Chapter 22

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"Hiccup, are you sure you want to keep the dragons in the academy?" You asked, as the man gave orders to his crew, as they put the dragons inside of the academy.

"The dragons have no place to go, we're their last chance. We have to help them." Hiccup stated.

You smiled. "Well, whatever you decide, I'll stand by your side and support you know matter what."

Hiccup smiled at you in appreciation as the gang walked up to the both of you.

"Hiccup, these dragons are really dangerous, are you sure about this?" Astrid asked Hiccup, as the gang nodded, agreeing with Astrid.

"I'm sure of it." Hiccup nodded in assurance. "I trained dragons for years now, how hard could it be?"


It was hard, very hard. The dragons just wouldn't budge, wouldn't give in, nor listen to anyone, not even Hiccup. After the man and his crew left, Hiccup decided to see if he could gain the dragons' trust, but it didn't work.

Even Valka tried, and she couldn't even gain their trust! Hiccup and Valka were the best dragon trainers you ever known, yet they just couldn't their trust.

The man who befriended a Nightfury, and the woman who used to lived among dragons for many years, just could not tame the dragons.

"Hiccup, what are we going to do?" Astrid asked, as you all stood outside of the academy. "We've been trying to earn the dragons' trust all day and nothing is working. What if something happens and they destroy Berk?"

The gang nodded in agreement as they added their input. Everyone began to talk over one another as Hiccup tried to calm them all down, which wasn't working.

With a hand signal, Midnight shot a plasma blast, causing everyone to shut up immediately.

"Look, guys. I know you're all worried, I am too. Those dragons haven't been around people for a very long time, so it's going to take a little longer, and a little more effort to gain their trust." You explained.

"But how come Hiccup can't gain their trust?" Fishlegs asked worriedly.

"They're just stubborn, but sooner or later they'll warm up to us, and when they do, we'll try again." You assured, scanning their faces. "In the meantime, don't. We don't want to push them or agitate them more than we have already."

You were dealing with Deadly Nadders, Grockles, Timberjacks, Rumblehorns, Monstrous Nightmares, etc. It was a handful, but you knew in time that they would warm up to you all.

"Okay." Hiccup sighed. "Since these are wild dragons, they need to be supervised at all times."

"Why do they need to be supervised?" Snotlout asked.

"Because these are wild, dangerous dragons. As Astrid said earlier, they could destroy Berk. Yes, they're locked up, but we don't know what they're capable of. I'll set up a schedule so we'll all be supervising the dragons."

"When do we start?" Eret asked, crossing his arms.

"We start tonight." Hiccup informed.


Later that night during supper, Hiccup had passed out the schedules to everyone and setted some ground rules: No one goes near or interacts with the dragons, always stay above the academy and be on alert, etc. But the most important rule was the first; no one goes near or interacts with them.

Hiccup had also put himself on the schedule, only whenever he had free time of course. Snotlout and Fishlegs were watching the dragons this night, though they'll be taking shifts. Snotlout would take the first shift, than Fishlegs.

You knew that Fishlegs was responsible and wouldn't let Snotlout do anything, so you were okay with that. Your shift however, were a few days ahead. Astrid had switched shifts with Tuffnut so you both would have the same shifts the same night. Tuffnut would be supervising the dragons on his own the second night, which he didn't mind really. After, it would be Ruffnut and Eret who would be working together on the third night, while you and Astrid would be working together on the fourth night.

Though, Ferret was going to be in for a wild ride.

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