Tsukishima Twins (X Reader)

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(Not romantic at all, just something cute I thought up)


Age 7:

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it double."

"We're the Tsukishima Twins!" We shouted in unison, linking arms with our backs pressed together. Akiteru grinned and laughed from his desk, getting up to ruffle Kei and mine's hair as he walked out of the  room. We followed behind him side by side, holding each other's hands as we walked down the stairs and towards the dining room.

Age 10:

Kei and I walked side by side, a comfortable silence hanging between us as we walked home. We were the same height, which made us probably the scariest pair of kids in our class. We didn't mind much. Other kids were loud and liked to run around a lot, while the two of us normally preferred  to either talk with each other or bump a volleyball around. The only time the two of us were ever super energetic was when we were playing with Akiteru, which wasn't as much anymore considering his high school team practiced every day. As we walked by a playground on the way home a few boys stood in a circle laughing. I pulled on Kei's sleeve and nodded in that direction, the both of us walking over to see what it was. Once we got closer we watched as one boy threw his backpack at another, the latter of the two holding back tears. My gaze hardened as I watched them and Kei spoke up from beside me.


"Honestly." I added, shooting them a condescending smirk from beside my twin. The group began to argue over what grade we were in and I rolled my eyes before walking towards them, face stone cold as they scurried away from the boy on the ground. I picked up the bag I'd seen the leader throw and held it with the tip of my finger, letting it swing for a moment before tossing it at him. His eyes widened and he didn't get his hands up in time, the bag hitting him in the chest and sending him stumbling back a bit.

"Oops." I said, a smile making it's way to my lips. Kei let out a laugh from a few feet away and one of the kids came up to him as if he were to intimidate him. I turned to the boy on the ground and stuck out a hand, helping him up and sighing as he rubbed his eyes furiously with his sleeve. I walked back over to Kei as the kids ran off, only the boy we'd helped staying and fidgeting nervously. The both of us turned to walk off when he called out from behind us. We looked over our shoulders to see him running over and smiling at us, sinking into a bow.

"Thank you!"

Kei blinked owlishly once before turning and beginning to walk. I turned to face the boy entirely for a moment, bowing silently before straightening out and letting my blonde hair fall back into it's place at my shoulders. I turned on my heel and began walking, Kei stopping and looking back as I caught up.

"Do you think he's fully Japanese?"

"Hm?" My brother let out a hum of curiosity as we neared our house.

"He had a lot of freckles."

His mouth fell into an 'O' shape for a few moments before he nodded, confirming the validity of my question. He opened the door and we called out to let our mother know we were home in unison. She walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron before running a hand over each of our heads. We both smiled a bit and walked to the dining room table, pulling out our books and beginning to study. We sat side by side and when Kei pulled out his pair of earbuds I didn't hesitate to grab one from his outstretched hand. We sat in silence unless the other needed help, and even then it was usually just one of us tapping the other's paper to get their attention so they could point out our mistake. A cozy and comfortable feeling surrounded us, contentment and the earbuds hanging between us.

One Week Before 15th Birthday:

"Text me everyday!" Akiteru cried, pulling me into a tight hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, nodding into his shoulder before stepping away and in front of my twin.

"Don't shrink anymore while you're gone." He teased, a smirk coming to his lips. I rolled my eyes and sent him a playful glare.

"Try not to become more of a lamp post."

We held a mischievous staring match before I opened my arms, smirk melting into sad smile. He stepping into them with his own outstretched, both of us wrapping ourselves around the other. He'd grown to be just a bit taller than I was, and he'd been teasing me about it ever since we realized it. My smile turned into a frown as I buried my face in the crook of his neck and he did the same. We stayed locked in an embrace, the world melting away as we said goodbye for awhile.  His head shifted slightly as he began to speak.

"I made you a playlist."

I felt a small giggle bubble through my lips and I pulled away, a smile on my face and tears starting to fall from my face. "You'd better make me one each month."

He nodded and swallowed, turning away as his eyes grew somewhat glossy. With one last squeeze I turned away, grabbing my bags and walking into the plane. I sat down and pulled up Spotify, downloading the playlist he made before we had to take off. Once it was done I plugged in my headphones and pressed play, not noticing the song that came on first. A small smile overtook my lips as I stared out the window, resting my head against my hand as I said goodbye to Japan.

Age 16:

I let out a sigh as I stepped off the plane and into my home country, looking around with a newfound appreciation. I walked out of the airport after collecting my baggage, catching a taxi home and surprising my mom as I walked in. After a tearful reunion of her part I took off out the door, walking towards Kei's and my soon to be school. I walked around the campus, one headphone in as I looked for the gymnasium. I peaked my head inside an open door and looked around, watching a group of boys in the middle of a scrimmage. I locked eyes with an orange haired boy as I walked in, rolling my shoulders as I stood at my full height. His jaw dropped and he pointed at me, screaming a line of gibberish. The team turned around and I locked eyes with my twin. I felt my smile grow as he began to walk towards me and soon stood straight in front of me. I smiled at him as he stared at me before pulling me into a hug. I let out a laugh as I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tightly, getting a quiet and airy chuckle from him.

"I thought you didn't come back for another two weeks." He mumbled into my hair, arms not loosening.

"I moved up my flight and asked the school to let me go a week early."

We pulled away and his face melted back into it's cold exterior, my eyes blowing wide as the orange haired kid jumped around in front of me. I turned to my brother in slight confusion and gestures to the kid with a tilt of my head.

"You guys have junior high kids?" I mouthed, hiding my lips behind my hand. A smirk lit up his fave and he turned to the short boy with a teasing tone.

"Hey Chibi-chan, my sister thinks you're in junior high."

The boy stopped in his bouncing and all the energy drained from his form, an even shorter boy came over and dragged him away, patting his back comfortingly. I was still receiving many wide eyed glances from his teammates as I crossed my arms and leaned slightly, pressing our shoulders together.

"Gonna introduce me then, Kei?"

He sighed and looked over to his teammates, explaining who I was as I bowed in greeting. Once they'd all introduced themselves in return I turned to the one who introduced himself as the captain and bowed again.

"I hope you don't mind if Kei comes home early today. I've been in America for a little over a year and was hoping to spend some time with him."

Once we'd been dismissed he grabbed his bag, changing quickly before coming out of the club room and walking with me. We walked in a comfortable silence, our steps in sync as we stepped onto our street. I reach over and grabbed his hand, holding it loosely in mine as he wrapped did the same.

"Thanks for all the playlists." I said quietly, thinking back to how often I'd sit alone listening to them while I was gone.

"I expect help on my English homework." He stated, glancing at me from the corner of his eye with a small smile. I sent him one in return as we walked up to the house. He opened the door and we called out to let our mom know we were home in unison, turning to each other as we did with a nostalgic glaze over both of our gazes.

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