Aone x Hinata

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Dedicated to: Oikawa_Sempai
I'm sorry if this is absolutely wretched. I had an idea of how I wanted it to go but Aone is probably out of character😓😓

"Oi, Hinata, let's practice more." Kageyama called from across the gym, ball in hand.

Hinata's face lit up with a bright smile and he waved as he walked out the door. "Sorry Bakageyama, I have to do something today!"

Everybody in the gym stared in shock as the boy who normally begged for extra practice ran out as fast as he could. Kageyama stared at the doorway with wide eyes before turning his gaze to a tall blonde.


The ginger sprinted to his bike rack and raced home, a smile across his features the entire time. He threw his bike in the grass in front of his house and burst in, yelling a greeting to his mother and sister before hurling himself up the stairs and into his room. He threw his backpack to the floor by his desk and rummaged through his closet, eyes wide with excitement. He collapsed to the floor ten minutes later, clothes littering his room. He lied on the floor, heaving from his continuous exertion while his mind drifted back to the reason for his excitement.

As the tall marshmallow of a boy popped into his mind's eyes he flushed, burying his face into a nearby shirt. He threw the shirt off his face and stared at the ceiling, thinking back to his horrendously embarrassing reaction to the tall boy. They'd run into each other one morning when Hinata had gone to the store for his mom. Aone had been visiting some family that lived close by and had run to the store for them. He remembered dropping the orange in his hand and pointing at the tall boy with wide eyes.

"O-OI! WANNA FIGHT?!" He asked, trying not to let through his fear as the tall boy stared at him.

He watched as the marshmallow boy shook his head before speaking. "You interest me."

Silence hung for a few beats before Hinata blew a fuse and fell over. He looked up at the now concerned boy with a blush and panic stricken features. "W-WHAT!?!?!"

"Will you get dinner with me tomorrow?"

The tall boy placed his phone in Hinata's hand, apparently done with talking. Then again, this is more than he even talks to his own family so Hinata has good reason to be shocked. The small boy stumbled to his feet and quickly punched his number into the contact, hitting save before yelling goodbye and sprinting to the front to pay, dropped orange forgotten in the middle of the isle. The marshmallow boy picked it up and stared at it a moment, a minuscule smile gracing his features as he put it in his shopping basket.

Hinata snapped back to the present and he sat up, determined to find an outfit.

White will stain too easily.

Black will get too hot.

Shorts seemed good for the weather.

Dark blue wouldn't have noticeable stains.

He slipped on a dark blue shirt and a pair of light cargo shorts before going to the bathroom and attempting to tame his hair. He placed his head in the sink, thoroughly wetting it before looking in the mirror and gawking. How was it still sticking up at it's odd angles? He roughly rubbed a towel through it and glared at his hair in the reflection. He didn't have enough time to try anything else, as he was already running a bit later than planned. He screamed before slipping on shoes and sprinting outside, onto his bike and pedaling away as fast as his legs could take him.

He burst through the restaurant doors at 6:32, two minutes late. He glanced around the restaurant in a panic, searching for the tall boy with wide and frantic eyes. As he locked his gaze on the boy the panic receded, replaced with a bashful expression as he made his way to the booth. He was too focused on his shoes to notice his team sitting in the opposite corner and staring as he sat down across from Datekou's strongest blocker.

"H-hello." Hinata greeted shyly, hiding his blush behind his menu. He looked over it with shy eyes and caught the slight tint of pink in the giant's cheeks, catching him off guard as the giant nodded in acknowledgment. They sat in a semi-awkward silence until a waitress came over and took their order. After she left Hinata finally steeled himself enough to ask the question plaguing his mind.

"Why did you ask me to d-dinner?" He stuttered over the last word, making him internally cringe at his inability to speak normally in front of the taller boy.

He looked shocked before his gaze fell evenly in Hinata's. "You interest me."

A blush that he would never admit to spread over the ginger's cheeks as he pressed on.

"But how?"

A few beats of silence fell as the giant seemed to contemplate how words before speaking. "You're... different. Off the court you are shy, and stutter. On the court you are scarier than any opponent. You interest me both on and off."

The older boy spoke slowly, as if measuring the outcome of each syllable as it came out of his mouth. He may not have spoken loud, but Karasuno heard the words and gaped at the duo, watching as their short middle blocker fumbled over words words with a face brighter than his hair before giving up on words and flashing a blinding smile to the boy. Now it was Aone's turn to be flustered.

Hinata noticed the affect his smile had on the older boy and slowly his blush faded, eyes turning dark with focus as he planted his hands on the table and pushed himself up. He leant over the table and pressed his lips to the taller boy's with no warning, causing chopsticks to fall at his team's table and quite a few of his senpai to choke. After a few moments, he shot backwards and hid his face behind his face, peeking through his fingers to gouge the other boy's reaction. A hand was splayed over the bottom half of the other's face, gaze turned toward the wall with an uncharacteristic blush coating his face. The ginger giggled as he looked at him while smiling.

"You interest me too, Takanobu-Senpai."

Sugawara choked from across the room at the flirtatious smirk that settled over Hinata's features, uncharacteristic and foreign on the sunshine ball. He turned to Daichi with wide eyes.

"What happened to our son?"

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