Chapter 54

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Two weeks later...


That was the one thing you constantly felt; it was mental, physical, and emotional.

Staying in the cell for so long had driven you insane. You were hardly fed, only eating a piece of stale bread everyday. You couldn't wash away the sweat, grime, and dirt that coated your body and skin. Your hair grew greasy, from not washing it in days.  

You were so exhausted to the point that you were sleeping all the time. Arlo couldn't help you since Dagon had people always coming by to see if anyone was aiding you. 

The day after Dagon came in into your cell, Arlo had asked why you didn't tell Dagon that it was him that helped you. You had replied that it would've been wrong since he was basically risking everything just to treat you properly. 


You turned your head to the right, looking at Arlo. "Why what?" You asked, coughing from the dryness of your throat. 

"Why didn't you tell Dagon?" He asked, as you turned to look up at the ceiling.  

"Because it would've been wrong. You basically risked everything just to make sure I wasn't starving and that I was always semi-clean. You helped me, and I couldn't, I wouldn't ever sell you out. You didn't have to do what you did, but you did it anyway. And I'm grateful for that." You turned to look at him. 

"I'm sorry." He apologized, lowering his gaze to the ground. 

"Don't apologize." You turned to look at the ceiling once more. It was bound to happen."

 Arlo didn't like how you assumed - knew that you were going to get hurt, as if you were expecting it. 

Arlo didn't like that at all.

So he tried talking to you, but now you were the one who was silent. You had shut down after that day Dagon came into the cell. Arlo had given up after a few days, knowing that you weren't going to speak to him. 

Being in a cell for so long made your mind play tricks on you. You would see shadows, bouncing from one wall to another, see things that weren't actually there, hear things that weren't there. For instance, you would hear Midnight's cries, believing that she was always in pain, but Arlo would assure you that Midnight wasn't crying nor in pain. 

No matter what though, you would still hear her desperate cries. So you would try blocking them out or try to distract yourself, knowing that they weren't real. Everything that you thought you seen or heard weren't real; it was all mind tricks.

"Get up."

You turned your head to the right slowly, seeing a silhouette of a person. He was tall, very tall. He was also very broad. He had a large reddish long beard with little bits of grays, tied in a large braid with small multiple braids from the sides. He had those haunting green eyes that seem to pierce right through you and see right into your soul.

You seen him many times; up painted in the Great Hall, sketched in Hiccup's journals, he even had a large statue that was right smack in the middle of Berk to honor him.

Stoick the Vast.

"No." You mumbled, lips dried and chapped. You threw your arm over your eyes. "You're not real."

"I am. I'm talking to you, aren't I? Now, get up." He commanded, his voice strong and firm.

"You're not." You protested brokenly. "I'm hallucinating." 

"You are not hallucinating. Now get up." He demanded in a firmer tone than before.

"Why? What's the point?" You asked, not removing your arm that covered your eyes.

"The point?" He asked, as if you were delusional. Perhaps you were. "Berk is in danger. You are the only one who can save it. You are the only one who can save everybody, now move your arm and get up."

His voice was cold and chilling, yet fiery. His voice was hard, intimidating, controlling. A voice like his can send people running for the hills, a voice like that could send chills running down people's spines, a voice like that can make people cower, tremble, cry, shake.

A voice like that can make anyone do as they're told without a word.  

You did as told, removing your arm to look at him, but still not getting up yet. "How can I save Berk when I'm locked up in this cell? Dagon knows my every move, he's always one step ahead of me."

"Not this time. Arlo will help you escape. He will be here in a minute and you need to listen to what he says. You won't have a lot of time, now get up. That's an order."

As you slowly sat upright, your muscles had protested for you to lay back down, but you pushed through the ache, pushed yourself to sit upright. Your arms trembled from pushing yourself upright, your arms not used to being used often.

Your cell door then opened, and you turned to see that Stoick was gone. Arlo had walked over and gently pulled you up. 

"We need to go. If you want to escape, now's your chance. Do and follow what I say. Change back into your armor, you have less than two minutes." Arlo quickly explained before heading out of the cell. 

As you moved towards the corner, your body screamed in protest and all you wanted to do was lay back down but you pushed on forward, changing into your armor as quickly as you could. 

Once you were done, you felt a warm draft wash over you and suddenly you felt a bit better. Your senses felt heighten and felt a small boost of adrenaline, and you felt warm inside, knowing that in your heart it was Stoick.

Once walking out of your cell, Arlo quickly strode down the hall as you quickly followed. 

"We need to get Midnight." You breathed, as you both turned into another hall. 

"We're getting her right now." He replied, dipping into a room, coming out within a few moments to give you back your swords and daggers.

You felt your heart begin to pound, knowing that you were breaking out tonight. 

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