Paper Planes (Iwaizumi x Reader)

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I carried the last box into the room and collapsed on the bed, groaning into the fluffy mattress. It was at this moment of serenity and rest my mother decided to pop her head through the door.

"Start unpacking, Y/N."

I groaned as she left and rolled off the bed, bracing for impact before I hit the ground. The following thump caught my mom's attention and she yelled at me from down the stairs.

"What was that?"

"My shirt fell off the bed!" I shouted back.

"That sounded a bit loud to be a shirt."

"I was still in it."

A snort from outside my window caught my attention and I brushed back the curtain to see a smiling boy with spiky hair working on something at his desk. He looked up and waved at me, making a gesture for me to open my window more than just a crack. I shoved it open and leaned on the window-sill, resting my arms against it and propping myself up from the elbow.

"Hey there, Neighbor." He said from his desk, setting down his pencil to rest his head on one hand.

"Hello." I yawned through my response and he laughed a little.

"Nice shirt joke. Earlier I mean."

"Thanks. Not many people like my sense of humor very much. Do you want to hear a joke?"

"Hit me." He smiled and sat up again, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest.

I cleared my throat and straightened my back as if I were about to do anything important before re-draping myself over the window frame. "What did one ocean say to the other?"

His only response was a raised eyebrow and I smiled. "Nothing, it just waved."

He snorted and I decided to continue. "I can't kelp the fact that people don't like my jokes."

At this he cringed and gave a small laugh, urging me further. "Oh whale, I guess you don't like puns much. I'll seaweed you later."

At this I waved to him and smiled, turning back to my room and beginning to unpack.  I heard another snort from next door and I smiled into the box I was unpacking. I heard something behind me and turned to see a little paper airplane sitting on my bed. I unfolded it to see scrawly handwriting and a little smiley face.

Want some help unpacking, Neighbor? :)

I looked over at him and he smiled again from his room.

"You can come over and help if you want." I shrugged and held the curtains back. There was only about a foot of space between the windows and he stepped over it carefully, pulling himself through my window. He stood and dusted himself off before turning to me and holding out a hand.

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime."

"L/N Y/N"

After that we just messed around as we hung up some of my shirts and set up my desk and such. He even helped me build my bookshelf and get everything organized. We set up my entertainment center as well, hooking up my small T.V and DVD player while I piled all my movies and CD's into the little compartments. This boy even offered to help me make my bed and despite my objections, did it anyways. We set up my desk and we laid a small mint colored rug next to my bed. I went downstairs and brought up some lemonade and we sat in my room talking for a little while, admiring our work.  Suddenly, a large noise came from Iwaizumi's room and a voice shouted "IWA-CHAAAN!!" Loud enough that I could have heard it with my window closed.

"Iwaizumi is busy. Pleas stop screaming, he'll be back in a minute." I said from my window frame. He turned towards me and gave me what I assume was supposed to be a charming smile.

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