Reader x Yachi Hitoka

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Working at a karaoke place was certainly interesting. Every Friday a swarm of my classmates would flow in and the entire place would be loud and full of a happy energy. I finished tidying up one of the private rooms around thirty minutes before we opened when a call rang through from the front desk. I wiped my hands on my jeans and answered the phone happily, pausing the music playing over the speakers.

"Karasu Karaoke, how can I help you?"

"Hello! I was wondering if you guys had any rooms we could rent out?"

"Of course! There's one left, so you called at just the right time. How long do you want it for?"

After settling the time and price I went back to cleaning, finishing up just before the doors opened and people began to wade in. Once multiple groups settled down I ducked into the kitchen for a moment, beginning to get cups ready for the group scheduled at 7:30. At the sound of a bell I called back over my shoulder, shouting for just a moment before coming back with a smile. A large group of boys and a couple of girls stood in front of the register in matching black jackets with "Karasuno Volleyball Club" written on the back. Once I came over to them the one with silver hair smiled and began speaking.

"We reserved a room under Sugawara Koushi for 7:30."

After getting them set up in their room and delivering drinks to all the guests I made my way out to the entryway, turning on the stereo and beginning to sweep. Sweeping turned into singing and singing lead to dancing and soon I was twirling around with a broom in my hands as I cleaned.

"I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick."

I spun around and used the broom as a mic, smiling as I 'cleaned.'

"I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it."

I sung and spun around to the rest of the song, turning to go put the broom away and stopping when I saw someone in the doorway. One of the girls who came in with the volleyball club. Her face erupted into a bright red color and she began to stutter as I smiled, making my way over to her as the next song began. I gripped her hands lightly and pulled one to my shoulder while lacing my fingers with the other. Lucky for me, the next song was a slow song. I placed the hand not holding hers on her hip and smiled down at her, another bout of red washing over her. We slowly spun and drifted around the entryway, smiling and laughing when one of us would stumble or misstep at all. When the song came to its end I gave her a twirl before dropping us into a dip, our noses almost brushing. I let us both up with a smile, holding back the urge to kiss her on the spot with how cute that blush looked covering her cheeks. I held out a hand as she stuttered and cut off her gibberish with a soft giggle.

"I'm Y/N L/N, but you can call me Y/N if you want."

She placed her hand in mine gingerly, shaking her head to cover part of her face with her hair. "I'm Yachi Hitoka."

As our hands dropped I swept her hair back and used a finger to lift her chin, forcing her to look up at me as I winked at her. "Thanks for the dance then, Hitoka-Chan. I hope you had as much fun as I did. "

If possible, her face darkened a shade and she nodded furiously, burying her face in her hands. I let out a laugh and guided her behind the cash register and towards the kitchen area. She finally uncovered her face when I set her down on a stool at the island in the center of the kitchen. After getting her a drink and sitting down across from her I rested my cheek on my fist, head tilted as I watched her fidget nervously.

"I won't bite, you know."

My voice startled her and she jumped before turning to me with wide eyes.

"Unless you want me to."

I shot her a wink and giggled as her face became red once again. I apologized as I finished laughing and placed my hand on top of the one she'd set on the counter top. "I'm sorry, I really am. You're just really cute when you blush."

The blonde girl stuttered out a 'thank you' before a sense of determination filled her eyes and she turned to me with her lips set in a line.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I felt my own eyes blow wide with shock and within a few seconds the confident facade Hitoka had crumpled. She began to apologize profusely and wave her hands through the air rapidly. I snatched one of her hands and lightly brought it to my lips, her nervous rambling slowly fading off.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Hitoka-Chan."

Her face lit up and she clapped her hands together excitedly before excusing herself and running back to her karaoke room. I smiled to myself before running by and refilling their drinks, shooting a smile at Yachi as I left he room. When I came back she had her back to me as she sat on the couch. I shifted the tray of drinks to one hand and leaned over, pressing my lips close enough to her ear that she could feel them.

"How does ice skating sound, Hitoka-chan?"

I felt her stiffen and nod slightly, red slowly creeping up her ears. I smiled and giggled lightly, nuzzling her temple shortly before passing out the drinks to the confused boys who saw what just happened. I walked out and back to the kitchen, a large smile on display for all to see. When one of my coworkers walked in for her shift, she shot me a confused smile.

"Why're you so smiley?" She asked, a giggle lacing her words.

I let out a laugh as I answered her.

"I just got a date with the cutest girl ever."

Y'all I'm so sorry. Finals have got me stressed to the moon and back and I just haven't found the inspiration to write fully. I have like 6 other drafts I'm working on rn, so there's hope for more updates soon. Thank you for sticking with this book throughout my failure to continuously update regularly.

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