Tsukishima x Reader (Songfic)

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"Pathetic." He muttered as he walked past me. I felt my grip tighten around my pen and I grit my teeth, resisting the urge to snap at my boyfriend. I'd stopped wasting tears over his comments ages ago, and now it just took everything in me not to snap.

"You're lucky you have me. No one in their right mind would date you." He stated casually while walking towards his room. I'd come over for a study session, which was more me studying and asking for help as he mocked me and refused to do anything remotely helpful. I slammed my book shut and put it in my bag, packing up all my stuff loudly. He poked his head out of his room to see me headed towards the door.

"Oi, where are you going?" He asked coldly, eyes narrowing into a glare. I turned back with one of my own.

"Away from the blonde prick standing in front of me." I stalked out of the house livid. I walked down the street, gaze hardened into an emotionless stare as I walked home.

"Look, its the ugly girl Tsukishima is dating." A group of girls giggled from beside my locker the next day.

"Look, it's the group of sluts who want Tsukishima so bad they pick on girl he's dating." I rolled my eyes before switching my shoes. "Anyways, we're not together anymore."

"What?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned to see Tsukishima looking at me with wide eyes, his mouth wide with shock as Yamaguchi stared concernedly from beside him.

"We're not together anymore. Hope you're happier without your 'pathetic' girlfriend that 'no one in their right mind' would date." I spat at him, making quotations in the air as I quoted his latest insults. Yamaguchi's eyes widened as I shut my locker and made my way to class, leaving the small group behind me gaping.

I sat with Hinata and Kageyama at lunch, laughing at their antics and smiling for what felt like the first time in forever. I teased them and asked them if they'd like to study together after school. Both boys nodded enthusiastically and we spent the rest of the lunch period goofing off. I went back to class with a large grin plastered across my face.

"What's with the grin?" Tsukishima asked bitterly from his desk as I walked past.

"I found some guys who aren't assholes to study with." I shot him a smile as I made my way to my seat. I spent the class period basking in the light feeling surrounding me. It felt so free to not have to mentally brace myself for the onslaught of insults from the one who was supposed to compliment me. I took notes and doodles occasionally in the corner of my paper, drawing a flower basking in the sun. The bell rang and I packed up, making my way to the gym to wait for Hinata and Kageyama. I walked in and immediately stumbled back a few steps because Hinata launched himself into my arms. I laughed as Kageyama pried him off me and Tanaka came over, scolding Hinata.

"Don't go hitting on a girl who has a boyfriend Hinata. You'll get him jea-"

I snorted before he could finish and the three turned to face me.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

The gym stared in shock and Nishinoya stuttered from a few feet away. "W-what about Tsukishima?"

The tall boy walked into the gym as I responded. "He'll be better off without his 'pathetic' girlfriend. Maybe thinking on why we broke up will help him treat future girls better." I shrugged before telling Hinata and Kageyama I'd wait for them and sitting on the bench beside a curious Yachi and concerned looking Kiyoko.

"L/N-San... what did you mean when you said Tsukishima would be better off without his pathetic girlfriend?" Yachi asked timidly from beside me. I turned to face her with a smile and she relaxed as I started talking.

"I could say a lot of things about Tsukishima's abilities as a boyfriend, none of it positive. I said farewell to that relationship and I'm not going to ponder my decision because I know I made the right one. I can finally breathe again. The best is yet to come for me." I sighed while smiling at the ceiling. Yachi looked at me with wide eyes and we sat in comfortable silence until the practice ended.

"N/N-chan! Let's get meat buns before we study!" Hinata called as I gathered my things. I nodded before walking out of the gym, inbetween the two bickering boys. We walked down the hill, their arguing melting into a chorus of giggles between the three of us. We walked towards my apartment, talking amongst ourselves and munching on meat buns. We walked in and I welcomed them in with a smile.

"I'll start cooking while you guys start setting up in the living room. You're welcome to spend the night since tomorrow is the weekend and there's only afternoon practice. My parents live abroad so I live alone in the apartment and it gets quiet." I offered lightly before walking toward the kitchen, listening to Hinata marvel at the smallest thing and giggling. I brought out plates of yakisoba a little while later and we started studying, randomly cracking jokes and tossing noodles at each other. Hinata and I laughed as Kageyama looked at the noodle on his nose in confusion, as if wondering how it got there. We finished a few hours later and I sighed, taking dishes to the sink before yelling back to them.

"You can shower guys. I only have one bathroom though so you'll have to take turns. It the first door on the right down the hall." I called. Hinata walked into the kitchen as I heard the shower start running and I smiled when he offered to help me clean up. He dried the dishes as I washed and he traded with Kageyama. After Hinata got out of the shower I turned on a movie and made some popcorn before settling in on the couch between my two guests. When a knock on the door interrupted the movie I paused it and set the popcorn in Kageyama's lap, walking over to the door. I opened it to reveal a disheveled Tsukishima. I stared up expectantly as he looked down at me with unreadable eyes.

"Can I come in?"

"I have company spending the night actually." I smiled at him and his taken aback expression. As if on cue Hinata and Kageyama popped into view and Tsukishima scowled.

"I don't want to break up." He stated, staring down at me with a stone cold expression. I sent him my warmest smile before responding.

"Too bad it's not your choice at this point. We're through."

I closed the door and turned to the boys, shooing them back to the couch and resuming the movie. By the time it was over, Hinata's head was resting in my lap and Kageyama's on my shoulder, both sleeping soundly. I ran a hand absentmindedly through Hinata's hair and leaned my head on the top of Kageyama's. I pulled out my phone, snapping a photo of the three of us before sending it out as Streaks on Snapchat and posting it on instagram with the caption:

I found the best movie night mates ❤️

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