Chapter 47

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After countless of hours, you were finally able to get the rock sharp enough to cut through the chain. When looking up, you saw that Arlo hadn't moved and if he had, you weren't paying attention.

As quietly as you could, you began to rub the rock against the shackle, trying to cut yourself free. After a few minutes, you heard approaching footsteps heading down towards your cell, making you stuff the rock in your back pocket. You sat calmly as the wooden door was being unlocked, watching Dagon step in a moment later, and by reading his expression, he was not happy.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, taking a few steps forward.

"Sitting here." You replied, glancing down at your hands that were on your knees.

Then everything happened so quickly that you couldn't comprehend what was going on since everything had seemed to happen in a blur. Dagon had gripped your wrists tightly, bringing you up forcefully to your feet and twisting you around, slamming you against the stone wall. Your left cheek throbbed and stung in instant pain as it came in contact with the stone.

You bit your bottom lip harshly in order to prevent the pained whimper that wanted to escape your lips. Dagon had held your wrists painfully against your back as he swiftly pulled out the rock from your back pocket, bring up the sharp end point just a fraction of an inch away from your eye.

"You think I don't know what you're planning? You think you can escape?" He had asked in a cool, soothing tone. There was no anger in his voice, it was instead sooth and calming, but it was eerie. You knew that he was angry, but he didn't let it show in his calm exterior. That was the difference between him and his brother. Drago would let everyone know he was angry. His voice was loud, filled with rage and he was hostile to anyone and everyone and he made it known. Dagon on the other hand was more calm, his voice was cold and smooth and controlled, that it would send shivers down anyone's spine. Anyone would think that Dagon wouldn't be the one who would be angry, but you knew that that wasn't true. He knew how to control his anger, unlike his brother who didn't give a crap.

"I know what you think, what you plan, I'm always going to be one step ahead of you." He stated, not releasing his tight grip on your wrists that were still painfully twisted against your lower back. "You will never leave this cell. No matter hard you try, you never will." He then lowered the rock, pressing the hard material against your arm, slicing your arm just enough to make blood trickle down. "Let this be a warning, hmm?"

He then released you, walking out of your cell. Arlo still hadn't moved from his spot, but he had seen everything that happened before directing his gaze forward toward the wall just as Dagon turned to leave the cell. Just as Dagon locked the wooden door, he glanced at Arlo briefly before walking down the hall and disappearing around the corner.

You looked down at your right arm, seeing that Dagon had made a small cut, but the blood wouldn't stop. It wasn't a lot, but it wasn't a little either. You had pressed your hand against the cut, knowing by the time it stopped bleeding, your hand would have blood on it. You slowly slid down the wall, clutching your arm a bit tighter to slow down the blood flow.

Your eyes began to glaze over, and your throat and grown a hard lump. You had looked up towards the ceiling, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Dagon was smart, dangerously smart. He knew your every move, every tactic that would help you to try to escape. He wasn't a fool, he was an intelligent man. He was going to make sure that you wouldn't ever leave this cell no matter how hard you tried. At the moment, you knew that deep down inside, you weren't going to leave this cell. And knowing that, that's what made the tears fall.


Valka had stood waiting in the middle of Berk. No one was out, they were all cooped up in their homes as Valka stood outside under the starry sky, waiting. She then heard the sound of wings flapping, making her look up to see that her son and his friends had landed. Once they all landed, Valka had walked towards her son. Hiccup had shaken his head as he dismounted Toothless, his face crestfallen which made Valka sigh. She motioned Hiccup forward, bring him into her arms.

"We're still going to look." Hiccup murmured into her shoulder. "No matter how long it takes."

Valka gently pulled away to look at him. "I know you will."

He sighed as he, his mother, and Toothless headed home as well as the gang, heading their own separate ways.

Home. Home didn't feel like home, not without you it didn't.

Snotlout had stayed in his spot, looking up at the half moon as Astrid stood beside him, looking up as well. "You were right." She told him softly, which made him look at her questioningly. "She ran away."

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