Reader x Kageyama

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I stood in the kitchen, pony tail still dripping, in volleyball shorts and a sports bra after getting out of the shower. It was hot outside already, so darting around a hot kitchen didn't help with the heat. Although the music did make it a bit more tolerable. I sang with a smile and overdramatic movements as I flitted around the kitchen. It was turned up too loud to hear the front door open and the footsteps coming in, followed by the quieting of conversations as they heard the music and loud singing coming from the kitchen. I was too busy trying not to burn the large quantity of food to notice my younger brother's team walk into the kitchen and stare as I belted out lyrics and danced to my hearts content in a probably shocking outfit for someone they were meeting for the first time. I bobbed my head to the beat and sang along loudly as they stared. I started to swish my hips and used my wooden spoon as a mic, pouring emotion into the already emotionally packed lyrics.

"He'll never love you like I can can can."

I heard my brother join in on the line and I smiled without turning around, leaning over with the spoon clutched tightly like a mic as my voice got louder.

"Why are you looking down all the wrong roads? When mine is the heart and the soul of the song. There will be lovers who hold out their hands, but-"

I spun to face the doorway where I assumed my brother would be standing, forgetting that I was cooking a massive amount for his entire team. I felt the line die in my throat and I stared, feeling the red crawl up my cheeks as I took in their slightly embarrassed faces and impressed looks. I turned to my brother with a seething look and switched off the speaker before yelling at him.

"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE YOU SHIT!" I screamed while throwing my spoon at him. He laughed cheekily before coming over and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Love you too nee-chan. And I'm sure the team loves your outfit."

I heard sputters and coughing coming from the team and I glared at Yamaguchi as he laughed and gave me his jacket. I zipped it up and rolled up the sleeves, cursing him in my head for being taller as I got back to cooking. After he laughed once more and the team went to settle in the living room I sighed, wiping the sweat from my face with the sleeve before exiting the kitchen. I unzipped the jacket and walked out to the living room, throwing it at his face and yelling for him to stir the food for me as I made my way to my room to grab a t-shirt. I slipped on a lightweight blue shirt and walked back to the kitchen, listening to the conversation going on in the living room as I walked down the stairs.

"Is the king embarrassed? Don't go getting a crush on Yamaguchi's sister now."

I looked into the living room to see Tsukishima teasing a boy with black hair and dark blue eyes.

"Leave the kid alone Tsukishima. You act like you didn't blush the first time you came over and saw me in a bra." I snapped at him. He clicked his tongue and turned away as Yamaguchi laughed from the kitchen. I turned to face the whole group and smiled before introducing myself.

"I'm Yamaguchi Y/N. Just Y/N is fine. I hope you feel at home while you stay here tonight. If you need anything just ask." I bowed before straightening as they introduced themselves.

They went around the room until it was the boy who Tsukishima was teasing. He stared for a moment before muttering. The boy next to him introduced them both with excited movements.

"I'm Hinata Shoyo! The grumpy guy right there is Kageyama Tobio, but he's mean so stay away from him."

I laughed at him as Kageyama glared at the excited shorty.

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