off the song on a gentle note. A moment of loaded silence hung in the air before loud cheers and claps erupted around me. I felt heat flush my face, a shy smile making it's way back as I sprinted off the stage and collapsed into my seat, knees shaking. My face was buried in my arms as coos from my friends erupted around me. Suddenly they went silent and I heard an unfamiliar voice stutter out an 'um.' I turned to see the boy standing beside me with a light blush.

"I...I really liked your singing." He averted his gaze and from up close I noticed the freckles littering his face. I felt my own face flush and I turned my attention to my shoes.

"Thank you very much."

A moment of silence sat in between us before we both started to speak at the same time.

"So-" "Would you-"

We both paused to stare at the other with wide eyes and I took a deep breath before glancing up at him shyly.

"I'm L/N F/N, but F/N is fine." I stated, holding out a hand.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi, and you can call me whatever." He blushed as we shook hands, causing me to giggle quietly. I stood up and on my tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before averting my gaze.

"As a thank you for the compliment." I said quietly before turning back and offering a large smile while a bright blush coated my cheeks. I watched as a deep red stained his cheeks and leaned down, pressing a kiss to my forehead quickly and shoving his phone into my hand.

"C-could I get your number?" He stuttered out, playing with his fingers. I smiled and typed it in, taking a quick selfie for a contact photo and handing it back.

"Just text me if you want to hang out." I whispered. He smiled widely, so I knew he heard me. At the call of his name he turned to see his group leaving and jogged towards them, turning to give me a quick wave and a breathtaking smile before disappearing. I stared after him for a moment, heart hammering until I heard a voice clear behind me. I turned to see the smirking faces of my friends and groaned. This would be a long night.

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