Inuoka x Reader

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I walked around the Nekoma campus, taking in the scenery as the boys got ready for the practice match against the cats. I stopped after a bit and sighed, leaning against a wall and crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes closed to block out the sunlight. I heard voices coming my way and listened in, instantly amused by what they were saying.

"I can't wait to see Hinata's spike again!" A loud voice exclaimed, the sound of crunching gravel giving away the fact they were jumping with excitement.

"Careful." I cooed, making myself known for the first time. I kept my eyes closed as I talked, the silence of the ground enough of a sign that they stopped moving. "Keeping your eye on one player could be the death of you. After all..."

I opened my eyes and looked at the two from the corner of my eyes, a smirk plastering itself onto my face.

"A flock of crows is called a murder for good reason."

Both boys stiffened and I felt my smirk widen into a condescending grin, pushing off the wall with a fake pout. "What's wrong?"

The two boys walking were number three and seven from the Nekoma line up, but both are shorter than I am. I grabbed seven by the chin since he was only a few centimeters shorter and pulled our faces close, so that our noses were almost brushing. The pout turned into a menacing grin as I whispered to him.

"Cat got your tongue?"

His entire body went rigid and I leaned back with a smirk, turning at the call of my name. My brother walked towards us with a smirk matching mine, and he rested an elbow on my shoulder as he spoke down to the two players.

"Don't go intimidating the other team for us now, F/N. You might hurt Tanaka-san's feelings."

I waved a hand and turned away dismissively before turning my glance to the two Nekoma players once again. "You're right, I'll let you do that on the court."

Number seven stared at the two of us with a wide mouth and I winked at him, a blush covering his cheeks shortly after. Kei and I looked to each other before we both turned and began to walk. I threw up a wave over my shoulder and looked behind me to see both boys still standing there, glaring at our backs.


As Kei and I made our way back to the team he shook his head in exasperation. "Did you have to flirt with him?"

"I did no such thing!" I gasped, putting a hand to my chest in mock hurt. I melted into a chorus of giggles as we re-entered the group and I overheard Nishinoya talking to Hinata.

"It's crazy how they're so different even though they're twins."

Kei scoffed from beside me and I threw an arm over his shoulder with a smile. "They might not think we were so different if they saw what we just did."

"They'd probably just keep a closer eye on us."

I let out another giggle as we walked inside, my arm still stretched over Kei's shoulder as we walked inside. We were almost the same height, but he still stood two centimeters taller than I did. Our height was the easiest way to tell we were related, but our intimidation act was another tell. We walked into the gym and i plopped down beside Kiyoko, who was busily explaining something to Yachi. I glanced across the court to see seven staring at me, and I sent a smirk back before blowing a kiss his way. He lit up like a cherry and I giggled before Kei called my name again. I looked up and he sent me a glance.

"Stop flirting with the other team."

This caught the other team's attention and I sighed, waving him off dismissively.

"Yeah yeah, I heard ya outside too y'know." I sighed, pouting on the bench as he went back to warming up. Once the match started I noticed seven standing in the box as a sub and I smirked, pushing myself up from the bench. Kei noticed me get up from our own box and sent me a warning glare as I smiled at him. I made my way behind the Nekoma box before falling, acting like I sprained my ankle. Number seven immediately jumped over to help me up and I faked a wince as I put pressure on my ankle. After getting the okay from his coach he threw one of my arms over his shoulders and helped me walk towards the infirmary. I looked over my shoulder and sent Kei a smirk, his eyes narrowing at me as I walked out. Once we were a good distance from the gym I began to walk on my own and speak.

"What's your name?"

He watched me with wide eyes as I continued to walk just fine and he stuttered through his response. "I-Inuoka So. You can walk!?"

I let out a giggle and flashed him a smile dismissive smile. "Doesn't matter. I'm Tsukishima F/N."

"Why would you fake a sprained ankle?" He asked, head tilting in confusion. I sent him a playful smirk and his face went red as I responded.

"Couldn't let Nekoma's resident cutie slip through my fingers, could I?"

We began to walk towards the gym, making small talk and jokes here and there as we went. He jogged back over to the box and I strolled back over to the bench, plopping down and glancing back over at Inuoka. Throughout the rest of the match we'd glance at each other periodically, and he always blushed when he got caught. Once it was over and everyone began to say goodbye, I placed my phone in Inuoka's hand.

"Hopefully we can meet up sometime." I smiled, taking my phone back after he sent the message. I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before climbing onto the bus and waving out the window. I was the only one awake on the drive home, but I was too engrossed in the conversation I was having to notice.

A/N: Okay this is a bit shorter and I'm sorry. I've been sick lately and with finals I don't have a lot of time to write atm. I would love to continue though. However, I'm kinda debating on how long this book should be. Do you guys think I should end it soon and start another or just keep this one going?

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