Asahi x Reader

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I lied on the floor in the middle of the living room, a sweet melody flowing through my earbuds and into my ears. My hands were folded over my stomach and I lied on my back with my eyes closed. I felt the vibration of the door open and footsteps coming inside and I turned down the music some so I could hear what was going on. Mixed chatter filled the air between what sounded like a big group of boys. I heard the chatter slowly die off and a confused voice begin to speak.

"Uh, Kageyama?"

I could almost see my brother's calm expression as he sighed loudly and responded to whoever spoke. I heard him drop his bag onto the couch and moments later his hand was on my shoulder, gently shaking it as if he were trying to wake me up. I kept my eyes closed as a small smile covered my lips.

"I'm awake Tobio."

I sat up and pulled out my earbuds, pausing my music and giving my brother a gentle smile. I ruffled his hair as I got up and laughed quietly as his face scrunched up in slight annoyance. As I tucked my phone into my back pocket I turned to the group of boys and bowed, beginning to introduce myself lazily.

"Hey. I'm Kageyama Y/N, but you can call me Y/N since Tobio is here too. I'll be pretty much out of your guys' way, so just don't get too rowdy. I'm heading to my room." I turned towards Tobio with the last sentence and he nodded as I began to walk down the hallway.

"Do you want me to order in food for you?" Tobio called before I walked too far. I turned back with a smile and walked back out to him.

"Sure. I'll take whatever you get Tobio. Thank you. Tell me when they get here and I'll come out and pay." I pressed a quick kiss to his forehead and went back to my room as he called from behind me.

"Thank you, nee-san."

I raised my hand in a peace sign over my shoulder before turning into my room and shutting the door, hooking up my phone and playing music softly over my speakers. I closed my eyes and lied back on my bed, letting the pillows surround my head along with the melodies. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep, rolling over to the strums of a guitar and the soft back beat of steady drums.

Meanwhile, in the living room

"Woah Kageyama, your sister is cute!" Nishinoya crowed from beside Tanaka, who nodded furiously in agreement.

"She'd never even glance at you two." The comment was said without a second thought and so sincerely the entire team was taken aback. Kageyama held a calm expression as he seemed to fall into thought. "She normally dates really calm and sweet guys."

"Like Sugawara and Yamaguchi?" Hinata piped up, catching both mentioned boys off guard. Before either one of them could begin to chastise the ginger Kageyama spoke up.

"Yeah, pretty much. Or Asahi."

The three mentioned boys broke into bright blushes at the confirmation and sent their team members reeling with teasing laughter. Even Tsukishima broke into a smirk as the team made fun of their three resident 'sweethearts.'

"I don't know about Sugawara being really calm. He can be pretty violent sometimes." Daichi laughed, watching as the team nodded their heads and looked back on Sugawara's actions.

"Yamaguchi may be sweet, but he's a ball of nervous energy, so I don't think he's that calm actually." Ennoshita supplied, earning more nods and a smiling Nishinoya.

"Looks like you win, Asahi!"

As the circle laughed at the tall ace's red complexion Kageyama stared at him, not menacingly, but curiously. Asahi noticed and rubbed the back of his neck, nervously speaking up.

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