Goshiki x Reader

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Soulmate AU: The first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your wrist

"You're so much taller than everybody." My friend laughed as we walked home. I groaned from beside her and slapped her head, sending her a glare as she giggled. "And you're not even a first year yet. I can't wait until you're in high school and you're still taller than all our senpai."

"You're so mean." I pouted as we walked into a restaurant. She was a first year in high school and I was a third year in middle school. We'd walked home together since the schools were right beside each other and every day she teased me about my height. At 5'11 I was taller than almost every guy I've ever met, and she finds great joy in that fact.

We had overheard other kids talking about this restaurant and decided to try it out. We walked through the door and were greeted with a ruckus as a large group of boys scarfed down food quickly.

"Oi, F/N, they almost eat as fast as you do." She snorted while digging her elbow into my ribs. I let out a yelp and attracted a few glances from the group, causing red to flush my cheeks.

"Don't worry F/N, I'm sure they don't eat as much as you do." She teased as my blush got worse. I buried my face in my hands just as an employee came to seat us. She sat us in the booth behind the group and I buried my face in my arms as my friend teased me about it across from me.

"Yoo-hoo~" A voice lilted from behind me. I turned to see a boy with red hair staring at me with a smile. "How tall are you?"

I blinked owlishly for a moment while a boy with black tipped blonde hair yelled at him to 'at least introduce himself first.' I snapped out of it in a moment and gave a small smile. "I'm 5'11."

He blinked at me before laughing and turning to a boy with asymmetrical bangs. "She's way taller than you Shirabu." He laughed as the boy scowled.

He stopped for a moment to turn to me. "You go to Shiratorizawa right? What year are you?" He asked while tilting his head. I blinked again before answering.

"I'm a third year at Shiratorizawa-"

"So am I! What class are you in?" He asked with a wide grin, cutting me off before I could say 'middle school.'

"I'm in class 4 but I'm at Shi-" He cut me off again with a whistle.

"We've got a smart one right here." He laughed before another boy piped up.

"I don't recognize you from class."

All eyes turned to me and I let my irritation at being cut off show as I glared at the redhead. "No shit you don't. I've been trying to say I go to Shiratorizawa Middle School." I rolled my eyes as my friend laughed from behind me. I turned to face her with a huff as red began to bloom across my cheeks again.

"I thought she was shy looking..." I heard a voice trail off behind me and I snorted before turning back.

"And I thought you were smart looking. Guess we were both wrong." I shot at the boy who said it. He had black hair in the shape of a bowl-cut and puffed up his cheeks at my insult.

"You should respect your senpai!" He yelled while staring me down. I rolled my eyes before responding.

"You shouldn't be so judgmental."

He fell silent as I sunk back into my seat. I looked up to see B/N (besties name) about to cry. I shot up in alarm and she grabbed my left hand. I looked down to my wrist to see the familiar words scrawled out in cursive.

I felt my eyes widen before whipping around to stare at the boy with black hair. I opened my mouth and closed it, trying to find the words to say as the group stared at me. I stood up and walked over to his boy, grabbing his wrist and putting mine next to it. I watched his eyes widen and he looked up at me with wide eyes. I kept my gaze on our wrists, afraid to look away from them. One of the teammates looked at our wrists before voicing what I had been thinking.

"I thought the first thing he said to you was that you looked shy..." He trailed off as the table looked at him.

"He said that to us. She directly spoke to him after that." The boy with black tips spoke from across from us. I finally met the boy's eyes and let a shaky smile come to my lips.

"I'm L/N F/N."

"Goshiki Tsutomu."

His eyes darted around my face for a few moments before he stood abruptly, knocking over his chair and pulling me into his arms. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck, hiding from the gazes of what I assume are his teammates.

"Goshiki, your soulmate is as tall as you are. Now you can't carry her around like you'd talked about." The redhead teased from his seat.

"Yes I can! Watch this!" He yelled before putting an arm behind my knees and around my lower back. I let out a high pitched squeak as he hoisted me up, almost dropping me at first. I wrapped my arms around his neck and locked my fingers, trying to stay up as he adjusted his arms. He jostled me slightly before turning with a smug expression to his teammates. I felt my face heat up and B/N laughed before walking towards the door.

"Have fun F/N~" She lilted before walking out, leaving me gaping.

"I'll walk you home." Goshiki smiled. I sent a small smile back and he began to walk towards the door with me in his arms, leaving me gaping.

"You aren't going to put me down?" I asked while staring up at him.

"Nope." He smiled down at me as I stared up at him incredulously. "I could carry you forever with how light you make my heart feel."

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