Iwaizumi x Reader

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"MATTSUN WHAT THE HELL WHERE ARE WE WHY AM I IN A UNIFORM WHAT IS GOING ON MATTSUN I SWEAR IF YOU CHANGED ME I WILL DIG YOUR EYES OUT I DON'T CARE IF WE'RE COUSINS- AND WILL YOU PUT ME DOWN PLEASE!!!!!" I rambled on and screamed as my cousin carried me through unfamiliar school grounds. I heard him sigh as he threw me onto the hard floor of a gymnasium. He threw down my duffle bag beside me and sighed as I groaned from the floor.

"Well who is this feisty cutie Mattsun?~" A voice sang from behind me. I clambered to my feet and turned to see a boy with fluffy brown hair staring down at me with a flirty smile. I stared at him flatly before turning to my cousin and pointing over my shoulder with my thumb.

"Mattsun, why did you bring me to meet a walking STD?"

I watched as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped before Makki leaned over and screeched, "GET DRAGGED OIKAWA!"

The gym was filled with laughter as the overdramatic boy yelled at all of them about how mean they all are. I saw a boy with spiked hair walk in and fluff-head went over and began ranting about the 'mean new girl.' I watched as the new guy quickly became ticked off and hit the top of Oikawa's head with an open hand. I snorted before watching how his muscles flexed as he crossed them over his chest.

"Holy- Mattsun, Makki, tell me I'm not imagining the arms right now." I said as I tugged the sleeves on both of their jerseys. I heard my cousin snort as Makki laughed and called the boy over. He walked over after casting a final glare at 'Shittykawa' and stared between the three of us curiously.

"Iwaizumi, this is Mattsun's cousin Y/N. She's new to our school and since she's in you and Oikawa's class, we were hoping you would make sure he left her alone during class." Makki explained, with random hand motions. I snorted at him before sticking out a hand in front of me.

"I'm Matsukawa Y/N. Please keep me safe from the walking trash over there." I gestured towards the fluff-head on the floor with my head as we shook hands. I heard him screech in indignation as I laughed. I saw Iwaizumi crack a smile before I turned to face my cousin.

"Hey, so how did I get into this uniform? I didn't wake up until you walked onto school grounds." I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I had your little sister change you while you were sleeping so that you wouldn't complain on the way here." He rolled his eyes as I backhanded his chest.

"Why would I detest going to your school? You've described Karasuno as a nice school." I asked in confusion as I tilted my head. I heard a voice start behind me and I turned to see Iwaizumi as he began to speak.

"This isn't Karasuno. This is Aoba Johsai."

I stood stock still before turning to my cousin and grabbing him by the shirt.

"You bastard. That human salami is going to tell farmer boy and then he'll call me and -" I was cut off with a ring from my phone. I looked at the caller ID and groaned before answering and putting him on speaker.

"What do you want, Farmer Boy?" I asked with a sigh.

"Y/N, Tendo told me you're now attending Aoba Johsai. I would like you to pass on a message for me to someone."

"Waka, I know you're hung up on this Oikawa dude or whatever, but I'm not telling him to go to Shiratorizawa."

"GO TO HELL USHIWAKA!" The fluff head screeched from across the gym.


"Y/N, I'm older than you."





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