Yachi x Reader

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The team walked over to their blonde teammates house with their arms full of gifts and food, laughing with each other as they went. They had planned to go over and surprise Tsukishima for his birthday and sent Yamaguchi ahead a while earlier to make sure he wasn't suspicious. Daichi quieted the group as they climbed the porch steps, the boys falling into an excited silence as the captain knocked on the door. A small woman with blonde hair opened the door as she dried her hands on her apron, smiling at the boys warmly.

"I assume you boys are from the volleyball team. Kei and the other two are asleep in the living room asleep at the moment. They all stayed up late together last night and fell asleep during a movie. You're welcome to stay and wait for them to wake up if you'd like."

The group walked in with quiet thanks, taking off their shoes by the door and dropping off all the things they brought on the kitchen table. They migrated into the living room as a group, hushed whispers floating between them before they came to a stuttering halt. Sugawara stared forward with wide eyes, making the rest of the boys lean around him to see what he was gawking at.

On the couch across the room from them sat two of their teammates curled around a smaller girl in between them. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima sat on either side of her, both of their heads tilted to rest against the top of hers. A large blanket was stretched ove the three of them and you could see the outline of one of Tsukishima's hands on her leg and Yamaguchi's stretched behind her on the couch. One of her hands rested on top of the blonde giant's and the other and Yamaguchi's leg.

After a few seconds multiple boys had out their phones and were snapping pictures of the trio, holding back snickers and coos at the sight of two of their teammates so adorably vulnerable. After the a few photos the girl's nose scrunched up, evoking silent screams from the two resident girl-crazy second years on the team. She opened her eyes and blinked slowly, lazily bringing up her hands to rub her eyes before bringing her tired gaze to the group in front of her. Without breaking eye contact she brought her arms forward and cocked them like chicken wings, holding them for a moment before letting her elbows fly backwards and into the two boys' ribcages.

"N/N what the literal fuck?" Kei scowled as he jerked out of his sleep. Yamaguchi let out a groan and lazily stretched his arms before poking the girl in the ribs.

"There's a group of people in the living room watching us sleep."

"Th-that's not what happened!" A flustered Hinata shouted as he jumped forward, trying to help the growing anger on his tall teammate's face.

"You were taking pictures of us as we slept." The girl deadpanned, filling even more of the boys' faces with dread.

"Please leave." Tsukishima seethed, rubbing his forehead with one hand while pointing towards the exist with the other.

"Kei, they're here for your brithday."

"I don't care."


The blonde stiffened at the warning tone in Yamaguchi's voice and he sighed, gesturing around the room with a lazy hand movement. "Don't just stand there."

The team settled around the room with quiet chatter filling the air, all of them curiously eyeing the girl still calmly seated between two of the first years. They talked between tjemselves quietly, seemingly content with just each other for the moment before Yamaguchi looked up with a smile.

"Everyone, this is mine and Tsukki's childhood friend L/N F/N."

Said girl waved a hand on greeting, looking over the group with a bored and level gaze. "Yo."

"Wooooow Tsukishima! You actually have a friend other than Yamaguchi! And she's cute!" Nishinoya shouted, a jealous Tanaka popping up behind him.

"Damn you, Tsukishima."

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