Chapter 20

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When you and Hiccup came home, Hiccup led you to the table as he quickly took off upstairs, grabbing a few items up in his room.

Toothless sniffed your hand as Midnight cooed at you, as if she were complimenting you about how proud she was, and since you knew Midnight your whole life, you knew she was.

"My hand is fine, Toothless, thank you. Midnight, I know you're proud, I can see it in your eyes." You smiled as Midnight nuzzled into your side.

Just then you heard Hiccup's peg leg clunk down the steps. You looked up to see him holding a clean rag and a bowl.

"Where did you get this?" You asked, as he sat in front of you.

"Sometimes I would come home with scratches and bruises and since I was alone most of the time, I stocked up on healing supplies." Hiccup explained, as he ripped a small piece of the rag and dabbed it into the bowl, before softly applying it on your knuckles.

You hissed slightly as you felt your hand throb in pain.

"You okay?" Hiccup asked in concern as he stopped.

"I'm, fine. Just keep going." You replied as be continued.

After a few minutes, he took the rag and carefully wrapped your hand. His movements were soft and gentle, afraid that if he pressed too hard, he'll hurt you. You knew that he had the strength to really hurt somebody, seeing him in battle and also hearing the stories that the gang told you, yet he had complete control over his strength and movements.

People who didn't know him were completely fooled by his size, thinking that he was weak when really he's the complete opposite.

As he finished up wrapping up your hand, he brought it up to his lips and pecked it gently. "You are absolutely amazing."

He smiled as you felt your cheeks flush. "Well, I can say the same."

"Well, as much as I wish I can stay here, I have my duties to take care of." He sighed, as you both stood up.

"It's okay. I'll see you tonight." You smiled, as he pecked your cheek.

As Hiccup left with Toothless, you and Midnight decided to take a walk around the village. Astrid and Stormfly soon joining once she spotted you. Astrid to say the least was very proud, seeing you take a mighty punch to Snotlout's jaw.

After asking Astrid what Snotlout needed Hiccup for, she explained that the twins had destroyed some of Snotlout's furniture inside his house and messed around with Hookfang. Go figure.

As the sun began to slip below the horizon, you both headed to the Great Hall. As you ate with the gang, they teased Snotlout about getting punched and making a fool of himself which made him leave early.

You continued to chat with the gang casually until you decided to head home, seeing how late it was getting. You and Midnight walked back to the house as you played with her a bit, racing each other at first, until she decided to chase you. You couldn't help but laugh as she chased you.

Once you got there, you saw Cloudjumper sleeping peacefully on top of the roof. When you walked inside, you noticed that Toothless wasn't by the fire place meaning that he and Hiccup would be coming home late.

You quickly bid Midnight a goodnight as you headed upstairs and into the bedroom. Once you changes into out of your armor and into sleep wear, which consisted black leggings and a wool white sweater, you crawled into bed falling alseep.

After a little awhile, Hiccup arrived with Toothless. Toothless quickly took his spot beside Midnight as Hiccup quickly and quietly went upstairs, taking his armor off in the process as he entered the room. Seeing that you were alseep, Hiccup took the chance and quickly changed into his sleep wear, crawling into bed.

He carefully wrapped you into his arms, trying not to touch your hand as he nuzzled into your neck. Your lips twitched upwards slightly as you both feel into a deep sleep.


You looked around, taking in your surroundings to see that you were in the middle of Berk.

It was dark and cloudy, and ash was in the air as dead silence filled the air. Berk was never this quiet.

As you looked around, you then noticed that they were bodies everywhere on the ground, laying motionless. They were dragons too.

"This is all your fault! If you would've just warned the village, everyone would've been alive!"

You whipped around, trying to find the source of the voice, but only saw Midnight. She was growling, her violet eyes turned to slits as she stalked towards you.

"Midnight, no!" You shouted, stepping back, feeling your heart beat furiously inside your chest. "Midnight, no! No, no this can't be happening!"

She then stopped for a moment, and before you could do anything she bared her teeth as she lunged at you.

You shot up in bed, waking up with a gasp. Hiccup quickly woke, sitting up as well as he took in your shaken apperance.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked worridly, as he ran his hand over your back in a soothing way.

"I'm- I'm fine." You breathed, as you ran your hands over your face. "Just a nightmare."

Hiccuo could sense that you didn't want to talk about it. "Come here."

You moved towards him, you both lying back in bed as he held you in his arms as you laid your head on his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down your back as you sighed.

"Is there anything I can do?" Hiccup asked, as you snuggled closer to his body.

"Just hold me."

And that's exactly what he did.

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