Chapter 52

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In the morning when you had woken up, the first thing your eyes laid on was a tray that held a handful of grapes and a cup of water. 

When reaching for the grapes, you had stood up with a slight struggle as you leaned against the wall, watching the ocean waves crash against the shore all while eating the grapes one at a time. 

You had no idea who was giving you this proper - well - close to proper treatment. You didn't have stale bread as much, you sometimes were left with lukewarm soapy buckets to wash yourself clean as best as possible, and you were being served just enough food to not starve to death. 

Whoever this person was, you were grateful. The only problem was that you didn't know who it was. And if this person were to be caught by Dagon, they would have to suffer the consequences. Dagon hasn't visited your cell recently either, which was a good and a bad thing. Good because you did not have to interact with him at all, but bad because you had no idea what he was up to.

You had no idea what went beyond your cell. You had talked to Arlo, well, attempted to. He was more of a listener than a speaker. It was that or he was just ignoring you. He did reply once in awhile, but it was always cut short, and sometimes mean. 

If it wasn't Arlo that you were trying to talk to, it was that strange woman who would sometimes update Arlo on whatever was currently happening. Sometimes if Arlo was needed, she would take watch and guard of your cell. She sometimes would talk to you, but you could see the pity in her eyes which made you slightly irritated.

Mostly though you would worry, about everyone. It was getting close to the time where Midnight would be delivering the eggs, and you were extremely worried that Dagon might do something to the eggs. 

What would happen to Toothless if he found out that his babies were dead, or possibly Midnight?

You would ponder on these thoughts for days, all day really and it left you upset. You were exhausted from everything, even from thinking, which might have seemed impossible but it was possible. 

You then had sat down on the hay, lying back and staring at the ceiling until your eyes had fluttered shut.


You were woken up by the your cell door opening and hearing the shuffle of footsteps. You kept you eyes closed as you heard what sounded like a tray being placed down onto the floor softly. You had barley opened one eye to see the mysterious figure retreating out the door and locking it. You waited a few moments to see the figure taking stand by your door. 

It was Arlo. You stayed like that for several minutes, trying not to give yourself away if you gotten up too early just after he left your cell. So you laid there for awhile until you decided to 'wake up'.

When you looked at the tray, you saw a cup of water and an apple. You had taken the apple in hand as you stood up, taking notice that night had already fallen. It was dark in your cell, but luckily the moonlight had shone just enough to lighten your cell with just enough light so you weren't completely consumed in darkness. 

You tossed the apple in your hand up briefly as you looked up at your cell door to see Arlo's back facing you. You then had walked up to the cell door, leaning on the right wall. Arlo was positioned on the left side of the door, guarding it. By leaning on the right wall, you were able to see the right side of Arlo's face and body.

"I know it's you." You stated, as Arlo briefly glanced in your direction before staring at the wall in front of him. "I know you're the one who has been giving me fruits and soapy buckets of water." You told him, glancing at the apple in your hand. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He grunted, keeping his eyes forward.

"Yes you do. I've seen you placing the tray down. You must have known that I was bound to notice at some point. It was just a matter of when." You tilted your head, gazing at Arlo as you spoke in a soft tone. "Why?"

"Why what?" He gruffly asked, eyes not wavering from the wall. 

"Why did you do this?" You asked curiously. "You could be punished, yet, you still did it anyway. Why?"

Arlo didn't answer. You waited for awhile and just when you thought he wasn't going to answer you at all, he had turned his head to look you in the eyes. 

But then you both heard heavy footsteps approaching from down the hall. Arlo quickly looked away as you scurried from the wall and towards the hay. You pushed the tray into the corner where it couldn't be seen. 

Just as you leaned your back against the stone wall, trying to calm your beating heart, you heard your cell door being unlocked and being opened. 

You seen Dagon stepping into the cell, his dark eyes scanning the room. You had the tray and your armor in the corner where it couldn't been seen since it was too dark, but he was bound to notice your clothing. 

As his cold gaze landed on you, he taken taken a step forward, only to hear the sound of crunching beneath his foot. As both of your eyes had looked down, your breathing and heart seemed to stop all at once as a shiver ran down your spine.

It was your apple.

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