Earbuds (TsukkiHina)

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The Karasuno team boarded the bus with yawns and sighs, as leaving in the middle of the night made everyone sleepy. Well, almost everyone. Tsukishima Kei sat down and immediately plugged in his headphones, blocking out the rest of the world sleepy world. He turned to the window and didn't look away until he felt the seat dip beside, a tired orange-haired boy filling the seat next to him. Said boy yawned and dipped his hand into his bag, pulling out a pair of earbuds with little moons all over them. Tsukishima looked at them in almost interest as the tired boy plugged them into an iPod. He thought to the sun design on his own headphones and almost smiled. What a backwards thing.

Tsukishima slipped off his headphones after about thirty minutes, giving his ears time to breath in fresh air. While his headphones hung around his neck he heard a soft and familiar tune coming from beside him. He looked over just as a light weight fell onto his shoulder. One of Hinata's earbuds had fallen out and now spilled out the song that had been playing so loudly in his ear. Tsukishima picked up the earbud and held it to his own ear to confirm his suspicions.

"That's definitely the song." He thought to himself. He didn't know Hinata even liked orchestral music, let alone his favorite songs. He looked to the sleeping boy before shrugging and plugging the earbud into his own ear. "I'll take it out before he wakes up." He told himself. Of course, he didn't account for the fact that he may fall asleep on the orange fluffiness that lied on his shoulder.

Tsukishima woke to the sound of camera clicks and hushed whispers, irritating him immensely. He buried his nose into whatever he was laying on and breathed in, inhaling the sweet scent of oranges and... vanilla? "That's an odd combination. I kinda like it." He thought to himself groggily. He let the piano music drift through his ears until he felt his pillow move?

Finally stirring, the tall blonde boy shook of the lingering feeling of grogginess from his sleep he looked down to see a familiar head of orange hair come off his shoulder. Small fists came up and rubbed sleepy eyes before they landed on the tall boy.

"Tsukishima," Hinata yawned, "Why do you have one of my earbuds in?"

At this the blonde felt his eyes widen as he remembered what happened last night. He must have fallen asleep. He internally cursed at himself before responding in his normal, emotionless tone. "You fell asleep on my shoulder and one of your earbuds fell out. I picked it up to see what you were listening to and found out that I knew and happened to like the song, so I left it in and ended up falling asleep."

"Sorry. I didn't get much sleep before the bus ride because I stayed up to watch my sister Natsu. She had a fever and I didn't want my mom to have to stay up all night since I knew I could sleep on the bus." Hinata spoke through another yawn before rolling up his earbuds neatly and tucking them into his pocket. Both boys looked up when sniffling filled their ears and were met with the sight of tears streaking down Tanaka and Nishinoya's face.

"Our kouhai..."

"...is such a good person!"

Both boys dissolved into tears at that point as both Hinata and Tsukishima looked at them strangely. The taller of the two clicked his tongue as two of his senpais sobbed into each other and hugged and blubbered about having such a reliable kouhai. Hinata looked on and stared in confusion at the two boys in front of them, looking to Tsukishima for some possible answers. Tsukishima shrugged and was about to put his headphones over his ears again when Hinata tapped him.

"I didn't know you liked that type of music. What's your favorite composition?" Hinata asked with a tilt of his head, a slight sparkle filling his eyes. Tsukishima would never admit it, but he was slightly impressed Hinata even knew orchestral music existed, much less the word 'composition.'

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