Reader x Shirabu

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My friends tell me I have issues pretty often, and right now is one of those many, many times. I sat in my dorm in a puddle of tears as my roommate looked at me warily. She called one of my friends with concerned glances towards me every few seconds and rushed to the door as soon as she heard knocking. B/F (best friend) burst in and stared at me lying on my bed shirtless with my face in a pillow before sighing and throwing a shirt at me. I sniffed and sat up, slipping it on and letting her guide me to stand in front of the mirror.

"See? Now you can't even see whatever asymmetricality you were crying about this time." She sighed as she rubbed her hands up and down my arms. I lifted the shirt above my waist and stared at the mirror as more tears welled up.

"Look at my waist! The left side comes in farther than the right!" I wailed as my roommate looked on in confusion. B/F turned around with an exasperated sigh and began to explain.

"She has this issue where she likes things to be even. So when something on her body is asymmetrical she flips out." She rolled her eyes as my roommate looked at me with wide eyes.

"Is that why you always turn around and leave when my brother is in the room?" She asked as I let the shirt fall and rubbed my nose with the back of my arm.

"Your brother's bangs give me panic attacks. I don't mind anything asymmetrical about other people, but I would have to know your brother pretty well to look past the hair and actually talk to him. It just bothers me. I'm sure he's nice enough. Honestly, I think he's really cute." I said as I splashed water over my face in hopes of bringing down the redness around my eyes and on my cheeks. My roommate snorted before speaking, holding back her giggles unsuccessfully.

"He cuts his hair like four times a month to make sure the ends stay crisp." She laughed, causing me to turn towards her in shock.

"You're kidding." I stated, eyes blown wide as B/F laughed.

"Nope. He usually makes me help, which is why he's here at least once a week. Otherwise we're studying together."

The three of us laughed and were only interrupted by a frantic rasp against the door. B/F went to go open it and gasped, followed by giggles as she walked in with a confused Shirabu trailing behind her. We locked eyes and he shot me a friendly expression before I grabbed B/F's arm and slipped on shoes.

"We're going to get coffee." I said, voice already shaking as we walked out. My roommate's cackles could be heard through the door as I stalked off, trying to forget the horrific hair sitting across the not-so-horrific face.


I walked back to the dorm with a pout after B/F left me to go study in the library. I carried back three steaming cups of tea grudgingly under B/F's instruction. Another drink for me, one for my roommate, and one for her brother. I shuffled around in my pocket for the key and opened the door quietly, listening to the slightly muffled voices coming from the main area.

"So she doesn't hate me?" A male voice questioned, shock evident in his tone.

"Nope. Just your bangs." My roommate giggled. I walked in with my eyes trained on the drinks in my hands as I was greeted with a small smile and large smirk.

"I... I brought you guys tea. I wasn't sure if you both liked coffee so tea seemed like a safer bet..." I trailed off with an embarrassed glance up at the shocked faces of the two as I set down the drink carrier.

"I'm Shirabu Kenjiro. You can just call me Kenjiro while my sister is around." He smiled softly and held out a hand. I shook it gingerly, introducing myself while still not making eye contact. I could feel his confusion and I steeled myself before looking up with an embarrassed smile.

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