Baby Ushijima

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Oikawa was walking home, laughing at Iwaizumi as he scowled at his taller friend. The brunet stopped walking when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned to see a little girl with olive eyes and shoulder length hair staring up at him with wide eyes.

"Pretty..." She whispered. Oikawa felt his eyes water and he crouched to look the little girl in the eyes.

"You're much prettier." He smiled. The little girl gasped and smiled brightly, throwing her arms around him. He struggled to stay up and laughed, wrapping one arm around her while using the other to stay upright. The little girl pulled away with sparkling eyes and a large smile.

"I'm Wakana!" She smiled, keeping her arms locked around his neck. He raised an eyebrow at the lack of both names but smiles none the less.

"I'm Tooru." He had his hands resting on her sides as he crouched, her arms still around his neck. She smiled and pulled him towards the swings and sat, smiling at him over her shoulder. He started to push her and she giggled, waving to Iwaizumi as he walked away.


"My brother has a friend named Tooru. He talked about him yesterday. He said he played volleyball." The little girl talked absentmindedly as Oikawa pushed her on the swing. This had been their schedule the past few weeks, and someday Oikawa would bring her a popsicle if it was hot outside.

"Y'know, I play volleyball too. I'm the setter for my team." Oikawa boasted as the girl gasped in wonder.

"So is my brother's friend! His last name was, um.... Oi... Oikawa!"

"What?! Who's your brother? I'm Oikawa Tooru." Oikawa looked at the girl curiously and she squealed before jumping off the swing and running towards him. She grabbed his wrist, causing him to stumble slightly before she started running with him in tow. He felt his eyes widen before turning to his friend. Hajime laughed and waved, continuing to walk in the opposite direction of his friend.

"My brother talks about you! He says you're really good at volleyball!" The little girl squealed while pulling him towards a house. She burst through the door and hurriedly pulled off her shoes, never letting go of Oikawa's wrist. He tried to persuade her to let him stay outside but she refused and tugged him up the stairs. For a squirt she was strong.

"Hey Wakana, how old are you?" Oikawa asked as she dragged him down a hall.

"I'm 4!" She smiled. Oikawa felt his eyes widen and he stared at her in shock.

"You're so tall!" He squawked as she threw open the door to a room at the end. A boy sitting at a desk visibly startled and turned, smiling softly when he saw his sister bouncing on her toes and eyes widening when he saw Oikawa Tooru. Oikawa looked at Ushijima in shock before looking back and forth between the little girl and her big brother.

"No way. Nope." Oikawa shook his hand and pried his hands from the little girl's grasp, holding his hands above his head and walking back into the hall. He paused again when he felt a tug on his jacket and turned to see a confused Wakana staring up at him.

"Where are you going Tooru-nii?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Oikawa felt himself melt and he collapsed into a puddle on the floor, pulling the little girl into a hug with tears eyes.

"You're too cute Wakana!" He squeaked, not noticing Ushijima standing in the doorway. Wakana giggled and placed her hands on Tooru's cheeks, pulling his face away from her shoulders.

"Will you stay for dinner, Tooru-nii?" She begged, pouting lightly at the brunet. Oikawa felt himself stiffen and he turned to her with a sterner expression than before.

"Don't use those puppy eyes on me."

It only resulted in the pout growing and her bottom lip quivering, eyes becoming glossy as she stared up at him. Tooth melted and sighed as he relented.

"I'll go tell mom we have a guest." Ushijima boomed, walking around the two. Oikawa startled and stuck his tongue out at Ushijima as he walked away, Wakana giggling and copying the action.

The next day Wakana asked again, and Tooru refused, saying he had to eat with his family. Wakana asked every day and soon it became a habit that every Friday Tooru would eat at the Ushijima household.

While he was there Wakana would make him and Ushijima sit in her room and get make-overs. Over the weeks she got progressively better at hair thanks to Tooru, and soon she was able to braid her own hair. When her first day of school rolled around Tooru stood next to Ushijima, waving at her as she walked inside.

"Wakana is precious." Tooru stated as they walked. In result of the past four months, the two had become closer in a way that no one expected. "I want to have kids someday."

"Oh?" Ushijima asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Tooru from the side.

"Of course! I've always dreamed of having a little girl of my own. Wakana's probably the closest thing that I'm going to get though." He sighed as Ushijima snuck a hand onto the short boy's waist.

"She'd love to be an aunt one day." Ushijima stated matter of factly, sending Oikawa a small smile. The brunet beamed as they walked away from the school, thoughts of the future in his head.

Y'know what idk where this went it was going to be funny but then I stopped writing to eat and I forgot and I'm too lazy to fix it so have fun with this.

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