Nishinoya x Reader

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I walked to school with my headphones over my ears, keeping them safe from the crisp winter air and blasting music to help drown out the sound of cars. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and buried my face in my scarf, silently cursing my brother for forgetting his lunch and our mom for making me bring it to him early. I walked onto the school grounds and slipped my headphones around my neck before readjusting my scarf to sit over them. I listened for the sound of a volleyball as I walked around the campus to find the gym. Finally, I heard the slam of a ball on a gym floor and breathed a sigh of relief before quickly walking towards the sound. I entered the gym and took my hands out of my pockets, taking my bag from off my back and pulling out Kei's bento. I scanned the gym for my tall twin and saw the back of his head as he talked to Yamaguchi.

"Kei!" I shouted as I walked across the gym. Everyone turned to stare at me and my brother clicked his tongue. He placed a hand on his hip as I walked over and I rolled my eyes before shoving his bento into his chest playfully. "You forgot your lunch you stupid lamp post."

"I'm not even that much taller than you, stupid." He shot back before placing the bento next to his duffel bag. I rolled my eyes with a small smile and snuck up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He turned in my grip and sighed before giving me a quick hug and thanking me for his lunch. I turned to see Yamaguchi and threw an arm around his shoulder, giving him a noogie and giggling as he tried to smooth out his hair. I turned to see the rest of the team staring in curiosity and I waved. "I'm Tsukishima Y/N. You can call me N/N so that you don't get confused between me and Kei. I'm a first year here at Karasuno starting today. I just came back from studying abroad in England. It's nice to meet you." I bowed before turning back to my brother. "It's cold outside so I'm gonna stay in here."

He nodded and I sat down beside his bag, playing on my phone as the practice began since I'd gotten here a few minutes before hand.  I noticed a boy with spiked up brown hair and a flopping blonde piece and giggled, taking in the rest of his appearance. He seemed to be a lot shorter than me, which is pretty common considering that I'm 187 centimeters, but he seemed even shorter than a normal guy. Actually, the only person I've met who's taller than me is Kei, but he's just a blonde brachiosaurus so he doesn't count. I took out my phone and texted my online friend when I'd settled into my spot by the wall.

You: Dude I just found a cute guy.

Sugar_crow: WHAT???? Is he taller than you?

You: Do you even remember how tall I am?

Sugar_crow: Haha. So what does he look like? 

You: Before I delve into details, shouldn't you be at practice?

Sugar_crow: I woke up late but I'm actually about to enter the gym. Explain to me later!

I giggled at my phone before tucking it into my pocket, looking up as someone entered the gym.

"Sorry I'm late!! I slept through my alarm." The new boy apologized. He looked over and locked eyes with me, freezing in his tracks. I felt my eyes widen as his face registered in my mind. Of course, through Skype calls his face was a bit blurrier and his hair wasn't usually as ruffled when we spoke. He looked back at his team with an apologetic smile as he came over to put his bag down. Yet as soon as he turned towards the bags, he was lying flat on his back on the floor.

I tackled him into a hug and we laughed as we lied on the floor, both of us melting into choruses of giggles. I noticed the team staring at us in shock and I helped him up before resting my arms over his shoulders and resting my chin on the top of his head.

"Suga-san, you know my sister?" My brother asked with curiosity masked by boredom.

Suga looked up at me and then at Kei with wide eyes before smiling. "You guys being related makes a lot of sense now actually. I do know your sister. We met online around 6 months ago and just kept talking. She's part of the reason I was late this morning." He laughed at the end and I pulled myself off him to stare in shock.

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