Chapter 17

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After you both finished eating, you both bid your goodbyes to the gang as you both headed back home. You and Hiccup both chatted casually as Midnight and Toothless ran ahead, chasing and playing with one another. Once you all reached home and opened the door, the two Nightfuries quickly took their spots by the fire pit as you and Hiccup walked up the stairs quietly, trying not to disturb Valka if she was sleeping.

Hiccup quickly grabbed his clothes as he left the room, leaving you to change. Once you finished, you opened the door letting Hiccup inside as he set his armor on his desk.

"So, did you guys find anything on the island?" Hiccup asked.

You shook your head as you laid in the bed, stretching your right arm. "Nothing really, just spotted a Terrible Terror. Nothing much."

Hiccup nodded as he slipped under the covers, laying his head on your right arm. You curled your arm slightly to play with his hair.

"What did you and mom talk about?" he asked.

"Just about random things," you shrugged, "as we were walking, we saw a bush shaking, so I pulled out my swords, ready to attack but it was just a Terrible Terror."

Hiccup chuckled. "You were that afraid?"

"No! I didn't know until I lifted the bush. You would've done the same." you replied, as you kept playing with his hair.

"I would've." he agreed.

"We then talked about those stubborn creatures, and how I wasn't really fond of them. Valka said that Stoick wasn't fond of them either. They would usually steal his fish." you stated, now realizing your mistake. "Oh, I'm so stupid. Hiccup I'm so sorry."

"No need to apologize." Hiccup chuckled faintly. "It's okay."

"Still though." you sighed.

"It's fine, I promise." Hiccup assured, turning his head to peck your cheek.

"Okay." you replied.


The next morning you woke up, looking to the right to see that Hiccup was still asleep. You assumed that he didn't have any plans this morning, which was very rare. You quietly slipped out of bed, writing a note and leaving it on the bed before grabbing your armor and swords leaving.

After you changed, you went downstairs seeing that Toothless and Midnight were still asleep. You whistled lowly, causing them to open their eyes. You opened the door, motioning them out. They obyed, wobbling out as followed them out towards the back of the house. Once outside you whistled again, seeing that Cloudjumper was looking down at you from the roof with curious eyes.

"C'mon big guy. It's feeding time."

The moment you knocked down the three bags of fish, Midnight and Toothless quickly dove in as Cloudjumper quickly flew down eating his own. Now satisfied, you headed towards the forge.


As you neared the forge, you were stopped by Snotlout who stood in your way.

"[Name], you need to help me. The twins--"

"Snotlout, I'm a bit busy and I can't deal with this right now." you stated, as you walked around him to get to the forge.

"But [Name]!" Snotlout whined.

"No means no Snotlout, and that's final." you stated,  as you continued to walk to the forge.

"Fine, than I'll just as Hiccup." Snotlout mumbled, as he quickly made his way towards the Haddock's home.

As he knocked on the door, he waited a moment as Valka opened the door. "Hello Snotlout."

"Good morning, Valka. I was wondering if Hiccup was still home by any chance?" Snotlout asked politely.

"He's still here. Would you like to see him?" Valka asked.

"Oh, yes! Thank you so much!" Snotlout smiled, as he quickly made his way upstairs and into Hiccup's room. "Hiccup! You have to help me! The twins--"

"I'm not helping you for what happened yesterday." Hiccup mumbled tiredly as he faced away from Snotlout. "Figure it out yourself."

"Fine, I will." Snotlout replied.

Once Hiccup fell fast asleep, Snotlout carefully lifted the blanket up to reveal Hiccup's peg leg.

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