Chapter 4

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Once you and Toothless landed, you took off your helmet, looking around, soaking in the beauty of the island.

"I guess that the wind wanted us to land on Itchy Armpit," you chuckled lightly, walking towards the edge of the cliff, with Toothless following.

You breathed in deeply, smelling the cool fresh air. You smiled faintly, scratching behind Toothless' ears, causing him to purr under your touch. You smiled at him as you turned to look forward.

"I can get used to a view like this," you smiled.

"So can I."

You and Toothless whipped around, seeing Hiccup looking straight at you, with Midnight by his side.

"Dragon-napping my dragon I see?" Hiccup rose a brow, with mischief gleaming in his eyes.

"Hmm, yeah. I guess I did," you smiled innocently, shrugging your shoulders.

Hiccup walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, bringing you in close to his chest.

"Oh, then I guess you'll have to pay," he smirked, his face  dangerously close to yours.

"What are you going to do about it dragon boy?" you asked, your hands placed on his arms.

He tugged you a bit closer, bending down to capture your lips with his. Your lips touched for a brief moment, before Midnight came, wedging herself in between the both of you, seperating you both.

"Midnight!" you exclaimed, "What was that all about?"

She grumbled as she waddled away, turning her back towards you. She was upset, and you had a feeling why.

"Oh, I see. Are you jealous that I took Toothless on a flight and not you?" you asked, quirking a brow.

Her back was still facing you as she gave you a side ways glance, grumbling again once more as she turned her head away from you. You smiled, knowing that you were right.

"Alright, how about this. I'll feed you and Toothless extra fish tonight," you offered.

She then turned around to face you, her violet eyes lightning up, as she licked your cheek. You chuckled as you waved her off.

"Go on and play with Toothless," you smiled.

Midnight cooed as she bounded over towards Toothless. Them both tackling eachother as they rolled around on the grass. You smiled at the two of them, feeling two arms snake around your waist. You then were spun around quickly, colliding into Hiccup's chest.

"Now, where were we?" Hiccup asked.

You smiled as you ran your hand down his chest, pressing the button on his chest, causing his back fin to pop out. Hiccup jumped, startled, as you ran out of his arms laughing.

"[Name]!" Hiccup yelled, as he tried to get his back fin to pop back in place.

Once he got his back fin to pop back in place, he began to chase you.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" he asked, lunging at you, causing you both roll on the ground laughing.

Once you both came to a stop, Hiccup was on top of you, chuckling softly as he looked into your eyes.

"This seems very familar," you smiled.

"It does," he nodded.

"Is Toothless around?" you whispered.

He looked around quickly, before looking down at you, "No, why?"

You just smiled as you grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss his lips. His lips were soft and sweet, moving against yours gently. It was great, unfortunately you needed oxygen, so you pulled back.

Hiccup opened his eyes, seeming to be in a daze, causing you to chuckle. His cheeks turned into a rosy pink, as he apologized. You smiled as you pecked his lips.

"No need to be sorry. We should be heading back, everyone is probably wondering where we both ran off to," you stated.

Hiccup groaned as he rolled off of you, laying by your side.

"Can we stay here forever?" he asked.

"No," you chuckled, "C'mon, stable boy. You have duties to take care of, and your mother is probably wondering where we are," you stated.

You then stood, pulling Hiccup up onto his feet. You whistled for both nightfuries, causing them both to run towards you both. You saddled up Midnight as Hiccup did Toothless, both of you flying off towards Berk.

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