Chapter 40

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The next day, you and Valka were inside the house, talking about everything and anything that came to mind really. Midnight was resting by the fireplace and Cloudjumper was outside of course, watching over the village. Toothless took off with Hiccup to help some of the villagers out. 

"So, since Hiccup decided to keep the dragons on Berk, has he found some of them owners?" You asked. 

"Some, yes. Some of the villagers are also helping take care of them, and whenever Hiccup feels like we should release them, we will." Valka stated.

"It seems like a good idea, I don't think the dragons will cause anymore destruction if they were set free." You said with a shrug.

"I agree. You should join the meetings." Valka smiled as you sat down next to Midnight.

"I would, but that's the Chief's job." You smiled as you scratched Midnight's ears.

"You will soon once he proposes." Valka said without a thought.

"What?" You asked, snapping your attention towards her. Valka had realized her mistake, she had said too much. "Purpose? He's purposing?!" You asked as you stood up.

"[Name] calm down." Midnight crooned.

"I can't! When- when was this? When did he say?" You asked Valka.

Valka was hesitant, but spoke nonetheless. "A little while ago. A couple of weeks ago." 

"He wants to get married?" You asked in whisper.

"Well, don't you?" Valka asked. 

"Of course I do! I love your son, it's just that don't you think that it's a little early? We just began dating a few months ago." You stated. 

"He needs you to be there at his side." Valka said.

"I know, Val. I will always be there for him, it's just...marriage is a big thing." You sighed, rubbing your eyes. "I need to take a walk." 

Midnight then stood up as she followed you out the door. When you stood outside, you looked up towards the roof  at Cloudjumper. "Hey, have you seen Hiccup?"

"He went down to the academy." Cloudjumper glanced down at you. 

"Thank you." You smiled, as you and Midnight began walking. 

"I don't think this is a great idea." Midnight grumbled.

"I just need to talk to him." You sighed. Once you both walked into the academy, you saw that it was just Hiccup and Toothless. "Marriage?" You asked, making Hiccup and Toothless whip around. "You wanna get married?"

"Of course I do." He replied, walking closer to you. 

"Don't you think it's a little too early for marriage?" You asked.

"Where did- where did you hear this?" He questioned. 

"Your mom made a slip up." You answered. "We don't have to rush into things--"

"I'm not rushing into things." Hiccup shook his head. 

"Hiccup, we've been together only for a few months." You sighed.

"I know we have. I love you and I want to marry you." He said, taking your hands in his. 

"I love you too, but don't you think it's a little early?" You asked. 

"Do you? Do you love me?" Hiccup asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

You scoffed. "Of course I do! Is this about Eret?" You asked, pulling your hands out of his grip.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked. 

"I told you that there was nothing going on. We're just friends!" You told him.

"Oh boy." Midnight huffed as Toothless sat by her side.

"Really? Because yesterday you both seemed a little too close." He crossed his arms.

"We were having a duel because Snotlout wouldn't shut up about it! You know what, I can't do this." You shook your head. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, dropping his arms to his side. 

"I need a break, from all of this. I'll be back later, I just need to clear my mind." You said as Midnight quickly joined your side. 

You both walked out of the academy with Toothless and Hiccup following behind. 

"You're not leaving Hiccup, are you?" Toothless crooned in concern.

"No, I can never do that." You replied as you mounted Midnight. "I'll be back, I promise."

"Okay." Hiccup sighed, taking a step back as you and Midnight flew off into the sky.

"She'll be back, she doesn't break her promises." Toothless crooned.

"I know." Hiccup sighed.

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