Takahiro Hanamaki x Reader

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Requested by @amalyna13 . Thank you for requesting and I hope I was able to write what you wanted! Requests are still open if anybody wants to request anything! PM me or comment if you have one!


"Oikawa, I'm serious. I don't want to be here."

"You'll be fiiiiine N/N-Chan! Trust me!"

The voice of their captain rang loud and clear that afternoon, causing all eyes to shift to the door. The familiar fluff-head dragged in a girl behind him, earning some wide eyes as she whined.

"Last time you said that I broke a rib!" The girl cried, causing gasps around the gym and multiple playful jabs at the captain. Oikawa huffed and walked away, leaving the girl lost and uncomfortable in the corner. She watched as three boys went over to her cousin, all sparing glances at her from time to time. After around a minute, a boy with almost pinkish brown hair made his way over to her.

Your P.O.V

The boy smiled as he made his way in front of me and bowed slightly.

"I'm Takahiro Hanamaki. It's nice to meet you."

I bowed in return with a small smile, relieved at the comfortable atmosphere. "F/N L/N. It's nice to meet you too. I assume you're friends with my cousin?"

He nodded and beckoned for me to follow him, the two of us exchanging small talk as we walked up to the group he was talking to with my cousin. They each introduced themselves before Oikawa started whining again.

"N/N-Chan please become our manager!" He cried again, loud enough for the whole gym to hear. I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks and I backhanded his chest, making him whine.

"Tooru, you're loud! Can you please quiet down!" I asked panically. He looked at me for a moment before his smirk grew and he began yelling about me needing to become the manager. He pulled me to him and I threw my elbow into his stomach before calmly walking out of the gym, face aflame in embarrassment. As soon as I got around the corner of the building I slid down the wall and covered my face with my hands, groaning at my cousins antics. I heard footsteps on the gravel and began to speak into my hands, voice slightly muffled by my palms.

"If you're Tooru, this better be an apology or I'm stuffing a volleyball up your ass."

I heard a laugh as a boy responded. "Thank god I'm not Oikawa then."

I moved my hands to see Hanamaki beginning to sit next to me. I let them drop into my lap and sighed as I looked up at the sky, Oikawa's muffled voice still audible through the wall.

"My cousin is fucking loud."

He looked over at me with an open mouth before it closed and became a smile.

"Not the language I'd expect from you with how embarrassed you just were."

"Yes well, crowds are different than one on one conversations." I shrugged, resting my head against the wall before I sat up quickly and looked over at him. "Shouldn't you be practicing?"

A lazy smirk spread across his lips as he spoke. "Yes, I should."

I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"And why aren't you?"

He stood up with a smile and held out his hand to help me up. "It came to my attention a cute girl was in need of company."

As I stood I gasped and place a hand over my heart. "So you mean you do this to every girl you think is cute? Glad to know I'm special."

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