Chapter 60

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"How are you feeling?"


You blew out a breath as you smooth out your white dress.

Today you were getting married to the one and only, Hiccup Haddock.

And you were terrified.

Not in bad way of course. You were excited, anxious, nervous. You wanted to marry him, you really did, but you were scared because it was going to be a big change in your life, never in a million years would you thought of yourself getting married to a wonderful man.

If someone told you years ago you would get married, you would have laughed in their faces.

But here you were, getting ready to walk down the aisle.

"You're not getting cold feet, are you?"

You roll your eyes, "No, Astrid." You exhale, shaking your head. "I'm just nervous. I don't adjust well to big changes."

"Well, before this day ends, you'll find yourself being worried for nothing," she smiled, fixing your hair just a bit. "Perfect!" She took a step back, admiring your form. "Hiccup's gonna love it."

You feel your cheeks flush, "Astrid..."

She laughs at your flustered face, "I'm serious! Now, it's going to start soon so I should probably get going." Her smile falters a bit, "Are you okay, you know, walking the aisle alone? Because if you want--"

You nod, cutting her off, "I'll be fine."

She nods, her smile coming back, "Okay, just making sure. I better get going so I won't be late, and also to make sure the twins or Snotlout don't ruin anything."

You smile, "That would be best."

She smiles once more before leaving out the door. Your smile falters as you close your eyes, exhaling slowly to calm your pounding heart.

"I'm so nervous, mom." You find yourself saying. You usually talk to yourself - well - your mother when you're really nervous or scared. Which was extremely rare. "I'm gonna get married and- and I wish you and dad were here." You smooth out the non-existent wrinkles on your dress. "I need you both, especially now. I just wish you both were here."

You hear the music starting from outside the door, signaling that it was time. You exhale, holding your chin high, "Please watch over and make sure I don't fall."

You turn to the door, turning the knob to open the door.

The wedding was being held in the Great Hall, and everyone came together and decorated it and cleaned the place up to hold the wedding. They had truly outdid themselves because when coming in this morning, everything looked so beautiful.

The theme colors were white and gold. It was traditional for the royal chiefs (the Haddock family really) and you and Hiccup were so excited discussing the planning that you both didn't really mind what the colors were.

When walking out the door, you turn to the right to walk down the dim hall. You gripped your flowers tightly in your hands, and when coming down at the end of the hall, you close your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before walking out and turning to face the aisle.

Everyone was standing and staring back at you. And you wanted to cry in embarrassment. But you held your chin high, and began walking.

You look ahead to see Hiccup looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world, and it made you feel a bit better (and a little flustered).

When reaching the end, Astrid took your flowers before you stepped up on the alter. Hiccup immediately took your trembling hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles in soothing mannor.

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