Chapter 16

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As you turned around, you saw Hiccup with his arms crossed, a stern expression on his face as he glared at you. He was tapping his right foot, focusing his attention on you. Toothless was looking between you both, sensing that it was a bad time, so he quickly ran to Midnight's side.

It was silent as you took a step forward, but Hiccup held out his hand, stopping you momentarily as he stopped tapping his foot. You stopped walking, but you couldn't help thinking that he was adorable. It was probably the worst possible time to be thinking he was cute when he was clearly angry and not in the mood.

He was in the worst mood possible, but yet you couldn't help yourself as your eyes soften as you looked at him. Hiccup knew what was coming, and he could see it a mile away, and he did not like it.

He wanted to be angry, but he knew he would break just by looking at your smile.

"Don't do it, you better not do it," Hiccup stated firmly.

All you had to do was smile, and when you did, he broke his hard facade and couldn't help himself as his lips twitched up into a small smile. He just loved you so much that just your smile could light up his world.

"No!" Hiccup exclaimed, as you walked towards him. "I told you not to do it," he grumbled.

"I couldn't help myself. Just seeing you made my heart melt. Which honestly wasn't the perfect time but it worked," you smiled, shrugging your shoulders.

He had tilted his head down a bit, as he looked up at you. "I'm supposed to be mad at you."

You lifted his chin as you pecked his cheek, causing his pouty lips to twitch upwards into a small smile.

"Yeah, I know," you smiled. With a swift movement, you picked Hiccup bridal style as he gasped in surprise.

"Honestly, I thought they were going to rip each other's heads off," Eret commented.

"Nah, they both love each other too much to do that," Gobber replied.

The gang's laughter filled the air, seeing Hiccup in your arms as he glared at you. You smiled as you pecked his nose, making his glare vanish and replacing it with a soft gaze. You then let him go, making him stand on his own.

"I'm sorry I made you worry," you apologized.

"It's okay, just seeing you here made my day better," he replied smiling.

You then looked up at the sky seeing that the sun was setting. "Well, we should be heading to the Grand Hall. It's going to be dark soon."

Hiccup and the rest of the gang nodded in agreement as you all headed to the Grand Hall.


"Now tell me, how did your day go? Start from the beginning," you told Hiccup.

He sighed as he picked at his food. "Well, this morning I had to help a few villagers out which wasn't so bad. Then, when I went home to look for you, you weren't there, and neither was my mom. I panicked so I looked all over--"

"Aww, you were worried?" you cooed, as he shot you a look. "Sorry, please continue."

"Anyway, I looked everywhere: the academy, stables, docks, even the cove. I of course, didn't realize how long I was looking for you and my mom, which made me late for a meeting. After the meeting, explosions went off which triggered Hookfang to ignite himself on fire, which caused some houses to catch on fire."

"It wasn't Hookfang's fault!" Snotlout shouted from the other end of the table.

Hiccup rolled his eyes as he turned back towards you and continued. "Then, Gobber told me that you and mom went off exploring."

"Oh, I should've told you or left a note. Hiccup I'm sorry," you apologized sincerely, feeling guilt build up inside of you.

He smiled as he grabbed your hand from the table, pecking the back of your hand. "You're here now and that's all that matters."

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