Hinata x Reader

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I sat on the couch with a large white blanket wrapped around me, a book in my lap and glasses sitting on the bridge of my nose. I brought up my steaming mug of tea to my face and sighed when my glasses fogged up, successfully blocking my view of the book. I quickly took a sip before taking off my glasses and wiping them off on the sleeve of my shirt. I slipped them back on after a few moments and re-immersed myself in the book when the door flew open with a bang, sending me off the couch in shock with a loud squeal. I heard familiar laughter and turned to the doorway with a scowl.

"KOUSHI WE HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS! WHAT IF I HAD BEEN EATING AND STARTED CHOKING!" I yelled with red cheeks as he doubled over laughing, wiping a tear from his eyes and walking over with a smile. He pulled me into his arms and I stood with my arms crossed over my chest as he apologized. I rolled my eyes and returned his hug tightly before walking over and refilling the blanket over the back of the couch. I grabbed my tea and walking into the kitchen to sit on the counter as he made himself a snack. I lightly swung my feet as he hummed and moved about the kitchen. He broke our comfortable silence with words that sent me falling off the counter in shock.

"The whole team is coming over tonight by the way."

I looked up at his smirking face from the floor with an expression of horror as I bolted to my feet.

"When are they gonna get here?!"

"Soon." He laughed as I sprinted towards the bathroom to shower quickly. I washed my hair quickly and threw on a towel, sprinting down the hallway and to my room. I slammed the door and collapsed on my bed, careful to make sure my hair didn't soak the sheets too much. I heard the doorbell ring and I groaned before sitting up and throwing on a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. I brushed through my hair and put it in a ponytail before slipping my glasses back up my nose. Even though I was basically mirroring my outfit from earlier, the shower helped me feel like I looked better. I walked into the hallways and peeked around the corner, making sure the boys were al heavily occupied in their game of twister before speed walking quietly to the kitchen. I made myself another cup of tea since Koushi finished my other while I took a shower and headed back towards the living room. I'd just made it into the hallway when I heard a yell.

"Y/N! YOU CAME TO JOIN US!" Koushi yelled, a smirk evident in his tone. I turned around with an annoyed smile, my fingers gripping my mug tightly.

"Actually, I was just headed back to my room. Now if you'll excuse me." I turned and started to quickly walk towards my room when a familiar set of arms wrapped around my waist and stopped my flow of movement. "Let me go, Ko."

"Hmmmm...." He paused as if thinking and then smiled at me toothily. "Nope."

My smile dropped into a scowl and I glared up at him. "Fuck you. I'm sure Daichi would if you asked nicely. Let me go."

His grin didn't even twitch as he dragged me back towards the living room. As he sat me on the couch I looked up at him with a frown.

"I fucking hate you sometimes Ko."

Ennoshita clicked his tongue and lightly crowed in the background. "Language, little one."

I turned and gave him the finger as I climbed back to my feet, careful not to spill my tea. The boys laughed as Ennoshita looked at me with wide eyes and Ko looked on with an amused smile. A particularly loud laugh from behind me caught my attention as I left and I looked over my shoulder to see bright orange hair. I felt my eyes widen as I recognized the face below it and dropped my cup of tea. All the laughter stopped as everyone's attention focused on me and the person who had captured my gaze. Enno had already grabbed a few towels and had begun to mop up the mess as I mumbled an apology and dragged Koushi out of the room and into the hallway. When we stopped I pointed a finger at him accusingly.

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