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(Edited ✔️)

"Hinata, I have to lock up the gym. Can't you just go home?" Daichi sighed at the orange-haired boy who clasped his hands in front of him.

"But Daichi-san-"

"Go ahead Daichi. I'll stay with him." Nishinoya cut off the finger with a grin,slapping the first year on the back and flashing their captain a large smile.

"T-thank you Nishinoya-senpai!" Hinata yelled with a bow as Nishinoya puffed out his chest.

"What kind of senpai would I be if I didn't help my kouhai?" Nishinoya laughed boisterously, snatching the keys from Daichi's hands and pulling Hinata into the gym.

Daichi shook his head with a sigh before beginning to walk down the hill to catch up with the team, ready to eat a meat bun and just go home.

Nishinoya wanted to practice his jump toss and Hinata wanted to practice spiking, so it worked out well. Nishinoya laughed as Hinata got stuck in the net after jumping too far.

"Stop laughing and help me!" Hinata yelled while puffing out his rapidly staining cheeks.

The older boy walked over and began to untangle the fiery-cheeked boy with a laugh. Once Hinata was almost free however, he fell out of the net and onto the older boy, their lips touching in an awkward fashion as they collapsed to the floor

Neither of them moved after the fall, Hinata pinning his upper-classman to the floor as both of their faces reddened. Hinata sat up and straddled his senpai before sliding backwords, eliciting a small noise to escape the shorter boys lips in the ginger's panicked attempt to get away from him. They both froze before scrambling away from each other and leaving the gym, rushed "Goodnights!" shouted over their shoulders.


The next day at practice, the two couldn't seem to make eye contact with each other, an awkward tension thickening the air when they were close together. Suga sent Daichi a look before pulling Nishinoya out of the gym while Daichi did the same with Hinata.

~Nishinoya's Conversation~

"What is it?" Nishinoya asked while bouncing on his toes.

"Did something happen between you and Hinata?" Suga asked a worried crease between his brows.

Nishinoya stopped bouncing and looked towards his feet, his cheeks staining a bright red. He didn't answer and the silence dragged on until Suga sighed and began to drag him around the gym.

~Hinata's Conversation~

"Yes, Daichi-san?" Hinata asked while wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Did something happen between you and Noya?"

Hinata froze and stared at Daichi with shocked eyes, his entire face turning bright red. Daichi sighed before giving the smaller boy a look and shaking his head.

"N-nothing that matters!" Hinata yelled trying to turn and run away from his glaring captain.

He collided with someone after just the first step and they collapsed to the ground in a heap. Only after a few moments did the first year realize who he was on top of. Both boys froze again, locking eyes and turning redder than they already were at the familiar situation. They each scrambled to get away and hid behind opposite third years. The two boys shot each other a glance before turning to face whichever underclassman was currently huddled behind them. Daichi dragged the first year into the gym and Suga did the same with Nishinoya.

"Okay Team! Practice is over. Go ahead and change, Hinata and Nishinoya have cleaning duty tonight." Daichi yelled.

The two shot each other a horrified glance as the team exited and Daichi turned to face them.

"You're gonna stay here all night and work things out. I'll be back in the morning to let you out."

He slammed the door behind him and Suga could be seen smiling and waving as it shut.

The two small boys were enveloped in an awkward silence. As they were cleaning they found pillows and blankets in the storage room they figured they were supposed to use tonight.

"U-um..." Hinata stuttered out, catching the older boy's attention just before he began taking down the net.

"Do.. do you wanna practice?" Hinata asked.

Nishinoya stared for a few loaded seconds before nodding with a small smile. They set themselves up at the net, clumsily sending the ball to one another. After a few awkward attempts at spiking and tossing they looked at each other and began to laugh. They loosened up soon after, cheering with each other when they succeeded and yelling in frustration when they didn't.

At one point they jumped into a hug after Hinata had finally hit a jump serve. The awkward tension was gone and they decided to call it a night. They pulled the pillows and blankets from the storage room only to discover that there was only one large blanket.

After a few moments of fighting, Nishinoya reluctantly took the blanket as Hinata curled into a ball on the floor with his pillow.


Nishinoya woke to the sound of a sneeze followed by the chattering of teeth. He lifted his head groggily and saw his orange haired companion shivering, the younger boy curled into a ball around his pillow. Widening his eyes in understanding, the elder of the two pushed his pillow until it was side by side with Hinata's and draped the blanket over the younger boy's shivering frame. The ginger shot a look to his upper classman, who had already turned over and started drifting off to sleep. The younger boy smiled gratefully and snuggled under the blanket, a content smile playing at his lips.


The two boys awoke to the sound of whispering and both tried to get up, only to find that it was a bit harder than normal. They looked down to find their legs entertwined and Hinata's head resting against Nishinoya's collar bone, the elder's arm wrapped around the orange-haired boy's waist. As they untangled themselves with muttered apologies and groggy movements their lips came together in a clumsy and accidental kiss, the entire gym falling silent around them.

As the red headed boy began to pull away, an apology already at his lips, Nishinoya finally decided to do what he'd been thinking about since the first time they kissed.

He laced his hands through the younger boy's hair and closed his eyes, pulling Hinata closer and adding more pressure to the kiss. He tilited his head slightly to slot their lips together with a smile. Hinata took no more than a few seconds to copy Nishinoya's movements and soon the two were back in their entangled position. Except this time, their lips were as tangled as their legs.

A cough brought both boys out of the kiss and they turned to face the team with blushes on their faces. Tanaka whistled as Suga and Daichi smiled at them knowingly. Yamaguchi held a hand to his nose while hiding behind a smirking Tsukishima and the rest of the team stared in shock. Kageyama was the first to break the silence enveloping the team.

"You guys have something..." He trailed off while tapping his lips, the two boys on the ground hurriedly scrubbing any saliva off their mouths.

"Well, at least you made-up." Suga laughed in an attempt to relax the awkward atmosphere.

"More like made-out." Tsukishima smirked before getting yelled at by the two shorties, the older of the two lacing their hands underneath the blanket that still covered them.

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