Chapter 14

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After two hours of flying, you both had finally spotted an island. Luckily there was even an island, or else you and Valka would've been flying around aimlessly around.

Once you landed you took out your map, unfolding it and immediately began sketching the island. It wasn't too big nor too small, it was a decent size. Midnight grumbled beside you, looking down at the island you were sketching.

"What? What's wrong with the island?" you asked, as she grumbled again once more. "Too big?" you asked, as she nodded. "Okay, then," you rubbed the charcoal drawing and drew the island a bit smaller, "what about now?" you asked, as she nodded in approval.

As you folded the map back up amd stuck it back in Midnight's saddle, you seen Valka smiling in the corner of your eye.

"What are you smiling for," you asked, smiling a bit.

"Oh, it's nothing," she chuckled.

After you successfully tucked the map away, you scratched behind Midnight's ears as you turned to face Valka. "Okay, before we go explore. Just be careful, we have no idea what's on this island so stay alert."

Valka nodded as you both began to walk forward into the trees. The trees were quite tall, with big thick green leaves that hung from the branches. As you gazed around, you noticed that they were different types of bushes. Some were big, others were small. Some were thick, and others had barely anything on them. As you walked though, you seen that they weren't any dragons around, just a few squirrels, bunnies, and birds, but that was about it.

"What if there's nothing here? What if it was just deserted?" you asked, as you stepped over a root.

Valka knew what you meant. "Oh, I don't think so. There must be something on this island," Valka stated.

"I sure hope so," you replied, as Midnight and Cloudjumper followed behind.

"So how are you and Hiccup? If you don't mind me asking," Valka asked, as she gazed around.

"We're pretty good," you replied. "I just hope he's doing okay back on Berk."

"Oh, I think he's fine," Valka smiled.


"I am not fine!"

"Hiccup, calm down lad," Gobber motioned his hands in a calming mannor.

"Calm down? Calm down?! How can I? The twins set houses on fire! Not one, not two, but five! How is that even possible?!" Hiccup asked.

"Anything is possible with those two," Gobber mumbled.

"Not to mention that I was late for a meeting because I couldn't find my girlfriend or my mom," Hiccup ran his hand through his hair as he paced."I searched everywhere for them, only for you to tell me that they went exploring?!"

"Lad, you need to calm down before you lose your mind," Gobber stated calmly, as Hiccup sighed.

"Oh, today is not my day," Hiccup groaned.

"Hey, I know it's hard. There are going to be days were it gets hard, but you'll get through it," Gobber stated assuringly.

Hiccup sighed, "Thanks Gobber. Well I got to go. I still need to repair some of the houses, c'mon bud."

Toothless quickly followed Hiccup as Gobber shook his head sighing, "Anytime lad."


As you and Valka kept walking, you both chatted casually as both of your dragons followed. With Midnight trying to play around with Cloudjumper, who just wasn't giving in. Midnight pounced around, running over his tail and under his wings, cooing and gurgling, trying to get Cloudjumper to play, but he wasn't having it, he was more curious.

"Gosh, she's just like Toothless," you smiled shaking your head.

"Those two were meant to be," Valka chuckled.

"Yeah," you agreed. "I'm just waiting for the day for her to have mini furies running around."

Midnight quickly shot her head up, squinting her eyes at you as she glared, as Cloudjumper tilted his head curiousity. He was too cute.

"But, really. Just imagine little nightfuries running around. Wouldn't that be something," you smiled at the thought.

"Hopefully, one day we'll get to see them," Valka smiled.

"I hope so," you sighed.

As you all kept walking, a bush nearby began to shake and rattle, causing you to hold your arm out, preventing Valka to walk any further. She took out her staff as you pulled your swords out. Midnight let out a low growl as you quickly silenced her with a hand motion, and with one quick movement, you lifted the bush.

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